Does Lasair Like Dances? (1)

No matter. Esperanza just got out of the bushes where she hid. Since the bride was home, she should make her presence known again. She just hoped she didn’t look shabby from running away and hiding from her father’s men.

The police officer who greeted Milan earlier saw her coming and dusting her clothes from the leaves. He took out his radio and contacted the sheriff: “Chief, Miss Anne is here again. If Mr. Clifford is looking for her, she’s here at the Sacred Hut. Over.”

[“He didn’t file any request yet, but keep an eye on her. Over.”] From the other end of the radio, Boris sighed. The problem child was so good when she was sleeping. Now that she was awake again, the police had to keep an eye on her like she was a criminal—just like before.

“Roger, sir. Over.” The police officer kept his radio and puts his arms akimbo as she walked up to the gates of the Sacred Hut. “I already said the Divine Bride cannot see visitors without the priestess around.”