- The Architect (Monarchs) -

The ancient mage who called himself The Architect prided himself as being one of the most useful servants the Monarchs had against the Rulers. He was the first denizen of the Chaos World to infiltrate the Earth. Crafting a body made of stone wasn't a difficult task at all. He was sent by his King, the Iron Body Monarch to find a worthy human vessel.

The Architect did such an admirable job, that the rest of the remaining Monarchs commissioned him to find human bodies for takeover. He loved to experiment with lower life forms, and these pathetic humans had no shortage of test subjects. It was a tormenting process for the humans; a fond smile grew on his cracked lips as he remembered the petrified screams of all his test dummies. It took a couple thousand humans, but he eventually perfected the process.

He found it ironic, as a Monstrous Humanoid he was supposed to find talent from these puny insects? No offense to Queen Querehsha, the sadistic Monarch of Plagues.

He still wasn't completely sure why the Monarchs even chose a feeble world like the Earth. Antares, the Monarch of Destruction, was very insistent on this planet; No one would dare speak up against the strongest Monarch.

At least, he thought Antares was the strongest. These days, the Architect finds himself really wondering who the strongest Monarch is.

Despite what Antares would like the rest of the Monarchs to blindly believe, Ashborn might actually be the strongest. While no Monarch or Ruler could match the King of Dragons in brute strength, the King of the Dead will only get more and more powerful as time goes on. The more wars they fight, the bigger Ashborn's Immortal Army will grow.

Previously, Ashborn was known as the Strongest Ruler; the biggest thorn in their side. But now? The rest of the Monarchs recognize Ashborn as the Shadow Monarch. When he had first learnt that the emissary of God had defected to their side, he thought it to be a ploy. Just how many of his kind died to the Greatest Fragment of Brilliant Light, Ashborn?

But he became a believer, when Ashborn revealed the truth to him. The Absolute Being: the One above all created the Rulers and Monarchs to fight in an everlasting War, purely for It's entertainment. To hear his whole existence was to fuel a war designed to never end almost made him go crazy.

As much as he detests the Rulers, he'll give credit to a well executed plan. The Rulers' power play of betraying the Absolute Being was a risky one, but it proved to be fruitful in sending the Monarchs into hiding. Too much infighting within them caused an opening the Rulers were quick to exploit.

He wasn't even that bothered when he heard Baran, the Monarch of White Flames, was killed by Ashborn. The King of Demons was a prick. If you're going to stab someone in the back, you better be damn sure you can finish the job.

While he was able to find suitable vessels for most of the remaining Monarchs, it proved almost impossible for the Architect to find humans who could withstand either the Shadow or Destruction Monarchs' powers. Understandably so, with the Absolute Being's death it only makes sense that the two strongest beings left in the universe are the Greatest Fragments of Light and Darkness.

He's thankful Legia, the King of Giants was still imprisoned by the Rulers, as he remembered how cruel the giant could be. How can the Monarch of the Beginning demonstrate such impatience? There was no way he could find a human who could hold Legia's ego.

Time was running out, as the Rulers' trump card, the Cup of Reincarnation, had a limit. Both sides knew this could be the final cycle. It's because Antares and Ashborn have both finally found worthy vessels, the War will be inevitable.

The Architect looked over his greatest masterpiece with a wicked smile on his face. A dungeon within a dungeon, he dubbed it the Cartenon Temple. He had spent hundreds of years perfecting a System that would find suitable vessels for the Almighty Monarchs.

It was a cruel mockery of the Absolute Being. Everybody knew the Authority the Absolute Being possessed. Whether you were a lousy emissary of those disgusting Rulers, or a servant of the Monarchs, the Absolute Being's sheer strength was known across the universe.

He was mildly annoyed when Ashborn chose a frail looking ant as a potential host. This Sung Jinwoo barely even had mana in the first place. It's why he made the double dungeon so vicious; he doubted this weakling could even survive the first trials.

He was taken aback by the fledgling of a hunter, Mars Valentino. The Architect had been pleasantly surprised at the boy's cunningness in surviving the double dungeon. It felt odd, it was as if Mars knew what would happen from the beginning.

Something felt off, but the power he sensed within Mars was without a doubt sufficient enough to host Ashborn. He's never seen pitch black Ruler wings before, was it Ashborn's influence? He was shocked when the Shadow Monarch demanded to personally take charge of Mars' growth. The Architect was pleased he didn't need to solve that headache, Ashborn would have no qualms killing Mars if he was a Ruler spy, after all.

Ashborn made a deal with the Architect: find him a suitable vessel before Antares, and he'll receive an immortal body. It's not a bad thing at all to have the strongest Monarch's favor. And now that the Shadow Monarch is overseeing Mars, it gives him more time to focus on Antares' vessel. He wonders what he can negotiate as payment from the King of Dragons…

But still, there was a nagging feeling in the back of his mind, Mars had an aura similar to the Rulers. He initially panicked at the end of the 'quest', spotting those cursed Ruler wings on Mars' back. The Architect first assumed he walked straight into a Ruler's trap. He thought it was a Fragment of Brilliant Light. It couldn't have been a new Ruler, as the Monarchs already marked the known Ruler vessels: The National Rank hunters.

So where did he get those wings?

- Mars -

I shut my eyes and take a slow deep breath as I feel like a bug in her presence, there is not a single thought I could keep from her. Any sense of privacy I thought I had is stripped as I can feel her in my mind, doing whatever she pleases. I need to remind myself [Gamer's Mind] doesn't keep me immune from the administrator of the game herself.

Right when I felt my strongest, the Goddess didn't waste a second to truly remind me of my place.

Any feeble attempt at resistance is squashed as I open my eyes, staring directly into her hypnotizing pink eyes. She stepped out of the bedroom completely naked, clearly she isn't shy at all to hide her voluptuous body.

She had the freedom to display any form she wanted, but she decided on nothing at all?

She's taunting me.

It only takes a millisecond as I peek down and see her tasty looking slit, it seems she's a natural pinkette? I want to look anywhere else, but in this completely barren pure white void, there's literally nothing else here besides us two.

Why hasn't she said anything yet?

She blows me a kiss as she snaps her dainty fingers, painted the same shade as her hot pink eyes. The rest of my clothes immediately disappear as I feel like I'm going to drown in pleasure just by looking at her bare. I can instinctively tell this is not a sight I'm worthy of seeing.

I'm painfully hard, as it feels like I have to fight all my senses screaming at me to rush her and have my way with her. She suddenly giggles, and it's the sweetest sound I've ever heard as I start to imagine her plump lips wrapped around my-

"Ahem." She clears her throat, and with a blink, she's suddenly covered in a white lace robe; her pierced nipples poking through the see through fabric.

I finally have control of my body again, and it's painfully aware to me now just how horny she made me. It felt like a phantom pair of hands was rubbing me off.

Wait, was she using [Ruler's Authority]?

"You're starting to think with the right ahead again!" The Goddess finally broke the tortuously delightful silence.

"Just what did you do to me?" I ask, clearing my throat as I try to ignore the fact we'll be having this discussion while I recover from her pleasure based assault.

"I'm just showcasing my powers, just like Ashborn did when you completed the job change quest. Not bad, by the way." She remarked.

Before I could even form a thought, she raised a finger to her lips, silencing me.

"I know you have questions, just shut up and listen. You got this far without me holding your hand, right?" She scoffed, not hiding the condescending tone in her voice.

"Good, doggy~" The Goddess teased, her smirk bursting into a grin as she watches me bite my lip, knowing exactly how irritated she's getting me.

"I have no interest in playing your games, just give me whatever speech you have planned before I can ask any questions." I assert, her eyebrow raises at my façade, as if I'm holding even 1% of the power in this room.

"Hehe fine. I'm sure you'll soon learn it'll be quite lucrative for you to play along with some of my whims~" She drawled out. "Let me just start the speech and then we can get to the good stuff!"

She cleared her throat one more time.

"I'm the Goddess of Beauty, I most certainly have a name, but I won't be telling you it anytime soon. For simplicity's sake, call me Venus!" The goddess revealed, "And yes, I specifically chose your soul out of trillions to inherit the Gamer System. I wanted some actual entertainment for once… To that end, I fully customized you and the universes I plan on sending you; I'm here for a show: and you, Mars, are the star!"

Venus stopped speaking, she was waiting for my thoughts to form.

I was quiet for a while. There are countless questions I could ask, but if there is something I remember from my past life, it was that quality always beats quantity. Obviously she can read my thoughts, but she must have chosen me for a reason, so I need a while to put all my thoughts together.

"What kind of show are you looking for?" I finally ask, I need to find out what she's after.

"And that's why I picked you, Mars. You don't ask stupid questions!" Venus giggled earnestly, "I'll gladly tell you: I'm bored. Once you've lived as long as I have, you'll understand…"

I was blinded when she unfolded her golden wings; they were brighter than a million suns. Her divine aura alone forced me to my knees. It was right then I finally understood my place, she's no lowly goddess or mid tier immortal. She's a primordial Deity of Creation. I could grind in the dungeons for a thousand millennia, and she could just think my existence away.

I only live because she allows me to, this might really be the end of the line for me. I might grow to be extremely strong, but at the end of the day I'll just be a puppet on strings, acting in whatever role if it means I'll get to live another day.

"That's where you're wrong."

My eyesight is suddenly brought back, and it's as if my eyesight has improved tenfold. I slowly start to get up as it feels like I reawakened again. My senses seem even sharper than before, I can see Venus' features much clearer; minuscule details like her areolas to each individual barb in each feather of her perfect golden wings. The colors are richer, more vibrant. What did she do to me?

Race and Title updated

Race updated from Fallen Angel-Human Hybrid to: Fallen  Ruler -Human Hybrid

Title updated to: Shadow Monarch Gamer

Skills upgraded:

Dominator's Touch has upgraded to Ruler's Authority

Observe lvl has been set to MAX

New Skills added:

Power Bestowal (Active) lvl. 1 (Novice)

- Share your Ruler powers with a follower.

Spiritual Body Manifestation (Locked until requirement met)

What? What the hell is a fallen Ruler?

"I think you'll find out very soon. I need to ask you an important question, Mars... Would you sell your soul to the Devil?"

Is this a hypothetical question? Or are you offering me something?

"Hehe. I guess it's a bit of both. Let's go with hypothetical~"

Well, if it was up to me, I would draw up a contract first. I would hate for my words to be used against me. So, yes, I would give up my soul to the devil if it means I get something equivalent in return.

"Very interesting. But I'm afraid I'm done speaking to you for now, Mars… I need to chat with Ashborn."

Suddenly, the second heart I didn't even know I had started to palpitate. It feels like an anxiety attack as my own heart starts reacting in kind, and it feels like both hearts are going to leap out my chest.

Venus sensually strolls over to me as I drop down to my knees again, clutching my chest in my hands as I feel what I imagine is a double cardiac arrest. My vision starts to fade as Venus puts her hand on my chest and slowly starts to massage my right pec.

"Shhh… Relax, just focus on your breathing. In through your nose, deep exhale through your mouth, just like that." She gently whispers into my ear, right as she rips out the black heart out of my chest pulling my shadow with it as I lose consciousness.

- Go Gunhee (Hunters Association) -

The chairman of the Korean Hunter's Association gripped the phone so hard he crushed it, shattering the receiver into a fine dust. Lately, whenever he heard stories of strong hunters it reminded him of the old days, back when he was on the frontlines, where he was the unquestioned number one Hunter in all of Asia.

But these days, he finds himself stuck in and out of meetings with archaic government officials and playing politics. He will admit, it's important that he does, someone needs to politically represent and fight for the nation's hunters. He wasn't in any position calling other people archaic, who could have imagined the legendary S-rank among S-ranks now has magical osteoarthritis? Maybe he should count his blessings, after hundreds of battles, he'll most likely die of old age. No S-rank healer in the world could reverse age, unfortunately.

As much as hunters claim to be superior to humans, we're all still mortal at the end of the day. Perhaps it's for the best, Gunhee shuddered at the thought of hunters like Choi Jong-In or Hwang Dongsoo living forever. Time should remain undefeated.

Only the National level hunters had exceeded the old hunter in strength. Him losing a step still means he is as strong as any S-rank hunter if he went all out. The problem was his mortal shell, each time he used his powers, his body would pay the price afterward. The more he used his powers, the more his overall mana would drop. If he used his abilities carelessly, he would eventually lose everything. That meant he rarely used his powers, effectively forcing the man into an early retirement.

It was time for him to help cultivate and guide the future generation of Korean hunters. But Gunhee wasn't ready to give up the throne, the country wasn't prepared for the consequences of him stepping down. If the Hunter's guild took control, the government and the Association would lose authority over it's own nation. He needed a miracle; but where could he find a powerful hunter unaffiliated with any other guilds that wasn't blinded by profits and power? Woo Jinchul would have been the perfect replacement: he's clever, trained well, and most importantly he is an honest man, but he's only A-rank.

The barrel chested man coughed violently, bringing a hand to his chest and the other to his mouth as he shook the whole building with each cough. He thought he had more time, but it looks like time is running up for the chairman. He stood up from his desk, walking over to the large glass window. Gunhee watched the city for a moment, it was something he started to do recently. Whether he liked it or not, the country would move on if he perished, but he had too much unfinished business. Too many mistakes to repair.

Gunhee couldn't step down until he can correct his biggest mistake: Jeju Island. The double dungeon incident had been the most fatal Korean raid in over a year… Since his third consecutive failure at clearing the S-rank gate. Not a day goes by without Go Gunhee reflecting on his biggest blunders, he remembered the day like it was yesterday, over four years ago when the S-rank gate first spawned.

Back then, South Korea didn't possess the talent they have today. There were only 4 S-rank hunters at the time: himself, Sung Il-Hwan, Baek Yoonho and Choi Jong-In. Sung Il-Hwan had been missing for years, so they really only had 3 S-rank hunters available for the raid. They went with practically every A-rank hunter available and still were forced to retreat, as the sheer number of ant monsters overwhelmed them.

Each year after that, they went back to reclaim the island, each year worse than before, as each raid was more deadlier than the last. The country had enough the last time around, when S-rank hunter Eunseok was killed and Min Byung-Gyu, the country's only S-rank healer retired due to trauma, effectively crippling the country. South Korea had given up the island to the monsters, hoping they would starve if they no longer sent any Hunters back.

It was a catastrophic failure. Politicians ripped him apart, trillions of won wasted. The families of the deceased hunters and civilians never would let Gunhee forget the hundreds of young, promising hunters killed. He should have waited, cultivated the talent so they could maybe one day grow to help clear the island. He desperately wanted a fourth try, but if he failed four years in a row? The country could be forced into ruins as not only would he obviously lose his position, but the whole Association might disband.

It reminded him of the grim world he lived in, but where there is despair there is hope. The first S-rank gate ever, which completely devastated America's west coast, thanks to the infamous dragon Kamish, is still considered to this day humanity's greatest calamity. It's why no foreign countries have stepped in to aid the Koreans and Jeju. It's simply not worth it to lose your country's most powerful hunters in international aid. Gunhee had a theory, just like the National rank hunters rose to beat Kamish, there must be someone out there to rise up and clear Jeju Island.

Maybe it's too late, as he just learned yesterday an ant was found with wings on the coast of the main island. They're evolving… Something needs to be done, before any more innocent civilians are killed. Just like the ants evolved, so shall the Hunters in response. While he may have lost a step, the emergence of the S-rank hunter Cha Hae-In has given him hope, more powerful hunters are awakening much more often. With each year, the percentage of hunters awakening has grown exponentially. This year, it's on a whole other level as he can feel the mana being generated around the country.

He would gladly give his life if it means the conclusion of the nightmare in Jeju. It's why he plans on reaching out to Japan soon, to discuss plans on a joint operation in Jeju. Japan needs to be wary of the ants now, plus they have no shortage of S-rank talent, either. But he has more pressing matters to deal with at the moment.

The Hunters Association had been in uproar ever since the double dungeon incident. From having to deal with the families of the deceased hunters, to the recovery of the few surviving ones, to now launching a nation wide manhunt for the missing hunter Mars Valentino. The young hunter hadn't been seen since leaving the hospital, and any attempts at calling his phone proved fruitless.

The old man has eyes all over the country, and he is no old fool. The major guilds wouldn't be making such a commotion over an A-rank talent, and Jinchul agrees it's quite likely Mars will be soon known as South Korea's 11th ever S-rank hunter. He's letting Jinchul take the lead this time, how is he going to handle this situation?

Gunhee's mind raced back to Jeju. Have the Koreans ever been this strong? Sure, losing S-rank Hwang Dongsoo to the United States hurt, but maybe they have enough forces now… Korea has 6 currently active S-rank hunters: Choi Jong-In and Cha Hae-In from the Hunter's guild, Baek Yoonho from White Tiger guild, Lim Tae-Gyu from Reapers guild, Ma Dongwook from Fame guild and now, this Mars Valentino.

Would that be enough to clear Jeju Island? If Min Byung-Gyu comes out of retirement, Gunhee himself would have no problem joining. 8 S-rank hunters plus the support of every guild and the whole country? Now that the ants have forced his hand, he might have to bet the whole country's future on it.

- Mars -

I wake up with a harsh headache, as I try to remember what just happened. I was talking to Venus? My hands instinctively go to my chest, as I close my eyes. I can sense the black heart beating just like before, it's beating in tune with my own. Just what happened?

My senses are restored as I find myself in the familiar bed in the hospital room. I'm alone, how did I end up back here?

My phone tells me it's 11 in the morning, I don't even know what time I returned… I just realized I haven't had a coffee since I've arrived in Korea.

I also have a dozen missed calls and texts from a bunch of unknown numbers. The one message from a saved contact is from Jinwoo, he's asking when I'm free to meet up, it seems he visited me while I was out.

I send him a quick text, apologizing and giving an excuse that I was busy training my new powers. Which actually isn't a lie. He sent me a response immediately, asking if I can drop by his room before I get discharged, as this is my last day in the hospital.

The door is suddenly opened, and a relieved looking Woo Jinchul barges in, his eye bags seemed to have doubled, did this guy even sleep since I last saw him?

"Mars! I've been looking for you." He sluggishly says, slumping into the chair next to me. "You need to come with me, we need to go to the Association testing facility."

"Lead the way." I respond back, knowing he wasn't exactly giving me an option. I'll need to return these calls and messages once I return.

The timing works well, as I should be firmly S-rank now. If Jinchul noticed he hasn't said anything, it's probably just a formality at this point.

- 5 minutes later -

Sitting in the large black van Jinchul is driving, I check my status.

Name: Mars Valentino

Level: 70

Race: Fallen Ruler-Human Hybrid

Class: Battlemage: (Holy Lightning) lvl. 66

Title: Shadow Monarch Gamer


Gamer's Mind (Passive) lvl. MAX

Physical Endurance (Passive) lvl. 41 (Adept)

Magical Endurance (Passive) lvl. 15 (Novice)

Spear Mastery (Passive) lvl. 44 (Adept)

Shield Mastery (Passive) lvl. 28 (Apprentice)

Hand-to-hand Mastery (Passive) lvl. 12 (Novice)

Shadow Preservation (Passive) lvl. 20 (Apprentice)

Shadow Extraction (Active) lvl. 20 (Apprentice)

Ruler's Authority (Active) lvl. 40 (Adept)

ID Create (Active) lvl. MAX

ID Escape (Active) lvl. MAX

Observe (Active) lvl. MAX

Flight (Active) lvl. 36 (Apprentice)

Holy Lightning (Active) lvl. 49 (Adept)

The Ancile (Active) lvl. 28 (Apprentice)

Taunt (Active) lvl. 10 (Novice)

Power Bestowal (Active) lvl. 1 (Novice)

Locked Skills:

Spiritual Body Manifestation

A lot to unpack there, guess I'm not some simple fallen angel. I study my wings, they're currently folded uncomfortably around me so I can fit in the van. I don't know much about the Rulers, maybe I can talk to Ashborn for clarification when I can.

Still having time to kill before we arrive, I open up Gamer's Shop. I have 181 490 coins. My heart tells me I should save my coins, but it's hard to fight the temptation to splurge. I don't need to convert any coins to Korean Won, my parent's Estate was worth a lot, my inheritance was quite significant. And since I'll soon be revealed as S-rank, money will never be an issue.

My eyes are drawn to the Companion tab, it would be a good idea to have non-shadow backup. Even with powers as ruinous as the Shadow Monarch, I don't want to over rely on the omnipotent-like power. It makes more sense to buy a familiar, the cheapest companion gem is a million coins, so I'm not going to bother checking them until I can afford it. Familiars ranged from a simple rat to magical creatures like a griffin or a hydra. I can't afford any big ticket familiars, so I'll settle for a more subtle one. I'm torn between a canine type familiar or a steed type, remembering how badass Ashborn looked with his undead steed. Actually, I'll just wait until the Red Gate, assuming I'll be involved somehow. If I find myself there, I'll be able to revive Tank as my steed. If I get enough bears, maybe I'll have one for each infantrymen?

Realizing this isn't a permanent decision, I buy a Hellhound pup for 50 000 coins. A Familiar Egg immediately showed itself in my inventory, the coins disappearing just as quickly. It's good to know I'll receive purchased items right away, I wonder how long until the egg hatches? I decide to save the rest of my coins, I still need to explore the whole Shop when I get the time. Thankfully there is a bookmark tab, I left an intro Grimoire set on White Magic, everyone does loves a healer; it should synergize quite nicely with my planned fallen angel persona.

While we drove the rest of the way to the testing facility, I subtly used [Ruler's Authority] on my phone; slowly but surely grinding it's levels. Right away I can feel it's much more potent than Dominator's Touch. Once I level it high enough, I should be able to make mini black holes, just like the National rank hunters. A sudden idea comes to my mind, can I control more than two light spears now? I should be able to control them easily with the new upgraded skill, I'll need to test it out later. Imagine how devastating multiple holy lightning spears would be, especially since I should be able to shoot them from far away now. I'll need to come up with a list of practical applications as well, I'll never need to use my hands when brushing my teeth ever again!

A new quest window appears, interrupting my thoughts.

Conquer the remaining Monarchs (0/7)

Clear Jeju Island (incomplete)

Take over Seoul (incomplete)

Build a Lair (0/1)

Acquire a General (0/1)

Corrupt Maidens (0/3)

Gather Minions (0/1000)

I stare at the window starry-eyed, what the hell is this?

Allow me to explain, young Mars.

A cold voice reverberates within my soul. A-Ashborn?! What's going on?

Close your eyes, Mars. I'll share with you what I can…

As the strangely comforting voice reassures me, my senses slowly turn to darkness as I'm not in Jinchul's van anymore. Where am I?

You're in my shadow right now. Don't worry, time is frozen in your world… Although it's not your world, is it? The Goddess told me everything, you've come from another universe, Mars. I know you're aware of many things you shouldn't be…

Shit. Ashborn, I can explain everything…

Relax, young Mars. Remember: I am You, You are Me. You know my history, and I now know yours. I'm the Fallen Ruler and you're the Human… Do you get it now?

Ashborn asked me patiently, we have all the time in the world, after all.

I do… because I am You? Venus has offered us to complete this list, completely optional, but if we do complete her tasks we will receive rewards for each job done?

Precisely. You missed a little detail, if we complete every task, we will officially be Venus' Champion. With all the benefits… and drawbacks associated. I will leave the decisions to you, young Mars. I'll be in your Shadow to help guide you throughout the multiverse. Remember my first message to you?

Wherever I go… Death will follow.

Haha, so I'm stuck with you? I'll be counting on you, partner.

I'm with you to the very end, partner!

"Mars? You okay?" Jinchul snapped me back to reality. Looks like we arrived.

"Heh, sorry, inspector Woo. I'm just tired from training last night." I answer back. "Let's get this retest over with."

New Skills added:

Shadow Exchange (Locked until requirement met)

Monarch's Domain (Locked until requirement met)



In the many eons he's lived, whether as his Father's white knight, or as the King of the Dead, the Shadow Monarch thought he had seen it all. Ashborn had spent many years just thinking, which side could he support in the never ending war?

He had loved his Father with everything in his heart; he thought He could do no wrong. That's why Ashborn was so strong, he was the first and therefore Greatest Ruler. He wanted to slay all of the Monarchs for opposing the Rulers, who were only following their Master's orders.

Until the Brightest Fragment of Brilliant Light begged for support in the eon long war. Billions, maybe trillions of lives had been lost in the war or by proxy of it. Just how many planets were destroyed, how many civilizations wiped out due to their Father's indifference? If He could create beings as strong as the Rulers, surely He could wipe out the Monarchs with a mere thought?

It was then the rest of the Rulers learned their Father could end the war at anytime, the problem was He started it in the first place. The Absolute Being revealed He also created the Monarchs, the very beings we were created to destroy; as they were likewise created to wipe the Rulers out. Ashborn will never forget the twisted smile on His face as He revealed the truth; this had only been a form of entertainment for Him.

It's why he understood what his brothers and sisters did, but he could also never forgive them. Despite learning the truth, he still loved his Father. Maybe his siblings were right, maybe Ashborn was just being blindly loyal to the Absolute Being.

That's also the reason he joined forces with his long time enemies. Monarchs and Rulers are simply two sides of the same coin. Both sides were created by an unimaginably powerful deity, destined to fight in a bloody brutal war. He was saddened to see what he considered long lost family so purely blinded by rage. They would stop at nothing to kill his beloved siblings, and he could only blame his Father for such a bloodlust. The Monarchs had decimated countless civilizations without a second thought. That contempt for lesser beings and species was a mirror image of their Father's feelings towards everyone else. But he couldn't abandon his new found family, at least until he was betrayed by the Demon and the Beast.

Perhaps he had no place with either the Rulers and Monarchs. It's why Ashborn turned to humanity, he had been looking for a human to find answers. The key difference between him and the other Monarchs, was his belief in humanity. Humans were a simple creature, he almost envied their mortality. He felt more in place with these humans than the warmongering Monarchs and almost apathetic Rulers.

He needed the Architect's help in finding a human vessel, it's not so trivial to inherit the powers of the Dead. He had scoured the world for candidates, and finally settled on one Sung Jinwoo. Ashborn watched him his whole life, he lived closer to Death's door than anyone else. Yet he resisted. The Architect had claimed whoever would survive the test would be worthy to receive the powers of the Shadow Monarch.

Something felt odd as he watched a young hunter, Mars Valentino pass the double dungeon trial with unnatural ease. His suspicions were confirmed when he spotted those wings form afterward. They felt and looked almost identical to Ruler's wings, but they were black? Just like his Monarch wings that he formed into a great cape, his own sign of rebellion against his Father.

He then took the realms of the Architect's system, he would watch over very Mars carefully from now on. There was a trace of Creation on him, it wasn't his Fathers, and there was no trace of his Ruler siblings either. Someone, just as strong as his Father created Mars. No, whoever It was, They were stronger….

He quickly grew fond of the boy, it was clear Mars had no idea where he came from either. Watching the boy fly around reminded Ashborn of the fruit from the World Tree, there was a certain innocence within the boy, it was like watching a young Bellion learn his powers. Ashborn could see and feel everything Mars did, and the King of the Dead was astonished when the boy created a new universe. It was a small bunker surrounded by the undead, but Mars shouldn't have access to his powers yet, it seemed Ashborn wasn't all-knowing. A strange human had completely flipped his worldview upside down, Ashborn still had much to learn. Especially human concepts and ideas.

After Mars' second excursion to the 'dungeon', he felt Mars was ready for the Job Change. He was proven right, as he tore through Igris' battalion with a practiced ease. Seems his dungeon training was very effective in preparing him for Ashborn's test. Mars had even gained Igris' respect immediately, as he had expected Mars to have trouble with Igris' valiant personality. But Mars proved him wrong yet again, he seemed to specifically appeal to Igris' gallantry. Perhaps this Architect should be rewarded for a job well done, Mars seemed like a perfect candidate. The boy had seemed to recognize he will only get stronger with every battle he was in, and he easily settled in the role of a necromancer.

The future Shadow Monarch seemed to have a knack for commanding his growing Immortal Army. Mars had displayed tactics and strategies that felt foreign, almost as if he wasn't of this universe… He needed to find Mars' origin, the mystery of his wings hadn't left his mind.

Ashborn hadn't left Mars' side since the double dungeon incident, taking refuge in Mars' shadow. He regretted it as he felt himself be plucked out of the universe by whoever just kidnapped Mars. As soon as he found himself in the sea of clouds, Ashborn immediately felt a power similar to the Absolute Being. He had truly thought he was the strongest being left in the universe. It turns out, there might be more universes out there, as he watches a Creator walk through a weird looking Gate. He doesn't even need to breathe, but he found himself holding his breath in Her presence, can She see him?

She discussed strange things with Mars, just what is a Gamer System? Is it related to the Architect's system? Ashborn didn't like being left in the dark, despite his shadow powers.

He felt like She heard him when Venus looked into Mars' shadow, right through the boy and straight at him. His suspicions were confirmed when She reached into Mars' chest, and grasped his black heart, pulling it and himself free from Mars.

As soon as he felt himself tethered to the white Void, he instinctively fell to one knee, looking down as not seeing himself worthy to look at Her wings. He looked towards Mars, the young Monarch had passed out, and Ashborn could only envy him as the original Shadow Monarch finds himself alone with this Goddess of Beauty. The pressure she radiated was so closely related to his Fathers, but it felt older, more powerful.

He finally looked up to Her piercing All-seeing eyes, whatever secrets he may hold are now unrestricted, as he feels Her scurry through his ancient memories, mostly of his Father and life as a Ruler.

"Hmm. It all makes sense now." Venus finally uttered, after what felt like eons of silence.

Time seems to have no place here.

"Ashborn. As your elder, I'll gift you a few questions. Use them wisely~"

It seems I don't even need to talk, as she can read my thoughts freely. Venus knows every thought I ever had, so she knows exactly what I want to know…

Who are you, really?

"Ha, still thinking about your daddy? Well let me spell it out for you little shadow, the 'Absolute Being' is a distant descendant. I suppose in human terms, I'm his Great Aunt." Venus revealed, to Ashborn's horror.

Is she here to destroy the Rulers? Wipe out the Monarchs as well, including this universe?

"Hehe, nope! I don't really care what happened, or what's going to happen. Elder Gods tend to leave fledging gods alone, leaving them to amass power to run their own worlds." The Goddess said simply, as if his Father's Absolute Power was a mere drop of water compared to Her vast ocean. "Well, you're not completely wrong! My cute little Ashborn, you don't even realize just how puny your mindset is. Allow me to enlighten you…"

Venus' sparkling eyes shone as bright as her wings as she brought a glowing finger to Ashborn's forehead, and instantly he saw billions, no trillions of different universes. All within a span of seconds. It felt like a real enlightenment, as his sense of scale has grown infinitely.

He no longer felt the divine compulsion to follow his father. He had found a new Deity to worship. Venus had filled the void his father left, and he no longer wants to feel that empty.

"What do you need me to do, my Empress?"

The Goddess only smirked as she looked down on Ashborn with a beautiful smile.


Baek Yoonho

The air in the Hunters testing facility was quite tense, chairman Go Gunhee had assembled all the active S-ranks together for an important meeting. It must be about Mars, as the chairman implied it's in every guild's best interest to see what he has to say.

"You look nervous Yoonho, is something wrong~?" Choi Jong-In instigated "You really don't think you have a shot at recruiting Mars over us, right?" Jong-In pointed towards Cha Hae-In, who was standing in the far corner of the Association practice gym.

Clearly, the woman wanted nothing to do with the conversation, as she held a handkerchief to her nose.

White Tiger's guild master tried not to transform into his Beast form, the scrawny fire mage always loved to get under his skin.

"Hmmm? Even children can sense how shady you are… As soon as Mars meets you he'll know what a snake you are." He chirped back, every time he ever was in the same room with Jong-In, it turned into some sort of petty argument. These two would never get along.

"You guys are hilarious. Once I speak with the kid, he'll be begging to join the Reapers guild!" Lim Tae-Gyu, S-rank archer butted into the conversation.

"No one cares about Reapers guild!" Both men shouted at the same time, leaving the Reapers guildmaster speechless.

"Haha! Don't you see Tae-Gyu, those two guilds are out of our reach! We should be content with third and fourth place in Korea's guild rankings!" Ma Dongwook joked, the burly S-rank tank wrapped his arm around the annoyed archer. "If you're too busy staring at what lies ahead, you won't even notice when my Fame guild pass you by!"

"S-Shut up guildmaster Ma, no one was talking to you!" Tae-Gyu stuttered out.

"Enough." Go Gunhee's easily recognizable voice silenced the hall. Despite his age, every hunter holds deep respect for the man. "Mars is here."