I need you to train me. I don't want to be knocked out again.
Vados laughs. You are still upset about that? In any case. You are correct to be worried. A god of destruction should be the strongest in their own universe. You have great potential so training you would be vary effective.
Thanks! When do we start?
Immediately. The way I train students via mind images. I will create images to attack you and you must diffuse them. If you succeed. Your power will greatly increase. Come to me again and we can get started.
This session will be about training your ki so that you can sense others. I need you to close eyes and focus hard. Hours later. Well done you did well now get some rest.
Next day.
Vados! I think I'm strong enough to trash that robot now!
She checks you from top to bottom. I guess we'll just have to find out. Are you ready?
As ever!
Vados transports you to the location. Vados warps you both down onto the ground.
I knew you'd be back. Ready to surrender?
Im here to make you submit. You stand upright with your chest puffed out. I am here to make you submit. As your god of destruction. Command you to kneel beside my feet.
Vados leans in to whisper in your ear. It kneel BENEATH not beside.
Oh.. I command you to kneel beneath my feet. Women.
Vados Shaka her head in embarrassment.
Who's going to make me?
I will. I have gotten stronger.
And? You didn't think that we wouldn't upgrade our robot too? It cannot be harmed by physical or ki attacks.
What… where is the robot now?
Behind you.
You fall to the ground.
Vados. We are finished.
It really does look like it. Oh whatever shall I do?
…. You are helping! If only there was some way I could attack the robot. Using overpowered as well.
Hmmm. Well… no. It's too soon for that.
Well… there is a technique that is only accessible to god of destruction. We call it the hakai technique.
What does it do?
It erases the target from existence
Wow.. please tech me?
Your age is what worries me. I have never seen a gif of destruction so young. You may not be able to handle the destruction energy.
I can! Just teach me.
Fine. Raise your godly essence to eights then we can talk about this. One day later alright. My power has increased! I'm ready to learn the technique.
Hmm. Okey. This will take us some weeks to practice so let's get started!
You spend the next following weeks learning the technique.