Always an Old Fox

The Grand Elder of the Gordons clan escorted the outer branch Elder of the Ancient Blaze Clan to the heart of Gordon’s Clan Main compound.

As they entered the hall chosen for the negotiations, a round table crafted from shimmering silver stood at the center, flanked by chairs of emerald green velvet with gold trim.

Soft, golden light emanated from floating orbs around the room, casting a warm glow on tapestries depicting ancient battles and painted constellations on the ceiling.

The Grand Elder seemed intent on displaying that the Gordons clan was not merely an ordinary Mid-Tier clan but one rich in history with a touch of wealth.

However, the elder sent by the Blaze Clan appeared unimpressed, prompting his query,

“So when will your Patriarch arrive so we may begin this discussion once and for all?, I grow impatient waiting for him.”

“You need not worry about waiting,” the Grand Elder assured,