2.10 Bend and break

Leo left Elena's room and entered Xavi's room closing the door behind. It was evening and Shu XinYi had just gotten out of the bath when he saw Leo sitting on the bed with his head low. Shu XinYi could tell that something had gone wrong so he asked Snow.

"Master, Leo has just confronted Elena about his loyalty to you. Shall I send you the recordings?"

"No, don't."

Shu XinYi walked towards Leo and sat down beside him.

"I- am I a good man? Was my mother really that unfortunate?" Leo said while trembling slightly.

Shu XinYi hugged Leo and said "Will an unfortunate mother ever find a son who endures nights of torture but still takes food to her with a happy face so she doesn't feel any pain? You are a good man Leo. If you trust me then don't doubt my words."

Leo didn't say anything and just hugged Shu XinYi back. After a while Leo said in a small voice but to Shu XinYi it was like an echo that he heard directly from Leo's heart "Thankyou for loving me, my XinYi."

Shu XinYi gulped and he was silent for a while. Leo let go of him when he felt a bit better but he saw that Xavi was making contemplating face and he heard Xavi stutter "L-leo what d-do you mean b-by Xin-XinYi?"

"It means heart's harmony in chinese. I feel like you are my heart's harmony. So I called you Xin.Yi. I read it a while back when I was going through some scrolls about the wuhan dynasty. Do you not like it?" Leo replied honestly.

No, Shu XinYi loved the feeling of hearing his real name from Leo's mouth. How was it that Leo came across this particular scroll with his correct name characters, however coincidental it may be, Leo or whoever this unidentifiable being is, must have known his name and only recognized it and felt it familiar. Or maybe Shu XinYi was being too optimistic.

"No I - I like it. Can you call me XinYi from now on?"

"Okay. XinYi. I love you."

The next day father called him to have a conversation. Shu XinYi went to father's study and joined him very naturally in a conversation. A little while later Father said while joining with the previous topic "Yeah that reminds me, Xavi your sister came to me with a complain about Leo last night, I am sure you are aware?"

"No father, pardon me for my negligence. Can I learn of the matter."

"Leo is - well I am sure you understand that Leo is a grown man. Your sister too has grown to be a beautiful lady. She complains that Leo is - well he is trying to ready her for marriage. I can understand if Elena appreciated this behaviour and allow Leo to marry her, if I see him a a capable man but Elena discourages all such behaviours from Leo. If Leo continues to disturb her then I can only chose my daughter, as a father."

"I ask for forgiveness father. I will look into this matter and make sure that nothing like this happens again. I will go ask for forgiveness from Elder sister since it is my servant that disturbs her and reprimand my servant seriously. Allow me father."

"Hm. Go on."

Shu XinYi had expected something like this. To show that she is the one in control she will go to any heights. Shu XinYi found Elena in the courtyard having tea. He bowed in front of her saying "Elder sister, I am ashamed and ask for forgiveness, my servant has distributed you I will punish him well."

Elena gave a surprised reaction and took a white lotus stance saying "brother Xavier, please no. It was me who must have corrupted him so don't punish him. It was not my intention to shame you like this brother Xavier nor do I want Leo to be punished. So please don't embarrass me any longer. As for Leo, a few words of advice shall do, he is capable of being a good man."

Does she think I am stupid? Well to be fair she has reason to think that. Shu XinYi smirked a little as his head was bowed and then he stood straight and said with guilty eyes "Then Elder sister, for you, I will no longer ask for forgiveness nor will I punish Leo. If you want Leo to be a good man then I shall advice him for you. I was thinking of punishing him harshly but since you are my elder and this matter concerns you then I can only listen to you and be lenient."

Shu XinYi could visibly see Elena's face twisted. Obviously she wanted Leo to get punished to let him know his place but she didn't expect brother Xavier to actually listen to her fake words and follow them. Now she can't even deny them since she had said them with much confidence.

"Sure sure uh. I have some matters to attend to so I will not trouble you any longer."

Shu XinYi went back to his room to Leo to "punish less advice more" in daytime, since they were free today. Meanwhile Elena was losing her sanity slowly. She had thought that if Leo was not immediately fired then atleast he would be severely punished for such an action but just because he is Brother Xavier's personal servant, father tells Xavier and allows him to make the decision for his punishment.

This was too much. Was her value not even comparable to brother Xavier's servant? No, if brother Xavier is the one he can rely on then she will make it so, brother Xavier loses trust in Leo. Not only will Leo know his place after this but brother Xavier will lose his confidence and his work flow will stumble.

In some day of the next week Elena went to Xavier's room while he was not present. Brother Xavier had a bead necklace that his birth mother had given him. The necklace was beautiful, made out of sapphire stones and a silver chain. It was a very expensive luxury and even brother Xavier rarely wore it in fear that it would be lost or damaged. It also had much sentimental value since it was the last gift from his mother.

She took that necklace and hid it in Leo's room. She waited for a day then another, but brother Xavier seemed to have not realised that the necklace had gone missing. So the same day at dinner she asked brother Xavier in front of the family "brother Xavier, My friend has invited me over to her house tomorrow so can I borrow that sapphire necklace of yours? Please."

Shu XinYi didn't think about it much and said okay. He went with Elena to give her the necklace but he couldn't find it anywhere. Elena started to "panic" and quickly told everyone that the necklace is stolen.

"Stolen? How could this be. Albert do a thorough search in all the side houses and question everyone." Father said in an alarmed tone.

"Snow, what happened?"

"Master, Elena has hidden the necklace in Leo's room."

Ah I get it. Albert had done what he was told but no sign of the necklace could be found. Father was really angry when Elena said something in a small voice to him. Obviously Shu XinYi heard it "Father I don't mean to doubt but two days ago, I had seen Leo secretly enter brother Xavier's room while he wasn't present. Maybe I am mistaken- "

"No matter. It is better that the real culprit is caught." Father said in a loud voice and told Albert to search Leo's room. The necklace was easily found in his cupboard.

"Call Leo Right now!" Albert immediately went to call Leo from the study.

"Father, I think that the thief is not Leo." Shu XinYi stated.

"What?" Father said.

"Can I be bold enough to ask why you specifically went to check Leo's room father?" Shu XinYi lamented.

"Elena tells me that she saw Leo lurking around your room two nights ago."

"But father, Even if that was the case. I had worn this necklace only last night so how could it be stolen two nights ago" Shu XinYi decisively said.

"Huh? You're just lying to save him, I had already ta- ." Elena said without thinking.

"Huh? Why would I lie? I wore it last night while I remembered mother. Elder sister is something wrong?" Shu XinYi innocently asked.

"No, I mean- maybe Leo had taken it today morning and hid it." Elena said.

"That is impossible sister. Leo left for work before me and I was with him after I joined him later until I came back home. So he couldn't even have a chance to steal it after I wore it last night. Moreover father, if Leo really did intend to steal it why would he hide it inside his own room in the cupboard where anyone can find it?" Shu XinYi pointed out the obvious.

Elena had realised that she had messed up, she had never expected brother Xavier to see through her since she always believed Xavier to be dumber than her. Father had obviously noticed Elena's behaviour and realised that she maybe the one who hid the necklace for unknown reasons.

Leo had arrived at this point and looked around for anyone to explain him what was going on when Aldo said "The matter has been resolved, Leo I have troubled you for naught. Everyone disperse for your own duties. Elena come with me."

Leo was still a bit confused when Xavi explained the situation to him "But XinYi how did you know that Elena had stolen it?"

"Leo, do you think of me as an idiot? I will obviously notice if something goes missing from my room and I will investigate it." Shu XinYi said with a humph.

Actually Shu XinYi really didn't notice, If it wasn't for Snow he might never know.

Father questioned Elena about why she did it but let her go because they are still children for him and they may make mistakes so he can only forgive.

Elena meanwhile was getting angrier and angrier. Not only had brother Xavier known that she was the one who stole it, but he even made it clear in front of everyone just to embarrass her. She had enough of both Leo and Xavier. It was also high time since father had been making preparations to make Xavier the official heir.

Elena had thought her plan out. She has to be successful this time. I can't let Xavier live for any longer. She had known for a few days that Leo cooks for Xavier. Leo never hid the fact neither he made it known. This is the perfect opportunity to deal with brother Xavier and Leo together.

The easiest way to do this will be by poisoning. Elena had never really done proper business deals even when her father took her with him, nor did she know where she can buy poison that can kill without a trace. She had no helpful contacts with anyone outside the family. Since the time Leo had arrived in the household 6 years ago she had relied on him to do everything for her. Now that Leo was gone it had become a problem for her to buy poison.

Warning (18+ R*pe attempt)

Elena didn't want to be recognized so she had covered her face when she went down to local medicine stores to inquire about high grade poisons. All of them had backed off since no one wanted trouble for themselves, except for one ofcourse. He seemed like a regular worker but he had been in some shady business before. He told Elena to wait until the he closes the shop at night.

He took her to a warehouse where he said "Young Lady, you do realise that it is night time and you have followed me alone to a warehouse."

"What nonsense are you spouting you illitrate street scum. Show me the poison or I am leaving." Elena said in her firm voice.

"Oh hoho. Your kind is just my type. The harder you are to break the more you are able to bend. It's the perfect ecstasy."

"You filthy rat, Do you know who I am?"

"No young lady but I am sure you are no good. Buying this poison and so desperately at that. Is it your husband you want to kill because he isn't able to satisfy you?"

"You don't need to know. I am leaving." Elena walked towards the warehouse door to exit but she couldn't open it at all. The lock was very heavy and with her strength she couldn't open it. "Open this door right now."

"Eh? Why are you leaving. Don't you want the poison. I have it right here. Obviously I will sell you the poison but I will need some advance payment. No ? little miss" Elena felt a firm hand grip her waist but she was not scared by all this. She never liked losing and that was the only thing she cared about, to win from everyone who dares get ahead of her.

"How can you get advance payment when you haven't even shown me the product?" Elena decisively said.

"ooh your determination is making me feel things. Ok then I will show you the poison. Here this is a poison acquired from a plant grown in the northern mountains. No known antidote has been found. In 24 hours of consuming the heart fails and clogs up and it can not be traced once inside the body. Only a few drops will do."

Elena smiled holding the vile in his hand. She took the vile from his hands to see the bottle clearly. The bottle was full right now. Elena turned around towards the light to observe the bottle, subtly picking up a slightly heavy vase on the table, she turned around slamming it on the workers head. That worker instantly lost consciousness and blood started to spill from his head.

Elena opened the bottle bending down towards the worker and spilled a few drops of poison into his mouth saying "If this magic Vial of yours really works then I will wish for you a safe path to hell."


She spent some time trying to find an other exit and finally found a window and exited through there. The next day she went near the warehouse as a street traveller and only went back after she heard from the gossips that they had found a worker unconscious and when they woke him up, he started screaming to save him and only 10 minutes later he died while clutching his heart. No one could say why or how it happened so they just prepared for his burial.

Elena carefully planned this time, She made sure that nothing could be traced back to her and that Leo was surely blamed. Once Xavier eats the poisoned food and dies then she will start her act of a sister in pain and go crazy saying that someone had killed him. Father listens to her well so, he will be examining left overs of what he ate then he will call Leo when he knows that he is the one who cooked. Once Leo sees Xavier dead he will not be able to refuse or form reason properly and then she will continue her act making sure that "justice" is served.

She waited until the day Leo left the kitchen early after making dinner and telling the server to give this plate to Xavi. Then she carefully slipped in while the server went to call everyone and spilled poison in Xavi's plate. Then she ran back to her room without cutting with the server or anyone else and when the server came to her room to call her she came out yawning and agreed to come down.

If it was anyone else they would be worried about, what if Xavier's plate gets switched with someone else. For Elena this wasn't a worry since Leo had specifically told the new lady butler to serve what he tells her to serve to brother Xavier. This will also help to further solidify that Leo was the one who poisoned him. The stage was set and the cast had been called to perform. After tonight, Xavier and my dear Leo. You will know the consequence of entering a race with me, because I don't lose.