- Mars -

Since I've unlocked my Ruler traits, my senses have enhanced substantially. I'm almost painfully aware of all the mana around me, and it seems I'm extra sensitive to strong hunters. I suppose it makes sense, Rulers are spiritual creatures.

Casting my newly maxed [Observe] on inspector Jinchul surprised me

Name: Woo Jinchul

Level: 49

Race: Hunter (A)

Class: Fighter

Thoughts about you: Relieved he found you before any guild; wonders which organization you will join.

Reputation: 30

[Observe] being maxed should make dealing with everyone so much easier now. I'll be able to tell right away what their true feelings are, it's like a weaker version of Venus' All-seeing eye.

This Reputation meter will be extremely useful, I'll just need to quantify it. Just what exactly does 30 reputation allow me to get away with? If I max his reputation will Jinchul let me get away with anything? I'll keep a careful eye on it.

Woo Jinchul is so close to S-rank, he must be the strongest A-rank in Asia, maybe the world? He's a good candidate for my General, if I bestow him my powers will that max out his reputation for me? There might be better candidates, but Jinchul is near the top of the list.

Arriving at the Hunters Association testing building, I'm immediately aware of the presence of multiple S-rank hunters further inside. I can make out 6 distinct auras. I can tell I'm stronger than some, and definitely weaker than others. The strongest one there has to be Go Gunhee, one of the presences inside is so much brighter than the others.

Why are there so many powerful hunters here?

I guess I need to kiss canon goodbye, Venus did inform me she customized the universe. I suppose my existence alone completely alters whatever was supposed to happen. I need to be vigilant on how my actions can affect the universe. My encounter with Kang Taeshik last night should have warned me.

At the same time, I'm not All Knowing. There's no way I'll know everything that's going to happen, despite my growing power. I just need to focus on things I can control now, while being mindful that my actions do have consequences, good and bad.

Right now, I should focus on this retest and not pissing off the most powerful hunters in the country. In fact, this should be a good thing, I have the perfect opportunity to make connections with the strongest hunters right here.

First things first, I need a general plan.

"Excuse me, Inspector Woo? I need to use the washroom before the retest." I innocently request, this should easily be chalked up to nerves.

"Sure thing, Mars. There's a restroom right outside the gym where you'll be re-evaluated." Jinchul answered kindly.

- Later -

I'm situated in a puny bathroom stall scrolling through the Gamer's shop looking for anything that can quickly improve my reputation before I meet the Korean S-ranks. I bought myself about five minutes before Jinchul would get suspicious, so anything that can help me would be great.

While walking through the building I thought the S-ranks immense power eclipsed all the other hunters in the Association facility. It's clear to me now that there's only me and Jinchul, and whoever is in the gymnasium. The rest of the building is empty. Why so secretive? Whatever will be discussed or revealed inside must be of the utmost importance. It can't just be regarding my retest?

A minute later I found a Perk, 'Friendly Face', it costs 100 000 coins, quite steep, but anything that can make me more likeable with the most powerful people in the country will be worth. I can always go back to the dungeons to make more coins, after all.

Perk Added:

[Friendly Face]

You have a friendly face, everyone you meet for the first time will find you favorable. Random boost to Reputation/Affection upon first meeting

It might seem like a waste, but first impressions are everything. I'll consider this an investment, as I plan on making deep connections with anyone who can help me achieve my goals.

Also, Affection? Looks like that will help me with my corruption quest.

Obviously, this won't make everyone I meet love me instantly, but this perk plus my angelic persona should heavily boost my public image. I'll need to cultivate a persona of sorts, and if the public has already christened me Seoul's Saint, I might as well act the part. I have my shadow soldiers to work behind the scenes, anyway.

Exiting the restroom, I nod to Jinchul, letting him know I'm ready.

Entering the huge gymnasium, the first thing I have to do is adjust to the air in the room. It turns out putting the strongest hunters in one room causes the mana levels to distort and fluctuate randomly.

The intense stares of the most influential hunters in the country is an overload of the senses as I can feel the tension in the air, each hunter is sizing me up.

I give a polite wave to everyone in the room. They should be expecting an anxious kid nervous to meet the most famous hunters in South Korea; not a scheming conniver already planning his next moves.

I make the showing of acknowledging each individual hunter giving them a respectful bow as I cast [Observe] on each of them.

Name: Go Gunhee

Level: 88

Race: Hunter (Ruler Vessel)

Class: Monk

Title: S-Rank Among S-Ranks, The Sky Above The Skies

Thoughts about you: Hopes that you are good man over anything else, interested in your powers.

Reputation: 20

Name: Cha Hae-In

Level: 83

Race: Hunter (S)

Class: Master Swordswoman

Title: The Dancer

Thoughts about you: Shocked you don't smell like a monster.

Affection: 20

Name: Choi Jong-In

Level: 76

Race: Hunter (S)

Class: Grand Sorcerer (Fire)

Title: The Ultimate Soldier

Thoughts about you: Thinks you smell like money, will do anything to secure your recruitment.

Reputation: 10

Name: Baek Yoonho

Level: 74

Race: Hunter (S)

Class: Brawler (Tiger Transformation)

Thoughts about you: Desperately needs you to join his guild, please don't join Hunter's guild.

Reputation: 15

Name: Lim Tae-Gyu

Level: 68

Race: Hunter (S)

Class: Ranger

Thoughts about you: Impressed by your power level, sadly accepts you probably won't join Reapers guild.

Reputation: 5

Name: Ma Dongwook

Level: 56

Race: Hunter (S)

Class: Tanker

Thoughts about you: Amusement at how Jong-In and Yoonho are going to fight over you, wants to test your strength.

Reputation: 10

I guess it makes sense there is a wide gap between the top hunters, as power measuring machines can only assign ranks up to a certain point. Any hunter level 50 or above is grouped into S-rank, and it's up to the hunters themselves to develop a hierarchy. Just looking at Go Gunhee, no wonder he is called the S-rank among S-ranks. Would National rank hunters be level 90 then? What happens when I hit 100?

This gives me a lot to think about. Looks like I'm quite the commodity. I'll need to carefully maneuver here, I can appeal to whoever I want, but I don't want to alienate anyone by accident. It seems the situation between the White Tiger and Hunter's guilds is more delicate than I thought.

As a 'free agent' of sorts, I shouldn't make any rash decisions. Plus, I'm sure they'll wine and dine me, it's clear I'll have some freedom and time to explore my options.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mars. My name is Go Gunhee. I think we can cut to the chase here. Normally we would use a mana meter to measure your power, but I think we can all agree that's unnecessary?" Go Gunhee greeted me, then looked at the rest of the S-rank hunters gathered. No one objected. "Congratulations on becoming an S-rank hunter."

"I… Thank you, sir. It's an honor to be here with all of you." I replied, shaking his hand. The spiritual power within Gunhee flares up, as if responding to my touch.

Holy fuck he can crush my hand if he really wanted to. The power radiating from him is blinding.

Well he is the vessel of the Brightest Fragment of Brilliant Light, if only you could see It's true form…

Ah there you were, Ashborn. What were you doing?

I was looking through this Gamer's Shop of yours, there are some truly fiendish artifacts here.

"Mars?" Chairman Gunhee startled me, bringing me back to the actual conversation.

We'll talk afterward, Ashborn.

"Sorry, sir. What did you ask me? I'll be honest, I'm a bit nervous being in front of everyone like this." I pretend to be out of it, if it means they lower their guard or underestimate me, the better.

"Do not worry, young Mars. Before we start the re-evaluation, I'd like for you to explain your skillset so we can re-categorize you if needed." The old man explained.

"Well, I'm assuming everyone here knows about the double dungeon? Certainly you all must be wondering the story behind the wings?" I start off, not sure where to begin. "I was originally a simple tanker, but besides being considerably stronger than before now, I can now use magic… It's honestly easier for me to just showcase my powers."

I fly into the air, forming five holy lightning spears, keeping them hovering around me with [Ruler's Authority] like it's swords dance from Pokémon. With my free hands I start to shoot lightning bolts of various power levels at the littered training dummies across the gym, each shot hitting my target dead center mass, frying them.

"These wings aren't just for show, as I'm sure everyone knows by now, and I can manipulate light magic in various ways." I officially reveal, landing back down gracefully. "I still believe I have more abilities to learn, and I honestly don't think I'm close to hitting my full potential yet, either."

I need to really sell my powers and room for growth here, but looking at the money signs forming in Jong-In's eyes, I've done a pretty good job so far.

"Very impressive for your age, Mars. What other abilities do you think you can learn?" Chairman Go inquired, looks like I've successfully captured everyone's full attention so far.

"Well, it's just a theory, but if that double dungeon really did give me divine-like powers, I'm certain I can heal others…" I try to downplay, obviously realizing how valuable an S-rank healer is for this country.

Not missing the way Baek Yoonho's eyes widen, I believe he's best friends with retired S-rank healer Min Byung-Gyu. Maybe he just found a new angle to recruit me with.

"Let me assure you, Mars, I'll do everything in my power to help nurture your many talents!" Gunhee nodded happily, "I will now explain why I assembled all of you here."

"U-uhh, sir? I actually have one more power as well…" I interrupt, inwardly grinning at the chairman's gawked expression.

"Hm? My apologies, please continue." Gunhee chuckled.

Without saying a word, I summon every shadow soldier, besides Kang and my assassins; I need to ensure no one knows I'm capable of attacking from the shadows. I can definitely get away with falsifying what I'm truly capable of. No one on Earth should be aware of the Shadow Monarch, and I'd like to keep it that way as long as I can. Speaking of which, I need to find out if anyone knows what happened to Kang.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly changes as my shadows spawn in perfect formation: the infantrymen stand at attention in two lines, with the mages and archers situated on either side. Igris draws the most attention as he towers over everyone else in the room, blatantly sizing up each hunter. Once he locks eyes on Cha Hae-In, my first shadow begins to emit an aura that can only be described as intense battle-lust.

I'm sure the whole room noticed as Hae-In shifts uncomfortably. I didn't realize how big of a battle maniac Igris was.

"Not right now, Igris." I reach up and give a playful tap on the knight commander's breastplate, and he instantly drops down to one knee, embarrassed for going overboard. I can sense Kang laughing at Igris from within my shadow, I can't be too hard on Kang; he's been pouting since he can't show off his power with the rest of my shadow soldiers. It's quite amusing how much personality my shadows have, even the regular soldiers are puffing out their chest towards the hunters. Is it my pride rubbing off on them?

"Sorry, vice guildmaster Cha, my shadow Igris here is a fellow swordsman, as you can see. He loves to fight, don't mind him." I explain, giving her my best smile as I make Igris bow in apology to the country's most famous hunter. "I have absolute control over my summons, anyone interested can come over and check them out."

"I-it's fine, hunter Valentino… In fact I actually would like to test my skills against your summon after this meeting." Hae-In speaks for the first time since arriving, she gives me a weird look before suddenly looking down to the ground, her face with a light flush that wasn't there before.

Casting [Observe] on her shows

Name: Cha Hae-In

Level: 83

Race: Hunter (S)

Class: Master Swordswoman

Title: The Dancer

Thoughts about you: Wants to discover why you smell so good to her. Embarrassed that she is forming a small crush on you.

Affection: 40

Heh, that's almost too easy. Her affection doubled over something so trivial like that? Although, maybe her mana sensitivity issue is more serious than I remember. The original manhwa didn't exactly do a great job at fleshing out any other characters besides Jinwoo.

Hae-In is probably a maiden? I guess I'll only find out by 'corrupting' her. I can't lie, she is an absolute bombshell, being in an alternative universe means most women look abnormally beautiful. I guess I have the Goddess of Beauty to thank for that. I also have to 'thank' Venus for intentionally blue balling me.

While Hae-In regains her composure, the rest of the hunters had already moved closer to study my army, it truly is a show stealer of an ability.

"You essentially have your own personal attack force…" Jong-In noted, his eyes glued at the mages, I could see his mind racing at the possibilities.

"Jeez, is this kid for real?" Ma Dongwook snorts out, slapping Tae-Gyu playfully on the back as the archers surrounded the S-rank ranger, comparing their bows to his.

"This summon is as strong as me…" Yoonho gulped, his eyes glowed a vibrant gold, looking up at the smug Igris.

"Y-young Mars, do you realize how unique that power of yours is?" Go Gunhee glared at my army in amazement.

Summoners usually fall into two categories: quality or quantity. Most summoners can only control one or two summons at a time, these hunters usually pour all of their mana into forming these creatures, making them extremely one dimensional. Lower ranked summoners instead opt for numbers, swarming dungeon monsters with low ranked summons, making it a battle of attrition instead. But never has there been a recorded summoner who could call forth so many high quality summons.

Looking around the room, I can tell things got out of hand, even Gunhee himself wasn't expecting anything like this, but who could blame them. It's quite unbelievable but everything can be chalked up to the double dungeon incident.

"Yes, I didn't really expect to have so many new different powers, either. That's sort of why I went training alone for so long, I wanted to discover what I was capable of first." I try to explain my recent absences. It's believable enough that no one calls me out on it. "I think the best way to classify me is Battlemage, I'm tanky enough to frontline, and I'm clearly gifted with magic, too…"

"Well, this has certainly been an exciting gathering! Thank you, Mars, I believe that's enough." The old hunter laughed as I called every soldier back into my shadow, except for Igris. "The Association will take care of the rest of the re-awakening process, Mars."

Having Igris be my right hand man definitely gives me instant credibility, the giant shadow definitely impressed everyone.

"As Korea's strongest hunters, I'd like to discuss important news with all of you. I know some of you would much rather discuss business with Mars, so let me start with this: Any guilds interested in recruiting young Mars can talk to him after I have my own personal conversation with him. I believe we should all have a fair chance at negotiation." The old man not so subtly flared his immense aura once again, his eyes drifted to Jong-In, specifically.

"Jeju Island." Gunhee bitterly uttered out. With just those two words, the mood in the room dropped as it's still quite the sour topic to everyone present. "The ants are evolving… an ant monster with wings was just discovered on the coast of the main island…"

The old man suddenly turned his focus towards my wings, as if he just realized something.


Name: Go Gunhee

Level: 88

Race: Hunter (Ruler Vessel)

Class: Monk

Title: S-Rank Among S-Ranks, The Sky Above The Skies

Thoughts about you: Inspired by your many abilities, he believes you're proof of hunters evolving in the face of strong opposition.

Reputation: 30

"I believe we, as a nation, are strong enough to finally reclaim Jeju Island from those damn ants." Go Gunhee announced, before he deeply bowed to all of us, surprising everyone. "Please, I'm requesting from all of you to join together with me to form the fourth and final Jeju Island raid party."

"S-sir…" Jinchul muttered out, he only ever saw Gunhee bow to the families of deceased hunters and civilians.

"No more innocent casualties, this must be taken care of with haste, before anymore ants arrive." Gunhee continued, "Ideally, this would be taken care of within the month."

"You can count on the White Tiger's complete assistance, sir." Baek Yoonho responded first, earning a nod from the old man.

"Naturally, you can depend on the Hunter's guild as well." Jong-In promised, ticked off that Yoonho pledged first, showing him up.

"The Fame guild and Reapers guild will participate, also!" Ma Dongwook roared out with a jolly giggle.

"Don't answer for me, idiot!" Tae-Gyu sighed, "The Reapers guild will be there, chairman Go."

"Excellent, thank you very much! I'll start planning the raid as soon as I can. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll need to discuss a couple things with Mars in my office. Any guilds interested in recruiting young Mars can schedule a meeting through Inspector Woo" Gunhee declared, surprising Jinchul more than anyone else.

It's quite impressive how Gunhee can handle such strong personalities. I need to take notes.

Gunhee motioned to me, guess we're heading to his office now. Good luck Jinchul.

- Woo Jinchul -

Jinchul simply stared at the doors Mars and chairman Gunhee just exited from. Is he serious?

He looked over to the five S-rank hunters in various levels of confusion, Gunhee was infamous for being quite sly. Jinchul had expected Mars to have been swarmed by the hunters, Choi Jong-In and Baek Yoonho, specifically. He would find the chairman's ploy quite amusing, the problem is the old hunter dumped the burden onto his shoulders. Would he ever get any rest? He still had a lot to learn.

"Well, you heard the chairman. I'm assuming you all want meetings with Mars?" Jinchul asked the leaders of the top four guilds in the country.

"I know a losing fight when I see one. Good luck to the two of you." Ma Dongwook earnestly admitted.

Jinchul always liked the Fame guildmaster, he was very easygoing for a S-rank.

"What do you mean the 'two of you'?" Lim Tae-Gyu scoffed at Dongwook, "Fine, I had my eyes on recruiting Lee Minsung anyway…"

With that, the two guildmasters left, looks like it's down to the two major guilds.

"I would like a meeting with Mars, as soon as possible." Yoonho requested, before leaving as well.

"I think you know we do, too, Jinchul~" Jong-In confirmed, giving him an annoying wink as he strode out of the gymnasium.

"Sorry about him." Hae-In apologized, "Thanks for taking care of this, Inspector Woo."

"It's all part of the job, ma'am." Jinchul replied. "I'll be in touch once I confirm the meeting with Mars."

He nodded to her, before she exited.

Jinchul started to hurry to the chairman's office, hopefully the meeting wasn't over yet. Mars was quite the elusive hunter to find.

"Where the hell did Kang Taeshik go?" Jinchul remembered, sighing as he added finding the Lunatic to his growing list of responsibilities.

- Sung Jinwoo -

The young looking man sprawled out in the hospital bed with a bittersweet look on his face. So much has happened in the past couple of days. He removed the blanket, revealing the stump he used to call his right leg. Jinwoo still experienced phantom pains every hour, the doctor had let him know it'll go away with time.

He sighed, maybe he should be thankful, all things considered. Plenty of hunters had died in the double dungeon, and he was here complaining about losing a leg. If he had died, who would have taken care of Jinah? It wasn't even his whole leg, it had been cut off just above the knee. Nowadays prosthetic technology had improved substantially, it would take time to get used to, but if there is one word to describe Jinwoo, it's resilient.

Despite what he lost, Jinwoo felt like he gained a lot more. In fact, he was hopeful, his budding relationship with Joohee had left him feeling on top of the world. He had a massive crush on the B-rank hunter as soon as he met her. She had gone back to her hometown to visit her family after the traumatic experience in the dungeon. They had been in contact throughout the day, texting or calling whenever she had free time. Joohee was too good to him.

His phone vibrated again, this time a reply back from Mars. Looks like he has some business with the Hunters Association before he can return to the hospital, Jinwoo really wanted to find a way to thank Mars.

The closed door swung open as his sister Jinah barged in with her best friend Han Song-Yi.

"Is Mars here yet?" Jinah cheerfully asked looking around the room.

"Not yet, he has a meeting with the Association before he can return to the hospital." Jinwoo answered, "Wait… you look different. Did you get your hair done? And you're wearing makeup? What's with you?"

"I-I just wanted to try something, new. T-that's all." Jinah stuttered out, refusing to look him in the eye. She was always the worst liar.

"Wow, if this is how you're going to act around Mars there's no way he'll date you~" Song-Yi teased Jinah, giggling at her flushed face. "Hi mister, how's your leg today?"

"It's better… Jinah do you want me to put in a good word for you to Mars?" Jinwoo joked.

"Oppa! We're leaving! Let me know when Mars is here!" Jinah pouted, rushing out the door, Song-Yi right behind her.

"I wouldn't mind having Mars as a little brother…" Jinwoo imagined, he would have no problem if those two got together.

- Mars -

Sitting on the couch opposite the chairman, it's impressive Go Gunhee is this strong at his age. He just radiates power as I can even feel Igris respecting just how pure his mana is. If Jeju Island is indeed happening like this, I'd love to see Gunhee go all out versus the ants. It's unfortunate I can't revive any Ruler vessels, adding Gunhee or any National rank hunters would be ideal, but I will find other ways to use them.

"Sir, if this is about Jeju Island, of course I'll join, I'm sure you're aware of my history, and how my parents died…" I start, knowing just how to appeal to the old man.

"I am, Mars…Thank you, and I'm glad to hear it. But that's not the main reason I called you to my office, I had wanted to talk about the Association." Gunhee paused for a second, before continuing. "As you know, there aren't many exceptional hunters employed here. Besides me, the only true talent is Mr. Woo, despite the size of our organization. Who would want to join the Association when the major guilds offer fame and fortune? I'll cut to the chase, we aren't a corporation, so we can't offer you a lot of money. I'm looking for a successor, and only someone truly strong can take over for me."

He stopped to give me time to gather my thoughts.

Essentially, he's offering me a fast track up the political ladder. Political power; influence over not just the Association, but the government, the media. It's a lot of hard work, but it's guaranteed success.

It looks like I'll be negotiating with different guilds after this, as I can't imagine the major guilds would let me go without a fight. It's important to play both sides as long as you can, until you're forced to pick a side. I'm a free agent, and it's my privilege to be wined and dined. Each guild will spare no expense if it means recruiting the newest S-rank, as I've now learned whoever I join will most certainly be the strongest organization in the country. Leveraging them against each other will be no problem at all.

This isn't a trivial decision, I need to take my time with this. Thanks to [Observe] and [Gamer's Mind], I should be a negotiating nightmare. The question is how do I carry out my goals without alienating anyone? I literally have to take over Seoul, I'd much rather do so quietly, without any fanfare.

"Sorry, sir. I don't think I can give you an answer today, it's quite a big decision." I pause for dramatic effect. "The truth is, I want to fight. I see how useful and vital the Association is, but I believe I belong in the dungeons."

My improved eyesight spots his own eyes dilate for a split second, before he formed a small smile. Looks like he bought it. I'm not lying when I said that, he could have spotted a lie, Gunhee is a highly skilled and experienced negotiator.

"My plan is to do a trial run with each organization interested in me. If it's okay with you, sir, I would like to do trial dungeon raids with the major guilds before I can truly make an informed decision to my future as a man and a hunter." I explain, it's definitely a rationale he can respect. "Chairman Go, is that everything you wanted to discuss? I made plans to see some friends, I think they're waiting for me now."

"That's everything, Mars. Thank you, you have given me a lot to think over…" The old man concluded, standing up and shaking my hand. "Inspector Woo will be in touch regarding those meetings."

"It was a great honor meeting you, sir. Thank you." I politely bow to the elder, leaving his office.

Name: Go Gunhee

Level: 88

Race: Hunter (Ruler Vessel)

Class: Monk

Title: S-Rank Among S-Ranks, The Sky Above The Skies

Thoughts about you: Proud of you for not being blinded by fame and fortune, energized by your opinion on strong hunters belonging in dungeons.

Reputation: 70

- Go Gunhee -

The old man laughed as he thought about the young hunter. All the wisdom and experience in the world, and he just needed a youthful viewpoint on the matter causing him stress. If there's a dungeon, then hunters simply need to raid them. How could he let any past regrets prevent him from finally clearing Jeju? Perhaps the country is in good hands no matter where Mars goes…

When was the last time Gunhee had taken a night off and enjoyed his time with friends?

A knock on his door interrupted his thoughts.

"Come in." Gunhee ordered.

"Sir. That was a fast meeting, did Mars decline?" Jinchul walked in, his sunglasses did a poor job of covering his tired eyes.

"Hmmm. Time will tell." The old man hummed, "Clear my schedule for the day."

"But, sir, you have a meeting with the ministers later today?" Jinchul questioned.

"I'm in no mood to waste my energy on those pompous old geezers. How about we go out for some drinks?"

- Mars -

As I fly to the hospital with a lazy pace, I reflect on the re-evaluation meeting. I need to be prepared for anything, I had expected the re-evaluation to go like it did with Jinwoo. I'm not sure how much canon I can rely on, at least the characters are somewhat predictable, not including Kang.

And what exactly am I going to do with you Kang? How can I make use of you without incriminating myself?

First, I'll have you 'resurface'. Maybe I can send you after some low level hunters so the Association just thinks you went AWOL? I just need to find the perfect target.

Ah. How about Hwang Dongsuk and the lizards? Those guys certainly don't deserve to live, I'd be doing the world a favor if I take care of those nasty lizards.

I stop to land on an unoccupied rooftop. Making sure I'm hidden from any wandering eyes or conveniently placed cameras, I summon Kang and five shadow assassins.

"Find Hwang Dongsuk. Kill him somewhere his body would be found easily. If any fellow lizards are with him, kill them too. Make sure no one sees you, and ensure your kill modus operandi points to Kang." I order my stealthy soldiers to fulfil the task, promising Kang head pats if he successfully executes my order.

Ashborn you there?

I'm here, partner. What do you need?

I need your advice, what's your opinion on the list Venus gave us? You're okay with me dealing with your fellow monarchs however I like?

Conquer the remaining Monarchs (0/7)

Clear Jeju Island (incomplete)

Take over Seoul (incomplete)

Build a Lair (0/1)

Acquire a General (0/1)

Gather Minions (0/1000)

Corrupt Maidens (0/3)

As long as you put an end to the bloodshed once and for all, young Mars, it's all up to you. But I don't believe you're strong enough to deal with my Monarch cousins just yet.

Oh I know, dealing with the Monarchs will definitely be my final task in this universe. It's interesting it says conquer, rather than kill. Are some of your Monarchs more reasonable than others?

Yes, the problem is most of the Monarchs greatly fear our power. Antares is our biggest problem as we will most definitely need to kill him. The Iron Body Monarch and Yogumunt, the Monarch of Transfiguration, are completely loyal to him. So that's three Monarchs we must kill no matter what.

Okay, what about the others?

The Beast is a coward, and will follow the strongest Monarch, so if you put him in his place, you won't need to worry about him. The Frost Monarch and Legia, the Monarch of Beginning, are both cunning, if you can somehow convince them we're the winning side, they won't hesitate to join.

And the Monarch of Plagues?

Ah, Querehsha, she is the hardest one to predict. As you would expect, the Queen of Insects is a rather bloodthirsty individual, so if you can recruit her, she will be a powerful ally.

This gives me a lot to think about, thanks partner. If I bring some Monarchs to our side, how can I trust them for sure?

Hm, we can use the Pledge of Servitude. It's the same type of spell like the Pledge of Trust. Just like how the pledges can't lie to each other, the acceptor must serve the caster. Once the Pledge of Servitude has been initiated, it's permanent, unless you terminate the contract, for whatever reason. The catch is, the caster must be stronger than the follower, because a stronger being can simply break the pledge of a weak caster.

Good to know. What do you think of the rest of the list? It looks like finding a general I can trust or corrupting a couple maidens is the easiest place to start. My plan was to bestow my power on someone I can put my trust in, and then make that person my General. How exactly does [Power Bestowal] work, Ashborn?

That's a smart plan, young Mars. Sharing your powers is rather simple, whomever you choose will receive a fragment of your power. It's how my Father bestowed power to the Rulers, and how the Rulers shared their power to the National rank hunters.

I see, so the stronger I get, the more powerful my fragment would be? Are my bestowed completely loyal to me?

No, while they might feel inclined to serve you, you cannot force them to do anything they wouldn't want to do. Otherwise, my siblings wouldn't have rebelled against our Father.

Makes sense. I guess I have the Pledge of Servitude for that, I'll be counting on you when the time comes. I'll talk to you soon, Ashborn. Looks like we arrived at the hospital.

- Later -

Walking into Jinwoo's hospital room, I'm surprised to find him alone, just browsing on his phone with a expectant look on his boyish face.

"Hey Jinwoo! Where's the missus?" I greet him, laughing at his flustered expression.

"Mars…" Jinwoo groaned. "You love teasing me, huh?"

Name: Sung Jinwoo

Level: 9

Race: Hunter (E)

Class: Assassin

Title: The Weakest Hunter of all Mankind

Thoughts about you: Immensely thankful for saving his life, and setting him up with his long time crush, Joohee.

Reputation: 90

Sheesh that's a brutal title. No way that's true, right?

I was thinking of making Jinwoo my general, but I think he deserves a happy ending with Lee Joohee. Once I can buy that grimoire set on White Magic I'll heal you Jinwoo, just wait a little bit longer.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist!" I admit, making him sigh fondly at me. "How are you?"

"I feel great, despite everything that happened." Jinwoo replied, "And to answer your first question, Joohee is back home visiting her family for a couple days."

"Ah, I see. That's good, I could tell she needed that." I suddenly smirk, "So… when are you visiting your future in-laws?"

"Damn it, Mars." Jinwoo grumbled, before he grinned back at me. "Are you single, Mars? I might actually know someone quite interested in you…"

Who could he be talking about?

As if on cue, two girls suddenly burst into the room.

Name: Sung Jinah

Race: Human

Occupation: Student

Thoughts about you: Thankful to you for saving her brother's life, and finally setting him up with a girl. Has a crush on you dating back to before you dropped out of school.

Affection: 75

Name: Han Song-Yi

Level: 7

Race: Hunter (E)

Class: Fighter

Thoughts about you: Thinks you're hot, needs your help so she can join a large guild.

Affection: 50

"Mars!" Jinah shouted out, launching at me like a rocket, hugging me tightly.

She is just wearing her school uniform, but it's a snug fit, and I'm painfully aware that her breasts are squished against my torso, her face planted on my bare chest.

"Uh Jinah? You're squeezing Mars pretty hard there." Jinwoo pointed out with a mischievous smile on his face.

She must have just realized I'm shirtless and quickly pushed me away, blushing hard to Jinwoo's amusement. I dig through my old memories, it turns out I was in the same friend group as Jinah and Song-Yi, apparently I was a shameless flirt back when I went to school.


N-not now Ashborn, it's Venus' fault I'm so pent up… I haven't had the time to indulge in the pleasures of flesh yet, but I need to start my maiden quest sooner than later. It just so happens I have a couple candidates to 'help' me now.

"Ah! Sorry Mars. You're Seoul's Saint?! I knew there was a resemblance, I didn't really expect it to be you, though!" Jinah noted, as she not so subtly checked me out. "How did you change so much? And why did you drop out?!"

She sure is energetic.

"Seoul's Saint?" Jinwoo asked. "What are you even talking about?"

"Jeez how clueless can you be Oppa? Everyone's talking about the hottest new hunter in the country." Jinah explained, "Mars do you know you have a growing fan club at our school? I can't wait to tell them it's you…"

Jinah turned on the small television in the room, surfing the channels until she could what she was looking for.

"Heh, sounds hilarious. I'm sure the public will know soo-" I reply before the television cuts me off.

"KOREA HUNTERS ASSOCIATION ANNOUNCE NEW S-RANK HUNTER!" The entertainment channel blurts out.

The Association works fast.

The room was silenced as the program played out, it was a press release by Inspector Woo, officially announcing Korea's 11th ever S-rank hunter. Interestingly enough they didn't reveal my name yet, but the reporters asking questions are mostly inquiring about 'Seoul's Saint'. Jinchul hadn't denied it, so the media is running with it.

Maybe they're waiting for me to choose an organization, first?

"M-Mars? Was that the meeting you were busy with?" Jinwoo asked, staring at my 4 shadowy wings.

"Yeah… I was just about to tell you guys. I re-awakened in the dungeon, I have 'angelic' powers now. It's related to those statues, Jinwoo."

"Holy shit…" Jinwoo was speechless.

"Is that related to why you dropped out?" Song-Yi finally joined the conversation, it's unlike her to be so quiet.

Why does she need my help to join a large guild?

"Uh, well my parents died in that dungeon break incident last week…" I awkwardly disclose. "It's how I awakened in the first place, my first dungeon raid was that double dungeon incident. I'd say it's bad luck, but maybe all those events led me to where I am right now." I shrug.

"Mars…" "Shit, I'm sorry Mars." Both Jinah and Song-Yi responded, they each held my arm giving me a sad look.

"My bad Mars, I forgot you told me during the raid…" Jinwoo looked more apologetic than anyone else.

"It's alright, the two of you couldn't have known that." I assure them, "Jinwoo, a lot happened that day, don't feel bad."

"I got a new phone, so I wasn't able to save your numbers, sorry about that" I try to quickly change the subject, I hate awkward situations.

"It's okay, now that you and my Oppa are close now, you can't avoid me~" Jinah sang out, she's not exactly hiding her feelings for me.

Jinwoo doesn't seem to mind at all, in fact he seems ecstatic I'm intimate friends with Jinah. The Sung's are definitely good people.

"Mars? Can me and Jinah talk to you, in private?" Song-Yi asked with a nervous look on her face.

It seems she has some speech prepared for me, which guild is she related to?

"Sure thing, I can always make time for two gorgeous girls." I lay on the charm, smirking at their flushed faces. "I need to gather my things in my room before I'm discharged from the hospital. Want to come with?"

"That's perfect!" Jinah squealed, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room. "Talk to you later, Oppa!"

- Sung Jinwoo -

"Silly girl…" Jinwoo chuckled to himself, thinking about his beloved little sister. "Mars would be a fine man for her."

The retired hunter knew Jinah would be safe with Mars.

"I should call Joohee and update her with everything!"


- Cha Hae-In -

The swordswoman sat in quiet reflection. She had been thinking about Mars for the whole day after meeting the young hunter. Hae-In had been thinking of his smell, or rather, lack of smell. Every single hunter she met, from E-rank all the way to the time she met some of the National ranks; they all had a foul stench.

Was it his reawakening? Why did the young man smell so good to her? She wanted to get to know him, get closer to him. Hae-In concluded the guild needed to recruit Mars at all costs. Jong-In was strangely calm with not recruiting Mars earlier today. Did the guild master have a new plan?

"Mars…" She muttered to herself, not realizing her kumdo teacher was trying to get her attention the past minute.

"Hae-In!" Song Chi-Yul brought her back to reality. "Are you okay? You haven't been able to focus at all today. Did you just say Mars? As in Mars Valentino?"

"H-huh?" A small blush started to form on her gentle face. "Wait, you know Mars?"

A pained expression formed on her mentor's face.

"Well you know I was in that double dungeon incident…" Chi-Yul started, clearly it's still a sore subject. "It's my fault all those people died… Mars… he's a good man. He had the courage to yield his own life for his fellow hunters… even for an old cripple like me."

How could she have forgotten her mentor was in the dungeon with Mars, if the young hunter had Chi-Yul's stamp of approval… Maybe she shouldn't fight her developing feelings for the one hunter she can hopefully connect with.

"Tell me everything you know about Mars."


- The Ant King -

The ant wiped blood from it's mandible. It was tired of eating it's fellow ants.

According to the Queen, they have grown too fast for the island to support them. It is why the Queen created him, after all. Someone needs to lead the citizens of the ant kingdom.

He will lead his fellow ants off the island, to hunt their prey who have fled from them.

So far, the ant king has purged the island of any weak ants, ants who cannot fight are useless. Only the strong will survive, the first generation of ants have become obsolete.

His Queen has given him one main order: you must make the enemies who stand in our way tremble in fear.

Consume all there is to consume, become stronger, at all costs.