Doll Transformation

The spoon clinked against the bowl softly as Corey wiped the back to keep the soup from dripping. She then moved the spoon to feed Milan. They were at the side, the woman dealing with the weak bride. The woman ran into them when they exited the clinic. Since Melba needed more hands, the old maid was allowed to deal with the bride’s needs.

As for Melba, she was cleaning the Bride’s Chamber. She was mopping the blood off the floor. However, she couldn’t get it off with simple soap and water. The priestess would use strong cleaners, but the bride was eating at the side.

Squelch. The priestess heard how the rug seemingly squelched behind her. When she turned to find the stubborn bloodstain, it was as if something pushed their huge thumb to remove the blood. She quickly dropped a wet rag to absorb the blood and placed it inside another bucket. She would just wash that blood off when she finished restoring the chamber.