A New Body

Milan turned to the parish priest. The other man continued, “Sorry, Your Innocence. The men are quite familiar with the few police officers we have on the island. One of them identified the person as Andrew Jones. Are you sure you want to see him?”

“…I need to make sure he’s dead.”

Milan missed grabbing Owen’s hand as he ran off, but he didn’t care too much. Owen just chased after him back to where they found Boris. However, the sheriff was not there anymore. Carl was the one watching over that spot.

The bride would say something, but he saw Rion and Boris standing around the supposed sunken spot. The people seemed to be loading a body into a stretcher to be raised over the ground. Milan wanted to get closer, but he didn’t want to bother Carl. Getting into an argument with the Deputy was a waste of Milan’s time. However, Owen just took his arm and got him through under Carl’s gaze.