The begining of a war.

The royal station slowly drifted in its orbit, Its eight large defensive rings slowly turned with the majestic station.

On the surface of the glowing blue planet known as Earth, His Majesty Adam Valencia, Emperor of the Azburgian Empire, walked with hurried steps through the Royal palace, Its winding corridors proving to be a nuisance at this crucial time.

His Majesty reached the war room. The room is already filled to the brim with the top generals and commanders the Empire has at its disposal.

He hurriedly closed the door behind him and immediately asked the generals, not bothered enough to go through even the most basic greeting.

"What is the current situation?" His voice was grave and his expression serious.

The soldiers in the room preferred this, it showed that their lord has taken the situation seriously.

"The Quskar Republic have made no contact with us regarding their sudden expansion towards us. And the Kuckod Regime has also not made their opinion on the sudden expansion clear."

"Has their fleet moved at all?" His majesty questioned while zooming the map towards the empty region between the Empire and the Republic.

The region on the map was labeled as the "Reginald Buffer zone," named after the commander who successfully made first contact with the Republic.

"Movement has been detected, but not enough to indicate an invasion force."

"Connect me with the Republic immediately."

After a few minutes of waiting, the leader of the Republic appeared in front of them.

"What do you want?" The republics' attitude towards them could be noticed with just this one sentence, and the people in the room flared at the disrespect towards their Emperor.

They kept quiet, however, no matter how much they didn't want to.

His Majesty simply shrugged off the disrespect and continued.

"Why have you suddenly begun rapidly expanding towards our borders?"

"We need more resources. There are resources there." The Xeno explained like he was talking to an idiot.

"Well, we demand you stop expanding at once. By expanding in or direction like this, you are threatening our security and independence. Your lack of respect for our way of life has also been noted."

"We will not take orders from you! Monarchist Bastard! We will expand where we please."

"IF you don't retreat immediately, then we will be forced to defend ourselves. Does this change your answer?"

"Your threats won't work on us."

It appears his majesty couldn't hold himself back anymore. After all, why should he give them respect when they have given him none?

"Very well. On the eighth of December, in the year three thousand two hundred and forty-eight of the Azburgian calendar, I, Adam Valencia the First, as the fifth Emperor of the Azburgian Empire, hereby officially use my authority to declare war on the Quskar Republic."

"Run. filthy xeno, you cannot fight us, and you cannot hide from us. We will come for all of you."

His Majesty shut off the communication after saying this.

The Republic had no chance to respond.

His Majesty looked at the surrounding generals and gave the order.

"Execute War plan Orangutan. You all know what to do. Mobilize every able-bodied man we have."

During the next three months, Large movements could be seen within the Republic and the Empire.

The Regime saw these changes and also mobilized whatever forces it could spare. It's clear to them that negotiations between the Empire and the Republic have broken down and war is inevitable, how could they not join in?

At this point, the Azburgian Empire has a staggering thirty-three systems and an arsenal of fifty corvettes and twenty destroyers.

Adam's head throbbed at the amount of damage that will be dealt in this war.

But if he managed to win... It would be more than worth it.

The plan is to make the Republic a subsidiary, forcing them to give their new Emperor a quarter of all their resources.

He, or more specifically his men, would kill all adults of the species, leaving only children that could be easily brainwashed into obedient servants.

The soldiers would stay in the territory to maintain it until the new servants got back and ran it faithfully for their new master.

What Adam is trying to do here is essentially the genocide of billions, ending hundreds of cultures in the process.

He is basically committing speciecide, Exterminating an entire species.

And honestly, Adam felt bad for doing this. Not for the leaders, they fucked up, it's time they get bitch slapped into atoms.

But the civilians? The children? They haven't done anything.

At least not directly, although the civilians are still dumb for choosing prideful retards as their leaders.

Nonetheless, he has no choice. Adam's spies have been observing the enemy for a long time at this point, and unfortunately, most of them have this self-righteous, selfish, attitude.

They would be more trouble than worth, only the young children can still be spared.

Well, that's just how the universe is. Survival of the fittest isn't a kind principle.

And there is a reason it's called human rights.

Well, that's the plan if things go right. But if things go wrong then... well then a special ops unit made up of fifty thousand people will go to the alien homeworld and do as much damage as possible.

Another fifty thousand will board whatever remains of the alien fleet, taking over any ships they can and turning them against the others.

And they knew how these ships worked, and even the insides of their xeno enemies.

How? Well, there are more vessels than just military ones, science, and construction ones.

These other types in the Empire are incredibly rare unless they are cargo ships, but in the Republic, it isn't uncommon to have rich people with their own personal ships.

some of these ships wandered a bit too close to the border during the past three months...

...And they were never seen again.

Thanks to the noble sacrifice of these aliens, they understood how they worked, got detailed information on how to hurt them, what their current situation was, and even how their ship worked.

Of course, even an absolute monarchy can't hide something forever.

Especially not something of this magnitude. And the people wanted an answer.

It's not that they didn't want war, no, no, no, they are more than willing to do as the Emperor commands... But they wanted to know the reason why they will risk their lives.

So I had to make another speech to my people.

I gotta say it's difficult to come up with a reason for this... I mean they haven't done anything directly to us, but they still threaten us constantly, and in the future, they might become unmanageable, and if they find like-minded aliens to join them...

...It would be catastrophic.

So I slowly walked out onto the balcony, the view is beautiful. It is hundreds of meters in the air, giving me a view of the glorious capital.

Bellow me is the royal courtyard, which is filled with people.

I slowly opened my mouth and addressed my people.

"My people, as you most likely know, we are in a state of war with the Quskos Republic. These Xenos have no respect for our opinions and way of life. They are constantly threatening to invade us to 'Liberate' you from the power of me and other 'Noble pigs'..."

"I truly tried to make peace with these Xenos, to put our differences aside, but in their self-righteousness and selfishness they only insulted our history, belittled our achievements, and even went as far as to threaten my family personally!"

"And now, they have begun expanding towards us without any warning. I contacted their leader, but they refused to retreat despite my warnings."

"This is why I chose to declare war on these aliens despite the risks involved. You are all smart, so I think I don't have to explain what could happen if we just let this cancer grow right next to us. And who knows? maybe there are more like-minded Xenos around us! So we must take the initiative to protect ourselves from these threats."

"Could you imagine if these aliens united to exterminate us because we have a different opinion than them? Could you imagine your wives and husbands being killed right in front of you, while you are completely powerless to stop it?"

"That is why we must strike first! The universe has proven to be as hostile as we have feared, but nothing can stop us! No Xeno! No Abomination can challenge our will and spirit!"

"These self-righteous idiots are like the people of the old world! And we all know what happened because of them... They almost killed every living being on this planet. Who knows what such out-of-control, radical people might do in the future?"

"For our safety and the safety of all life! Sapient and primitive. We must stand against such fools, who, in their ignorance may cause irreparable damage!"

"SO! My people. Do YOU stand with YOUR Empire and Emperor!?"

I received a resounding cacophony of noises of approval, which was never a question.

These people love me and trust me with their lives, they simply wanted to know the reason why I suddenly declared war on another Interstellar nation.

And my reason is more than good enough for them.

I confidently waved and stepped back from the balcony after a while, I even threw some flowers down, with a miny parachute so that it doesn't hurt anyone of course.

After that, I stepped back into the palace and walked back into the war room.

"How is the army?" I immediately asked.

"The fleet is fully prepared and ready for action your majesty. "

"The special ops is also fully equipped with power armor and ready to blast some filthy Xenos," another general answered.

"Good. How many corvettes and destroyers are going?"

"Around thirty corvettes and in the initial push, the rest of the fleet, twenty-three destroyers, will be hiding behind a gas giant, using its shadow we will escape the enemy's detection, the corvettes fleet will execute a feint retreat, and lure them right above the ambush fleet."

"The alien fleet has how many ships?"

"The alien fleet is comprised of Thirty corvettes and twenty bulkier corvettes, there are no differences between the two except the bulkier corvettes are, well, really thick."

"We assume their sole purpose is to counter missiles."

"Right gentlemen. Get ready for a real war."

"I'll see you on the battlefield," I told them and walked out of the room.

Yes, I will be going to the front line, because what's more inspiring than the Emperor fighting by your side?

Of course, I have already taken all necessary precautions in case I die in combat.

My brother Brock will become Emperor if I die, and my uncle will serve as regent until he gets to eighteen years old.

The day of the invasion has finally come, and funnily enough, it's exactly on Christmas.

Today is the exact day I have been here for two years... And I plan on staying for a lot longer.

Brock escorted me to the ship, hugged me, and cried a bit.

And then we set off, towards a hopeful future and bloody trial by combat.

Whatever trials the universe throws at me and my people, I am sure we will persevere.

Because no one can make a united humanity kneel forever.

Not even a god.