2.9 Warnings

Once they had come back from City X, Shu XinYi saw Isabel less and less. She was making her slumber too obvious but Shu XinYi could only comfort her and make sure Miss Lisa and her could exchange letters swiftly. Shu XinYi had settled with the trading world well and was working alongside Leo who had become better and better at handling legal matters.

Leo had improved a lot from his past experiences and was adapting to the world well. Once they came back from City X Shu XinYi found time to look for the camps Leo last resided in. He had already talked to father that he wanted to fund these camps, but when he went to find the camps, it had been in ruins and not a single sign of life could be found. Maybe all the people here abandoned this place. Shu XinYi didn't dare tell Leo about it.

Shu XinYi still didn't give up and used the profits he had earned to build a proper residence here for travelers or homeless people to reside. There were some gaurds of the Xalvadore family placed there too so what happened before doesn't happen again. The residence was not an intricate build so it took only a month for the camp residence to complete.

Shu XinYi was not aware that when he went to the campsite to oversee the building process, Leo would sometimes follow him and watch him work. Leo had obviously known that everyone had abandoned this camp. It was the worst one of all that he lived in, and was going to turn to ruins sooner or later. Leo even wished that it would turned to ruins so all those people would leave him and his mother alone.

Leo watched as Xavi talked with the builders and with the gaurds, commanding them with his usual arrogant tone. Like he was above them all. He is the man I love, Leo thought. He can be no one else's but mine. Leo was happy. For Leo that young man is like a flower blossoming in the eroded ruins, Lustrous and beautiful.

Shu XinYi had planned to do this even if he didn't love Leo. He would still show him the true Elena and guide him towards a better future. Now that he knew Leo was LiFeng he was even more determined to be with him and keep him healthy both mentally and physically. He had kept all this a secret from Leo since he had not done this to impress Leo. It was enough that he did it. He didn't have it in himself to tell about it to Leo.

Once the construction was complete, Shu XinYi had again become buzy with dealings and writing letters and contracts. Well, Leo was always around him, helping him with lengthy tasks and Leo had become a lot more thick skinned, flirting in day time while they were outside as well. Leo once also very cheesily made sugar bunnies and gifted them to him saying "Although they look a lot like you, you taste much better then them."

Shu XinYi would try his best not to give in to his cheesy flirts but he would inevitably be swept away and for half the night he would be taken by Leo. It had become pretty normal for them to sleep together and have breakfast together. Shu XinYi wanted to have dinner together as well but Leo says "You are the young master, little bunny. You should dine with your family at dinner. No use arguing with me. First Mother will be angry if I eat together on the same table. Master too would not tolerate this behavior."

"Tch so annoying. If they can't tolerate then we should run away." Shu XinYi said with his head resting on Leo's arm.

"Sure, I will go wherever you want to go." Leo replied

fiddling with Xavi's hair. Shu XinYi grinned and closed his eyes to sleep.

The next morning they had early breakfast as usual but when Shu XinYi was going out to work Leo said that he will not be going since he had to go somewhere else. Shu XinYi didn't question him and just went for work. Meanwhile Leo went to Mr.Albus. Today the thing he was making should have been completed. When he went to Mr.Albus, he said that he had already delivered it with someone to the residence using Leo's name.

Leo was a bit worried as he hurriedly went back to the house. He asked Mr.Albert if he had recieved anything with his name and he said "Ah yes, Lady Elena had taken the parcel with her saying you informed her to take it."

Leo thanked him and rushed to Elena's room. The door was unlocked and when he entered he saw Elena was admiring a beautifully carved black ring with a small crimson ruby inlaid at the top. Leo was enraged but he kept his calm asking "Elder sister, how is the ring?"

"It looks beautiful did you buy it from Mr.Albus? His designs really are improving. Did you buy this to show me his new design? If Mr.Albus is ready then, tell him to only sell these designs to you and bring them all to me. I will know what to do with them." Elena was genuinely impressed by this unique design.

"No, Elder sister. This .. this is for someone I love dearly. Mr.Albus made a compensation for me after many requests. The one you are wearing is the for me and the other one in the box is for the one I love." Leo replied honestly but shyly. Which weren't his true emotions at all but he had learned to be shy in front of Elder sister Elena, when he was alone with her. All this time he had been telling Elder sister about the basic things Xavi did and she just humphed saying she could do it better, Once he falls I will teach him how to be a trader properly, just let the right time come.

"Really, but My dear Leo. The one you sized for yourself fits me better. The other one will only fit on my little finger. If you wanted to give me a surprise then atleast you should have worked on it properly. Here take it back to the wielder and make it of the same size as yours, then it can fit both of us." Elena said as he saw Leo make a pained face, she took it as him being embarrassed about his mistake.

Obviously it wasn't a mistake, Leo had made the other one for Xavi's little hands. He was glad that Xavi's hands are smaller than Elder sister's. If elder sister had worn the ring he had made for Xavi, he wouldn't want Xavi to wear the same ring, even though it was inlaid with a ruby, a little something his mother had left him. He had told Mr.Albus to cut it into two pieces and make two rings with meaningful carving.

Leo didn't bother to clear the misunderstanding. He had always only talked in a respectful and sometimes shy tone with Elder sister and never had he made any advances. Elder sister was the one thinking things on her own and Leo could tell that it wasn't love or even like that Elder sister shared with him. he just left after saying good day.

That night Shu XinYi came back late. He had already informed father and Leo that he would be late. When he came back, everyone seemed to have gone back to their rooms after dinner. Shu XinYi went to the kitchen and found Leo working in there with a little apron. No one seemed to be around so Shu XinYi greeted him with a kiss. Leo kissed him back saying "Go change your clothes and stay in your room. I will bring the food upstairs in a while then let's have dinner okay."

Shu XinYi nodded to his house-wife hubby and went to his room to change. Shu XinYi knew that Leo was scheming with Elena in one way or another that's why she hadn't done anything note worthy yet or else a person like her won't be able to stay calm. Shu XinYi had chosen to trust Leo. So he decided to do it till the end. If Leo chose Elena over him then he would still make sure to disrupt the world before leaving, but before that happened he would not doubt Leo.

Shu XinYi got out of the bath and Leo had prepared the table in the room with two chairs by the balcony. The food smelled heavenly as usual but what caught Shu XinYi's eye was that Leo was all formally dressed up. Shu XinYi was a bit embarrassed looking at his own clothes but Leo assured him and motioned him to have a seat.

Shu XinYi almost paid no attention to the food while he was eating. After Shu XinYi finished his servings Leo cleared the table and joined him again in only 2 minutes. Shu XinYi didn't know what to say so he just stared out side the balcony when he heard Leo say "The thing I was making along with Mr.Albus is done. Do you want to see?"

Shu XinYi looked at him and nodded saying "yes yes show me."

"Before that I have a few words for you to listen." Leo said.

"Ok go on. I am listening."

"Xavi, When I was young I thought maybe if I grow up and become stronger, then I will live a good life. When I grew up and became strong, well physically atleast, I saw that my life only got more difficult. So I came to understand that there is no good life out there waiting for me, but since I started loving you, I thought even if life is no good, eating with you like this on a quite night is good enough." Leo let this information settle in and then said "What do you think is a good life?"

Obviously Leo was nervous while asking this.

Shu XinYi thoughtfully replied. "A life lived, is a good life. Living is enough."

"Then Xavier, Although this world may not allow us, are you willing to live a lifetime with me?" Leo said with a little hint of confidence.

"Of course, I am always willing." Shu XinYi said with a sweet little smile. Shu XinYi hadn't expected Leo to take this step but he was happy with the decision.

Leo took out from his pocket, a beautiful pure black ring with intricate carvings and a crimson ruby is the center, it was obviously a little different from the one Elena wore but they had the same look. Leo got on his knees which surprised Shu XinYi. This was well before the time when people had began to propose on knees, Moreover the word "bunny" was only used for actual bunnies but Leo called him like bunny in a lover's sense. Maybe this Leo remembers a little something from LiFeng's life or maybe these traits are just natural to him like when Leo bit his ear saying he just thought he should do it because it felt right.

Well whatever the reason maybe, It was not important for today so he gladly put his hand forward and Leo put the ring on his ring finger. It fit really well and Shu XinYi liked it a lot. Then he remembered he doesn't have a ring so his expression turned worried. Leo stood up when he noticed this and asked holding Leo's hand and looking at the ring "What is it don't you like it?"

"No no it's beautiful. Really I love it . But I uh I don't have a ring for you, uh I will -"

"Well isn't your husband the most reliable then? Look I had requested to make a pair of these rings. One for you one for me. If you agree to serving your husband 5 nights a week, unless you don't want to of course, then I will give you this ring for free. Then you won't have to worry about buying me a ring no?" Leo was obviously teasing, he had no terms for his love, just living by his side is enough.

"You - whatever. I'll sleep with you when I want. Give me the ring I want to put it on you myself." Shu XinYi angrily said.

"here." Leo was more than compliant.

Shu XinYi put the ring on his finger and said "It looks really good. Was the whole design your idea? Even the carvings?"

Leo intertwined their hands with rings and said "Hmm. It was." He kissed Shu XinYi's hands and the both of them went at it again for the night.

Shu XinYi didn't want to remove the ring in the morning but Leo passed it through a thick black thread and tied it around his neck saying "It's enough that you keep it near your person for now. If you want to still show off our love then do so, young master. I really would love that but I also don't want anything to hurt you."

Shu XinYi couldn't argue any further. Leo didn't remove the ring since he could just say it was from someone special and it won't be a problem.

The next few weeks were happy and peaceful for both of them, but it was only the calm before the storm. Elena had been happy that Leo was fully in her control even going out of his way to buy a ring. This was good. She liked this control, this power. Soon enough I will get brother Xavi out of the way and with no one in sight father will chose Leo. Leo my very own puppet.

She had waited for 3 weeks for Leo to show up with the ring of the correct size around this time but not only did Leo not bring the ring, he had stopped communicating with her at all. Leo had assured himself, staying all this time with Xavi, that Xavi loved him and would stay with him. So now he didn't care what Elder sister thought about him, he had also realized that if he keeps acting, his little bunny will get angry at him for still keeping contact with Elena.

So he had dropped all pretense and just acted his usual cold self around Elena as well.

"What is it my dear Leo, You have been busy these days?" Elena approached him one day.

"Elder sister, you may call me just Leo. No I haven't been busy." Leo coldly said.

"Oh just great then My dear Leo. The time has come for you to act against brother Xavier. You manage all his accounts right, Listen to me. First you're goin-" Elena was angry, but she didn't want to lose here.

"No elder sister. I won't do anything to go against brother Xavi. Brother Xavi is a good man unlike you." Leo claimed.

"Huh. What do you mean No? My dear Leo, I tell you to go against brother Xavier so you go against him or do you wish to abandon and betray me like you did with your mother." Elena resorted to her old tactics.

"DON'T. Elder sister, don't compare my mother to yourself. You are not worthy." Leo's mother was a kind women, who expected nothing in return.

"Huh? Are you drunk. Leo it's me you are talking to. Don't forget, I was the one who comforted you, I was the one who asked father to let you stay."

"I have said my thanks for the past 6 years haven't I? Elder sister you are the young lady of the Xalvadore family that's the only reason I show you respect right now but if you dare go against brother Xavi, I won't be respectful anymore." Leo was trying his best to stay calm.

"You filthy street scum. You dare talk back to me? Don't forget that you are lower than me. You think you can stand here and threaten me?" Elena had also dropped her pretense and the real Elena now laughed and clapped her hands continued to say "I am the reason you are able to stay alive right now. Your mother really is very unfortunate to have a son like you, who lets her get ra*ed and die only to let yourself escape."

Leo's mind and heart both were painful with these harsh words but he maintained his sanity as he said "Elena, you think too highly of yourself. If you really were more capable then brother Xavi then you would become the heir but instead you chose to focus in a non existent race you think you have with brother Xavi. I will let you think childishly all you want but if your actions interfere with brother Xavi in anyway I will not tolerate."

Elena laughed like a crazy person saying "Me? I am in a race? No my dear Leo the race is already over and fate has made me the winner. Sooner or later I will be the heir, pests like you can't stop me. I do pity you though, here you are speaking up for your dearest elder brother but unfortunately he won't do the same for you once father makes a decision against you." Elena was determined to throw Leo out of the house now, to make him remember his place.

"I have warned you. Elena." Leo stated.