A war for the ages!

The conflict only got more and more heated, with each sphere of influence all at total war with one another, any notion of alliance from the previous age only left as simple non-aggression pacts, which were as fragile as glass, most broken intentionally or unintentionally within the first few months of the war.

The average soldier became an expandable number once again, like with most wars.

The quote, "One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic" embodies the situation the best.

Only the trade agreements between the master-servant relationships held up since the loyal subjects did everything in their power to aid their masters.

This also, on the contrary, meant that any subjects who had not been properly subdued and tamed were not feeding crucial information to their master's enemies, much of which reached Azburgia.

These civilizations quickly found themselves on the receiving end of a lot of abuse from all sides, their weaknesses exploited against them, leaving them quickly dwindling in might and size.

Azburgia, in this perilous time, surprisingly was not as aggressive as expected, instead opting for a slow and steady approach instead.

This meant that their casualties, which were often one of the highest ones, were incredibly low, and their fleet retained much of its strength from before the war began.

This put them in an advantageous position, which they promptly exploited to crush the battered fleets of the great alliance, which had been facing attacks from other nations besides the Azburgians.

The invasion was a difficult process, with every little bit of land being a hard-fought victory, the alliance clinging on to their pride and hope, fighting with ravenous intent.

Eventually, the Alliance officially disbanded, its members all succumbing to either Azburgia or its many other enemies.

Azburgia continued its expansion, the stars kneeling before their dominion and might, but with expansion came size, and with size came troubles.

Their Empire was simply too big for everything to run smoothly now, ships from the outer edges of the Empire would need to travel for years to get to Earth, and the fleet was the same.

The surrounding weaker powers jumped on this opportunity and attacked the Empire while they were overextended, pushing them back until they reached some former alliance planets, where they were promptly pushed back.

Still, this was most certainly a problem, and the Empire was let on the defensive for many years because of it, its scientists struggling to develop a more efficient variation of the HyperDrive.

The other champions did not have this issue, foreseeing the problem and already equipped with superior HyperDrives or not large enough yet for it to be an issue.

This was a rare instance of an oversight within the Azburgain ranks, something which has not happened as far as many could remember.

Adam was also surprised when he realized he missed such an obvious and inevitable problem, just think of Russia in his past life.

A truly colossal nation in the past, and even now, but it needs a long time to mobilize fully, its surface area is half the surface area of the moon, and it would take years to walk across it from one end to the other.

(FUN FACT! Russia's surface area is almost half as large as the surface area of the moon!)

The point is that traveling in the Empire has become a huge chore, which is slowing down trade and lowering the number of tourists in it, meaning those sources of income have taken a huge plunge into the deep end.

The economy was far from shaken by this, as these were not the main sources of income for the royal treasury, but it was still an issue that could spiral out of control and become a huge security risk.

So the Azburgian war machine stopped dead in its tracks, making the surrounding powers breathe a sigh of relief. For now, they were safe.

The other parts of the Orion Arm were not so peaceful, to the north close to one of the edges of the Orion Arm, the outer powers moved for the first time.

The Kluzarian Dominion, a champion race with no subjects but rather an immensely large territory, continued its attacks on the weaker races around it, purging all aliens and colonizing the worlds with only their people.

Now, they were the ones about to get purged.

The outer powers crushed their fleets, not a single ship lost to the primitive attacks of the Dominion, but thousands fell on the side of the dominion in a hopeless slaughter.

The once proud race was not subjugated but exterminated.

In one month, an entire civilization disappeared.

A ship the size of tens of battleships clobbered together was spotted hovering above the Dominion homeworld, a single large gun was pointed down on it.

After days of charging up, the weapon fired, a radiant blue beam crashing into the planet below.

A create that could be seen from space appeared where it hit, and a shockwave that spun around the planet obliterated any living thing on the surface.

It was like the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs cranked up to eleven, and that wasn't all.

Next, a blue mist shrouded the whole planet. it seeped into the dirt below and flooded the caves, anything that survived the initial shockwave was killed by deadly poison and a lack of breathable chemicals.

What remained was a blue world, the trees, and plants all withered and died, replaced with ethereal blue trees and short stubby blue grass.

Strange creatures suddenly emerged from the remaining fog, large worms tunneled beneath the dirt, large predators stalked the blue forests, and the world was completely changed, forever.

This could never be reversed.

This was a clear message for the rest of the Orion Arm.

"You are doomed, no surrender can save you now."

And so, the entire Orion Arm became quiet, every species taking a break to absorb what they just witnessed.

This was something beyond anything else they had ever seen.