Unlike other times, Milan was not spending the night in the Sacred Hut. He was reading up old scriptures that the parish priest had saved from the church. In fact, it was because the storage was getting filled with other things. To make room, he brought the oldest things to his house. It was good, seeing how the church was blown up days ago.
Owen and Davion volunteered to stay with him, the doctor browsing the books carefully as well. The other man was merely sitting around, watching Milan and Davion work through the books.
“You’ve got to give it to these people. They managed to keep a small religion alive for so long.” Davion sighed and finished a hardbound book. “I can’t even find any trace of them sacrificing live people for their pagan god. The brides are a different story, I guess. I mean, aside from the brides, they don’t even kill livestock to honor him.”