Azburgian History

Humanity has always been feared, even other humans feared one another because they all know what they, and by extinction, others were capable of.

Animals were alert when humans were nearby with spears, men beat one another to death with clubs and spikes, which transitioned to swords and bows, which transformed into rudimentary firearms, that paled in front of nuclear bombs.

In Europe, before the calendar existed and time was still measured in suns and moons, the first Azburgians built villages, and their tribes dominated all others in the region today known as Eastern Europe.

The Slav culture there was joined together with theirs, the two becoming indistinguishable from one another and forming the base of the modern Azburgian culture.

They expanded and the first nations appeared, all of them uniting under one banner thanks to outside pressure.

The Germanic tribes and The Roman Empire from the West threatened to conquer them and kill them all, while the Russian hordes from the East raided and pillaged their cities, so they came together as one.

Eventually, the Romans fell under their weight, and the German's relentless assaults, not to mention each Emperor was more corrupt than the last, doomed the once mighty Empire.

The years passed as the young nation simply took notes of each mistake made, their libraries growing larger and larger, their system more and more efficient, and the council that led the nation at the time led the nation to prosperity.

The Azburgians defended Europe with their Polish brothers against the Mongol hordes, the age of steel and chivalry was upon them soon after.

Thanks to its unparalleled wisdom and wise leadership, the nation prospered for hundreds of years, becoming the beacon of civilization and trade.

rumors of their valiant troops could be heard across the old world, while their leaders made favorable agreements with their neighbours.

up until the 1200s Azburgia prospered, but like anything else, all will be washed away in time.

A council member known as Karel IV noticed the rapid corruption which seemed to be consuming the nation alive and in a swift but violent takeover, he reformed the nation into a monarchy, one which granted him absolute power.

The people were scared, many fled, but they would soon return.

under Karel's wise leadership, the Empire became more powerful than ever, and for the first time since its creation, it conquered great pieces of land.

The Balkans were dominated, their shared Slavic lineage made them an easier target.

After that, unfortunately, or fortunately, the first Emperor died and his descendants took the reigns.

The royal palace was constructed in the year 1700, a mere shadow of itself when compared to today, but nonetheless it stood.

The First World War was bloody for the Empire, the Russians attacked them from the east while the Germans fought with the British in the west, and they failed.

The palace was burned, and the library which contained thousands of years of history was destroyed.

Famously, the Emperor at the time, who looked upon the burning capital city of Prague, the castle burning in the distance, said this: "Azburgenses non obliviscuntur nec dimittunt."

"The Azburgians do not forget, nor forgive."

That was the moment the Azburgians changed from a trader and adventure people to a people built for war.

And they lived up to those words during the Second World War.

They sided with the Germans, and even though the Germans clearly considered them lower, the Azburgians used them to weaken the Russians before delivering the final blow.

Moscow burned, the still living Russian Empire was devastated at the loss, and it wasn't everything.

St. Petersburg.



Nizhny Novogorod.




Each one burned, and not one major city was left untouched.

A vast majority would later be condemned for war crimes, but they did not care in the slightest.

Their response was a simple sarcastic: "Dont play with fire if you don't want to get burned."

Rage filled each level of Azburgian society as nationalism ruled the minds and bodies of the citizens, each one more zealous than the last.

They would not just let the Austrian painter win and eventually come for them, no no no, he would suffer an even worse fate.

He actually thought pretty highly of them but hated the Slavic parts, which enraged the Azburgians, who punished him severely.

Germans were slaughtered like cattle, only women were spared, with only young still malable children left to be brainwashed.

Thousands of years of advanced military warfare tactics and years worth of blinding anger were unleashed on an unsuspecting world, and many bled.

Needless to say, the Russians never recovered, and neither did the Germans.

Instead, the remains of both were annexed into the newly renamed Azburgian Empire, a nation that owned all of central Europe, east Europe, and all of the Russian Empire.

The world feared them, as they should.

The only nation in the world that could hope to challenge them was America, the great shithole of debt and merciless capitalism itself.

The nation that screamed freedom to everyone while being one of the most racist countries in the world that purely fed the rich while starving the poor.

The Azburgians despised it.

The Nuremberg trials were not filled with generals who thought they were doing the right thing and ones who were horrified when they realized the ramifications of their actions. No.

There were men with smiles who fully understood that they drove two cultures into extinction, fully understood that by world standards it was a heinous act, and gave absolutely no care for it.

"It was an order, and the fuckers had it coming." Became a quote to be remembered for generations.

In the modern era, it would go on to be called BASED.

With the Cold War between Azburgia and America in full swing, the internet took its first baby steps and slowly grew into the behemoth it is today.

Debauchery became more and more common, suicides skyrocketed, and taxes spiked with inflation as the American economy went further and further into debt.

The Azburgians held onto their traditional way of life, women had rights already for a good while.

As the mothers of them all, they deserved respect and care, such is the duty of a man.

To provide and protect became the motto of the Azburgian Empire, the men held on to their identities and did not shift into the other billion new sexualities and identities.

They could if they wanted to, but common sense prevailed in the borders of the nation.

Oh? You are transgender? Cool. Oh. You want to go into the women's toilet because you are transgender...? How about no you fucking donkey?!

(Like, unironically, tf is wrong with people these days? Biological men competing in women's sports, it's fucking brain dead.)

The nation prevailed while others felt the strain of their working class's dissatisfaction.

Eventually, things came to a head when communist China, a new power in Asia, and America, had tenser and tenser relations with one another.

One miscommunication later, and the apocalypse was nigh.

The Azburgians survived, and eventually went on to dominate the Earth.

And we know how history went from there.