Set Yourself Free, Little Wolf

Milan stared at the vanishing sight. He knew that Lasair would win over that wolf, but he didn’t know how possessive Lasair could get. Melba had long said that the doll-faced demon was a greedy deity. Before, Milan only thought it was a joke because of Owen. Right now, he realized that Owen was Lasair, and Owen didn’t even like his other boyfriend and his very mother.

If Lasair was placed inside the club with all those men calling out for Miles Beaufort to phantom-grind with them, then… how many of Milan’s patrons would walk out alive?

“Why did I forget about it?” Milan laughed to himself, attracting Mauve’s attention. He then held on the side of his face, feeling the flowers that were perpetually in full bloom. “Fuck, I can’t just return to the mainland. Lasair will massacre everyone who will pay me to dance.”

“Miles?” Mauve called his attention, but Milan only flashed a smile at Mauve. He even said, “Just wait for me to get back home, Mama! I promise I’ll meet you there!”