So what is the first step In looking for those dragon balls?
Well like you said.. we need to look for them. I was hoping you had some idea.
What? I'm new to this!
Hmph. Vados looks into her staff. For the next few moments she doesn't say a ward. Okey. We need something that can allow us to track the super dragon balls.
Can't you use your power?
I could but it is against the rules.
What rules?
You ask too many questions. We angels have rules.
So how do we make it?
Well… we could find someone smart enough to make it for us.
Hmmm… perhaps the tuffles could help us. Tuffles? Ah you age. Back in the early days your race. The saiyans lived together with another race. The tuffles. Unfortunately both of you could not live in peace and so forth… the saiyans wiped out the tuffles. Or so they thought. Many have escaped to live in secret all around the universe.
Yes. There is one specific planet that is raising cause for concern. To limit their growth. Beerus eliminated the majority of women and males. It has now reached the point where there is one girl that is fertile
Able to give birth. I really must consider your age. As such many wars are being fought on the planet for this women. She is treated as some sort of queen. It desperately needs you immediate attention. Perhaps they may even help us with a device.
What can I do?
…. A god of destruction should travel there and fix the problem. Is that clearer?
Yeah. Let's go!
Vados transports you to the location.
Vados warps you both down onto the ground. In front of you is a number of tuffles warriors.
What do you want?
Vados waits for you to answer.
I'm here to fix the problem!
What problem?
You turn to vados. What problem?
…. (Oh my.) we are here to resolve you internal issue. Bring us your queen.
They aim their rifles at you and begin to fire. The bullets bounce off your body like rocks against a wall.
Primitive weapons. We will be seeing your queen now.
The soldiers look to each other then nod in submission. You follow them through the long twisting path into an area that seems to be small advanced settlement with technology.
I wouldn't expect anything less from the tuffles. These people are arguably the smartest race in the universe.
You step onto the teleport pad.
Interesting place.
You think? It's like they don't even acknowledge our presence.
How do you propose we get their attention?
You begin charging a ki blast.
That could work too.
You charge up a large energy filled ball and Kanu check it to the ground.
To your surprise the blast is quickly absorbed by the ground.
What was that?
Hmmm. It seems they have some sort of protection against ki attacks.
Yes you could call it that. Or if it helps your little minds.. you could call it magic.
What did you say?
I don't repeat myself.
... do you know who I am?
I should be asking you the same question. You look dirty. Did Jacob send you?
Women. I am the god of destruction of this universe. Kneel before me.
She looks to Vados.
Is this true?
The girls laughs. You really should visit us more vados. You and your brother.
We shall see what happens in the upcoming days.
I'm talking here!
Oh yes. What do you want?
You explain the entire situation to her.
Are you able to help us with a device?
I already have one. It's called a scouter.
One of her attendents brings her scouter and hands it over to the women. I made this one myself. It can be set specifically to look for dragon balls of all manner.
Good. Hand it over.
Sure. Try and take it.
Fine. You waik over to her and go to reach the scouter but find your self flying towards the wall.
What… was that?
You see. The reason my people have survived so long is down to nature of my devices. Our ancestors were soft and couldn't handle life in the galaxy. I however will not make that mistake. We know beerus would come back to kill some more of our people so we prepared. Using ur great intelligence we have created a robot of great strength. One that rivals the god of destruction. It holds a power level of to trillion.
Two trillion?
Vados chuckles.
My my.. it looks like you may be in trouble.
Best of all. We made it invisible. Not is it able to be detected.
You're lying!
Yes? It is standing behind you right now.
You turn around around to find nothing then turn back to face the queen.
I knew it! You're lyin- you fall to the ground.
Are you awake?
What happened?
The robot beat you senseless.
What? So she wasn't lying?
Of course she wasn't. I saw the creature from a distance.
You could see it?!
Why didn't you attack it?
I don't think you understand how this works. You are the god of destruction. I am your guide. My hop is to simply guide you but I don't need to get involved.
... didn't it attack you?
Of course not. I have no issues with them.
So what were you doing this whole time?
Well.. after you were knocked out they wanted me to try some of their new meals. You could say we had a little celebration.