Find Another to Take Care of Them Because He Couldn't

“Do you miss her so much?” Mauve looked away, sensing the breaking heart next to him. “Your dad must be so lucky, then. He didn’t even need a few months to move on from one person to another. As soon as they die, he’s onto the next one.”

“Who is that guy in your photo?” Augustus only pushed away the topic—his deceased mother. It was true that her marriage with Martin was not the best, but she was an angel nonetheless. He didn’t want to hear about how it was his father’s fault that Maeve took her own life.

Mauve remembered how Augustus saw the photos. She just took the last one out again and handed it to Augustus. “You might not know him, but that was Anthony Sheppard. I met him on the mainland more than two decades ago. I thought he was the one for me, but he continued to be haunted by his first marriage. Even when he passed away, he had become my standard.”