
Terran Dunce was finally released by Alderic and was just stepping out of the space passage that headed back to the Academy, when he noticed the two Tier 8 mages that guard the space gates staring at him weirdly.

“I thought the old Dean ordered you to stay away from the all Orc villages space passages and Abyss for a while so you don’t get yourself killed, Why do you keep diving in all the time?, Are you trying to start a High rank realm war between the academy and the Orcs?” the grumpy Tier 8 Mage said, staring at Terran.

Terran snorted back without bothering to respond.

“I think Terran has actually been on his best behaviour, but his disciple, on the other hand, has been a big headache, Every time he goes into the Abyss, it’s thrown into a large battle zone where many second Dimension races and creatures die.”

“Now I’m wondering who is the most prominent troublemaker in the Abyss between you at your prime and your young disciple. “