- Hwang Dongsuk (Lizards) -

For the past couple hours, Hwang Dongsuk thought he went insane, he kept checking over his shoulder every other second. No matter where he looked, the shadows in the corner of his eyes kept shifting. It was like his own shadow was plotting against him. His fellow lizards thought he was just suffering from nicotine withdrawals, but the empty carton of cigarettes indicates otherwise. He swore he even felt the tip of a blade lightly tickle the back of his neck. When he fell off his chair in surprise, there was no one there, his friends joked he was really going insane.

What should have been a simple night of drinking, partying, beating up some humans and stealing their girls became a night of terror when Dongsuk watched his best friend Cho Kyuhwan's shadow snap his own neck.

The screams in the room were quickly silenced as the rest of his lizards in their hideaway were attacked in similarly brutal fashion. He envied the human whores who swiftly died to decapitation as he watched his fellow lizards get their eyes gouged out with daggers. They were unable to scream for long, as their jaws were soon ripped off. His friends couldn't even grasp their faces because their hands were cut off as blood sprayed everywhere.

"W-WHO THE FUCK IS THERE?!" The lead lizard screamed, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!"

Dongsuk wasn't able to run away as his Achilles tendons were sliced and the C-rank tanker fell on his ass. He watched his foot dangling grotesquely off his leg, barely hanging on by a thread. Dongsuk immediately gagged, puking at the horrific sight and immense pain. His body went into shock, he lost control of his own body as the fact he just soiled himself barely even registers.

He wished he lost his eyesight back then as he watched his comrades choke to death on their own blood. The lizards had desperately clawed at their ripped throats, leaking stubs flooding their own lungs.

Dongsuk wanted to look anywhere else, but the shadows in the dark den were somehow boxing him in. Wishing for the terror to end, he reached for his sword ready to slit his own throat. But right as he grabbed his weapon, he felt someone strong grab his arm, restraining it in place.

"W-WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" He cried out before he felt the grip on his wrist tighten considerably, grunting as the sword drops to the floor. "AAARGH!"

His screams became louder as he felt both his ulna and radius bones break in his right arm. Dongsuk regretted asking that question as the killers he was looking for started to materialize right in front of him.

There were 6 of them. All were as dark as the shadows themselves. They all looked like ninjas, wearing medieval helmets with a faint blue light shining through their visors. The daggers they were all wielding kept leaking more blood onto the floor, this was a complete massacre. Whatever these monsters were, they were smart. They had systematically wiped out his whole squad in a matter of seconds. His past paranoia was very much legitimized as he understood the shadows had been here with them this whole night. They were strong too, the shadows were all easily A-rank, judging how they easily tore through multiple C and B-rank hunters like they were mere goblins.

But the leader, the only one without a helmet, it had a sadistic smile on it's face. Dongsuk could see it's twisted blue face, weirdly enough it had shadow black hair, but there was a glowing blue streak through the side.

"D-do you know who my brother is?" Dongsuk calmly asked the lead assassin, the shadow had let go of his arm when it sensed him lose the will to fight back.

The shadow tilted it's head, it's expression became a thoughtful one, as if it was really intelligent enough to understand and think about the question. It then shrugged, before grinning evilly as it made the motion of slicing it's throat with it's dagger.

"Haha, there's no way in hell you will kill my brot-" Dongsuk scoffed out before the shadow stabbed him through the heart.

The last remaining lizard laughed as he coughed out blood, the shadow left the dagger impaled, if he pulls it out he's just going to bleed out even quicker. Dongsuk's unexpected last thought was about his brother, and if he would even come to the country upon learning of his death.

The shadow had been staring at him, was it just making sure he was going to die without causing any more problems? He liked to think it was considerate enough to wait with him until he lost consciousness, at least. Either way, he knew his time was up. As his vision started to blur, the shadows slowly started to disappear, one by one, until it was just the leader remaining.

Dongsuk's last sight was the lead assassin giving him a small wave as the cruel smile itched on it's face disappeared.

- Sung Jinah -

"And just how did you know where my room was?" Mars asked with a sly smile on his face, an eyebrow raised.

Jinah blushed as she realized her blunder. It was getting increasingly hard to focus the more time she spent time with Mars. Was he always this handsome? It's obvious how much he grew but even just looking at Mars up close is difficult. He obviously worked out before he reawakened as a hunter, but now his body looks like a piece of art. His muscles were sculpted as if he was made by Michelangelo himself. She needed to ask Song-Yi exactly what happens when a hunter reawakens.

"Jinah?" Mars asked once again, this time he snapped her out of it when he put a large hand on her shoulder.

"Uhh… S-song-Yi has an important question for you!" Jinah panicked, blurting out the first non-inappropriate Mars thought that came to mind.

"Real smooth." Song-Yi chuckled out, "You're drooling a little bit, by the way."

"E-excuse me!" Jinah yelped out, running outside to find the nearest washroom.

- Mars -

"Well, looks like Jinah hasn't changed much since I left." I joke with Song-Yi, earning a cute giggle from the hunter. "What's up, Song-Yi?"

"Ah, well I had this whole speech prepared, but Jinah sort of ruined the mood…" Song-Yi groaned out, "You know me, Mars. I'll just tell you straight up. I was contacted by an agent from the White Tiger guild, Mr. Ahn Sangmin, he was looking for information about you."

"Really? About me?" I ask the girl, "Start from the beginning, what happened?"

Listening to Song-Yi explain everything, I find myself impressed with how this Ahn Sangmin managed to find a connection with me. He was the one of the very first people who discovered Jinwoo's talents and potential in the original story. I was planning on meeting with the major guilds no matter what, but making it seem like I'm going out of my way by calling him will make both Song-Yi and Sangmin more grateful to me.

"That's interesting, Song-Yi, thank you for telling me." I thank her for confiding in me, I wonder what her planned speech was for me?

Name: Han Song-Yi

Level: 7

Race: Hunter (E)

Class: Fighter

Thoughts about you: Nervousness, she planned on seducing you with Jinah to secure her employment. Hopes you like her enough to agree to her request.

Affection: 60

That seduction attempt would have been certainly interesting to watch, Jinah could barely look me in the eyes before she ran out of the room.

Even if she's a newly awakened hunter, Song-Yi must know being E-rank is a near death sentence. She would be forced to join a small guild if she wanted to make any money as a hunter. These small guilds are not exactly known for being safe, as they lack the manpower and infrastructure to properly ensure their hunter's safety.

"To be honest, I was leaning towards joining Hunter's guild…" I say thoughtfully, watching her shoulders slump in sad acceptance. "But, I'll give him a call first, for you."

"Mars!" She squeaked out, before rushing at me into a tight hug. "You jerk! You dragged that out on purpose, didn't you?" Song-Yi hit me on the arm with a wide smile on her face.

"Haha, sorry. I couldn't resist." I smile back at her, gently stroking her cheek, looking into her eyes as she gets lost in mine.

Right as she was about to go in for a kiss, the door popped open. A red-faced Jinah emerged, getting in between the two of us. Was she watching us? I don't miss the challenging glares they give each other.

"Sorry about that Mars, I'm guessing by the dumb grin on Song-Yi's face you agreed?" Jinah broke the awkward silence with a shot at her best friend.

"Heh, yep! I couldn't resist those puppy dog eyes she gave me." I join in on the teasing, laughing as Song-Yi's ears turned red.

A soft knock on the door reminds us we're not alone as the nurse, Choi Yoora walks in, smirking slightly as she sees the position I'm in with the girls.

"Ah, I'm sorry Mars, I just wanted to catch you before you left." The nurse innocently asks, as she slowly struts towards us. "Mars~, which one of these cute girls is your girlfriend?"

I don't know how I ended up in this situation, and I'd rather not be stuck here all day. But, maybe, I can turn this into my favor.

"No problem nurse Choi, I'm actually single. Me, Jinah and Song-Yi here are just friends." I bluntly reveal, not missing the nurse's smirk grow.

"Oh is that so? Just call me Yoora, sweetie, since you're no longer an official patient of mine anymore…" Yoora says with a sultry smile as she playfully touches my arm, squeezing my bicep.

Name: Choi Yoora

Race: Human

Occupation: Nurse

Thoughts about you: Snuck a peek while you were sleeping, wants to feel you inside her.

Affection: 70

Heh, she's not exactly hiding it. Looking at the worried glances Jinah and Song-Yi are giving each other, it looks like they had some sort of agreement regarding me.

"Here's my number…" She not so quietly whispers into my ear, knowing full well the two girls can hear me. "Call me if you want a more personal check up."

I don't think anyone in the room missed the way she licked her juicy lips as she said that.

"Thank you for looking after me the past couple days." I give her a bright smile, sliding the piece of paper into my pocket.

"Oh honey, believe me, it was my pleasure." Yoora says, giving me quick peck on the cheek. "Do call me if you feel any soreness. Or any stiffness. I would hate for Korea's newest S-rank hunter to be pent up, we need you at perfect health! Right, girls?"

She doesn't fail to enunciate the last word, as she slowly walks to the door, her peachy ass swaying with each step.

"That bitch…" Jinah spat out, both her and Song-Yi had rolled their eyes at the nurse as she sashayed away. "What a slut, did you see the way she looked at you? She was basically undressing you with her eyes."

"Heh, I mean she has been nothing but kind to me…" I say, knowing how annoyed they are with her. "Nurse Yoora was probably just kidding, I've been hearing a lot of jokes like that from a lot of women recently."

"Mars…" Jinah looked at me with wide eyes. The two girls studied my face if I was being serious.

It was hard not to crack a shit eating grin with that last lie, it's quite obvious how hard Yoora came on to me. She might as well had bent over and pulled her panties down with how she was acting towards me. But if Jinah and Song-Yi think of me being clueless in this kind of situation, they will quickly realize how easily led by the cock I would become. The first 'harlot' like the nurse that throws their body at me will quickly gain my heart in their eyes.

The thing about seducing maidens is you've got to be patient, they literally have no experience, after all. Seducing these two is really not a challenge at all, especially considering I have built in history with the two. I just need one of them to make the first move, and I have nurse Yoora to thank for accelerating their plans. Original Mars was probably well on track with hooking up with one of these girls eventually.

Thankfully, I have [Observe] telling me I'm right on the mark as they look at each other almost telepathically, they are coming to the same conclusion.

"Girls? I-" I was cut off by Jinah reaching up and putting her dainty finger on my lip, shutting me up.

Jinah looked at Song-Yi with a nervous smile, the hunter giving Jinah a reassuring nod back, before slowly stepping away from earshot.

"I… Mars, I wanted to thank you for saving my brother…" Jinah quietly whispered to me, looking up at me with complete adoration, "I always thought you were so cool back in school, and now here you are just completely changing Song-Yi's life like it's no big deal at all. I've always had the biggest crush on you… and now that you're going to be some world famous hunter I'm scared I might lose you…"

At this point, Jinah had her arms nervously wrapped around my neck, her entire face was burning red. A couple of tears had leaked out from her eyes, I don't think she was expecting on saying all of that today. I give her a genuine smile back, gently caressing her chin, forcing the girl to look me in the eyes as I wipe the tears rolling down her cheek. She had a thousand different thoughts, but while she was scared out of her mind at the feeling of rejection, she was also feeling euphoric at pouring her heart out to me.

"Jinah, I don't even know where to start…" I gently run my free hand through her silky smooth hair.

"I know, I never had you, you probably think I'm crazy for even saying this." She sighed, her mind was racing everywhere. "Sorry, I'm just going to leave, we've already wasted so much of your ti-"

I shut her up with a kiss, grabbing her face lovingly in my hands. Neither of the girls was expecting that move as I hear both of them gasp in surprise.

Jinah's soft lips froze in shock for a second, this was clearly her first kiss as she awkwardly moved her lips in response to mine. Her eyes almost doubled in size before she closed them, she was slowly getting into the kiss. Her grip around my neck tightened, she didn't want me going anywhere anytime soon.

What started as innocent smooches quickly became French, as I felt her tongue slowly prod my lips. Looks like Jinah has a thing for kissing, I won't stop her if she wants to keep going. This intoxicating mix of emotions was brewing between us, encouraging her to go further. Accepting her invitation of a lewder kiss, I allow her tongue to timidly enter my mouth, before I launch a surprise attack of my own, swirling my tongue around hers. I slowly dropped one hand to her hip, the other hand firmly grasping the back of her head as we start to explore each other's mouths. She quickly got the hang of it, I could hear her giggling as she grinded her tongue against mine, before we reluctantly had to stop to breathe.

"H-heh. You're a natural…" I tease the beet faced girl. "Sorry, I might have went too far."

"No! I- I loved it, Mars. I could feel you return my emotions with your kisses." Jinah admitted, looking down almost shamefully. "I want to continue…"

Is this my divine aura at work? Well, she does have nearly maxed out affection.

"I'll teach you another way to kiss, if you're interested?" I playfully offer. "That is, if you can keep up?"

Jinah flashes me a wicked grin as she leans forward on her tippy toes, wanting to continue this tug of war we've been fighting with our tongues. This time we kiss sloppily with our mouths glued to each other, happily exchanging fluids with one another as this second kiss is much more vulgar than our first one. The inside of Jinah's mouth feels scorching hot, her tongue was thoroughly probing the insides of my mouth.

I grope her ass lightly, not wanting to scare her away by moving too fast. Her moans against my mouth only encouraged me to squeeze harder as I feel her wrap my legs around me, guiding me to the bed I just made ten minutes prior. Once she was on top of me, she started to grind her crotch against mine as she continued her assault on my tongue.

As she felt me harden under her, she started to rub against me faster. Her moans were getting louder, echoing throughout the room. It is only then I stop the kiss as I remember we're not the only ones in the room, Song-Yi looked at the two of us with wide eyes, her face was even more flushed than Jinah's.

"Uh, sorry I should have left earlier… You two go on and do your thing. I need to get some fresh air." Song-Yi muttered out.

I look down towards Jinah, who had her hands pressed against my chest, she was catching her breath.

"That was so hot, Jinah." I whisper to her, parting the messy hair from her glossy forehead, "I wanted to keep going, but Song-Yi…"

Rather than reply back to me, Jinah chose to speak with her actions as she nervously poked my erection. I wasn't even expecting her to even want to continue the kiss, but now that she's taking the lead so fast? I'll let her set the pace for our first time. Thanks to Venus' teasing, there is no way I'm leaving this room without getting off. One last reassurance from me should ensure me claiming her virginity right here and now.

"Jinah… I don't want you to feel pressured to do anything you're not comfortable with…" I say as I stroke her cheek again, this time she pushes her face against my palm.

"No, I want this… I want you." Jinah says, more to herself than to me.

She unbuttons my jeans, gulping heavily as she carefully unzips the fly. She gasps loudly as my thick member springs free from it's denim prison. I thank myself for being too lazy buying new underwear, as I watch Jinah salivate at my newfound nakedness.

"Did you get this hard because of me?" She asks, as she takes a firm hold of my throbbing dick.

"Well, what was I supposed to do when I had such a pretty girl grind herself on me while we were making out?" I tease Jinah as her cheeks flare up again. "I'm no monk, so I'd love to keep going until we're both satisfied…"

"Have you ever had sex with a girl? Is she still alive?" Jinah asks in awe, "This would break me in two…"

"Oh come, you don't need to exaggerate…" I reply, "I know how many boys at school would kill to be in my position right now…"

"Hehe, Mars… I wanted to give you a reward for saving my brother…" She says with a mischievous smile, completely taking off my pants as she starts to unbutton her shirt.

I lean in and capture her lips once again, we've already established a pattern, our tongues already very familiar with each other. I help her unbutton the rest of her shirt as she devours my mouth, I feel her hands go straight for my dick, slowly stroking me.

Once her shirt hits the floor I immediately turn my attention to her neck, kissing her all over until I find her sweet spot. I used her sweet moans as clues until I found it, slightly below her ear as I harshly sucked on the skin, forming a red mark.

"Jinah…" I sensually whisper into her ear, "If we keep going like this I won't be able to stop myself."

She looks into my eyes lovingly, unhooking her bra without even blinking as she gives me an inviting smile.

- Han Song-Yi -

Oh my god, this sure escalated quickly. The young hunter peeked through her hands as she watched Jinah push Mars' face into her chest. Jinah looked to be in some sort of trance, and the twisted expression on her best friend's face implies she's feeling really good. Her lewd moans echoed throughout the room, Song-Yi sat in shock watching a side of Jinah she'd never seen before. And it's a side she wants to see more and more.

Song-Yi always had a thing for both genders, so she's not complaining as she has a front row seat of the two hottest people she knew mauling each other. She wonders if they even realize she's still in the room with them.

Song-Yi bit her lips as she watched Mars pick Jinah up like she weighed nothing. He flipped her onto her back, as Mars skillfully removed Jinah's skirt, kissing her from her breasts all the way down to her ankle. He had purposefully skipped over her crotch, hopping from Jinah's stomach to her inner thigh. She sighed for Jinah, as she can see the large wet stain in Jinah's plain white panties.

"Mars… Please… Take me…~" Jinah sang out, she could even smell her best friend's arousal.

Song-Yi's eyes widened as she watched Mars rub his dick against Jinah's panties. She watched him gently remove the soiled underwear, folding it neatly to the side. She could see Jinah squirm in agonizing delight as Mars directly teased her pussy with his large member, stimulating her clit as she stared at his dick being lubricated with Jinah's sweet juices.

Song-Yi moved her hand down to her underwear as she couldn't keep her eyes off the scene. She watched with baited breath as Mars started to penetrate Jinah, slowly starting with the tip. She heard Jinah's moans become more guttural, with each inch a new octave of pleasure.

After what felt like forever, Mars had finally fully sheathed himself in Jinah.

"Jinah you feel so good, are you okay?" Mars asked her, not moving as she could visibly see how deep he was in her best friend.

"Mars~ I feel so full, it hurts a little bit, but I feel good." Jinah panted out, "You can move now…"

She watched Mars give Jinah a deep kiss, before slowly pulling out half way, and inserting himself just as quickly. He started slowly, building a rhythm as Jinah's cute moans eventually became loud and drawn out. It was then Song-Yi realized how much Mars has to hold back, if he thrusted into her at full strength he might actually kill her. S-rank hunters throughout the world have been infamous for breaking the bodies and sometimes even killing humans they have had sex with.

Her thoughts were interrupted by both Mars and Jinah climaxing at the same time, hearing both of them moan in pleasure, seeing Mars finish deep inside Jinah. She was surprised until she saw how tightly Jinah had her legs wrapped around him, he would have to hurt her to if he wanted to pull out. That was enough for her to finish with them, Song-Yi's fingers were subconsciously mirroring their pace.

She suddenly felt embarrassment like no other as she watched Mars look at Song-Yi with a knowing smirk.

- Mars -

"Enjoy the show?" I joke as I pull out from Jinah's tight pussy, chuckling as I hear Jinah moan at the now empty feeling.

I wipe the sweat from my brow, looking at the two girls in varying levels of arousal. I'm still hard as fuck, I guess my supernatural side has increased my libido and my stamina to match. As much as I want to fuck Jinah and Song-Yi's brains out right now, I have more important things to do. Thankfully getting off once is enough to feel a lot more clear minded, I've wasted enough time, I should call Ahn Sangmin right away.

"I- I'm so sorry for intruding… I couldn't look away." Song-Yi admits, I could sense the guilt once the arousal went away.

Name: Han Song-Yi

Level: 7

Race: Hunter (E)

Class: Fighter

Thoughts about you: That was the hottest thing she's ever seen, she wants to be next.

Affection: 90

Name: Sung Jinah

Race: Human

Occupation: Student

Thoughts about you: She loves you, her mind is imagining raising a family with you.

Affection: 100

[Sung Jinah's Affection has been Maxed and Locked]

Well that's good to know Affection and I'm assuming Reputation will be locked once maxed out. I need to max out the major players in the country and everything else should fall into place.

"As amazing as that was, we should probably leave before a nurse or someone walks in. I was supposed to be discharged about ten minutes ago." I say with a smile, helping Jinah put her clothes back on. "I'll call you guys once I'm finished my meeting with the White Tiger guild?"

"Yes! Thank you, for everything Mars…" Jinah said cutely, she's feeling embarrassed especially since Song-Yi watched the whole thing. She folded the very stained bed sheet, and put it in her bag, I guess that's her memento of her lost maidenhood. "Let's go Song-Yi, we have a lot to talk about."

Jinah gives me a quick kiss before she hurries out the door with Song-Yi.

Conquer the remaining Monarchs (0/7)

Clear Jeju Island (incomplete)

Take over Seoul (incomplete)

Build a Lair (0/1)

Acquire a General (0/1)

Gather Minions (0/1000)

Corrupt Maidens (1/3)

I think I've done decently so far, I'm strong enough that everybody I meet respects me, but not enough to draw attention from outside of the country. Hell, even Hwang Dongsoo should have no suspicion towards me once he learns of his brother's death.

Besides my quest from Venus, I should establish some goals I need to complete. Although, looking at the master list, I was basically going to do all that anyway. I'm more than glad to do these tasks with added incentives.

I should focus on expanding my shadow army, and the only place I can do that properly is within the dungeon gates. I've put myself in a position where I can raid with both major guilds. The major players know how much potential I hold now, whoever I choose wins. Being hesitant to choose a side is not only expected, but I'm sure will be preferred as these organizations will find many different ways to recruit me.

I need to continue playing the naïve, young hunter. Any organizations recruiting me should understand I'm not very duplicitous, but not a fool either. Ideally, I will gain more and more influence throughout the country while completing the rest of my goals.

[Quest Received: No More Hiding]

[Objective: Reach National Rank Status]

[Reward: ?]

Thank Venus there's no time limit. I remember being strong enough to solo a S-rank dungeon is what separates National ranks and the other S-rank hunters. Jeju Island provides a rather convenient avenue in doing so. It's either that, or the S-rank giant gate that will spawn in Japan. I'm not ready to deal with any Monarchs, so I'm in no rush to meet Legia just yet.

Improving my Immortal Army in quality and quantity should allow me to solo Jeju Island easily, I have many shadows I have yet to acquire. These trial dungeon raids will hopefully give me the forces I need to match against the ant army in Jeju.

Is that White Tiger dungeon going to become a Red gate still? I suppose there's only one way to find out. Once I gain Beru and the rest of the ants, they will be able to build me a lair. I remember Jinwoo's ant soldiers being the best builders in his army.

Young Mars, you're thinking too hard again.

Thanks Ashborn, I might be getting ahead of myself here.

I've got your back. Never forget I'm here to help you out.

I won't, partner. While you're here, do you mind watching this egg for me? I hope it'll hatch quicker in your Shadow rather than sitting in my inventory.

Sure thing, partner. Anything else that currently requires my assistance?

Actually, yes, there is one more thing. Do you know if Ruler's can retract their wings?

Ah. Venus did say you were going to ask about those wings of yours. She specifically told me that she thought it would be funny to watch you struggle to live a normal life with those wings. Venus said those wings signify your 'Absolute superiority over the rest of those ants'. She questioned why you would even want to hide yourself amongst the rest of the weaklings.

Damn it, Venus. I have no choice but get used to those whims of hers. I'm already quite comfortable with my two pairs of wings, but a third might be soon on the way. As useful and surprisingly cozy they are, the world isn't exactly built for humans with wings. There must be a way to toggle them on or off.

There is indeed a way, partner. You must simply unlock your full Ruler potential. Using [Spiritual Body Manifestation] will give you free reign over your Ruler side, including your wings. Be warned, those Ruler wings of yours are the source of your divinity, and those wings are why humans tend to be in awe in your presence.

Hmm, makes sense. That's perfect, then. This will allow me to act more freely, so getting to National rank should unlock my full Ruler and Monarch powers.

Indeed. I'm afraid I never ran into human problems as a higher being. I'm glad to be learning all of this with you, young Mars.

Glad to have you with me, Ashborn.

- Ahn Sangmin (White Tiger) -

The chief of the White Tiger Guild's 2nd Division had a sense for potential, it's why he was so eager to recruit Mars. Something about the double dungeon incident, and the way the top organizations have been acting, it alerted Sangmin's second sense for these things. And Valentino Mars is in the middle of it all.

For the past hour, he had been in a meeting with key figures of the guild: Guildmaster Baek, and his rival manager of the 1st division, Joo Sungchan. The newest A-rank recruit, Kim Chul and promising B-rank mage, Park Heejin were also present, as Guildmaster Baek was discussing strategy for their upcoming training exercise in the C-rank gate that just opened.

Since it's only a C-rank gate, the guildmaster decided to test how promising Kim Chul is. A strike force of one A-rank, seven B-ranks and four C-ranks is quite overkill. Guildmaster Baek must be testing if Chul can lead their planned second strike force, as only the Hunter's guild possess the forces to have two elite raiding parties.

If Sangmin is able to bring in Mars, his promotion to 1st division is guaranteed. If Mars joins the Hunter's guild, then Sangmin can kiss ever moving up the ladder goodbye, as his rival Joo Sungchan was able to recruit A-rank Chul.

His phone suddenly rings, and Sangmin has to ignore the glares from Kim Chul and Sungchan for interrupting the meeting. Guildmaster Baek nodded to him, allowing him to answer. He's shocked when it's Mars himself calling, wanting to meet right away, apparently Han Song-Yi wasn't lying about being close with him. He'll have to start the paperwork on recruiting the young girl for actually managing to setup a meeting with the most promising hunter since Cha Hae-In.

"Sir, it's hunter Valentino Mars... He's outside."

- Mars -

Entering a boardroom in the White Tiger building, it's funny observing the various people I didn't expect to meet so early.

Name: Baek Yoonho

Level: 74

Race: Hunter (S)

Class: Brawler (Tiger Transformation)

Thoughts about you: Surprised you reached out to Ahn Sangmin, wants to learn about you and secure your recruitment before you even meet with Choi Jong-In.

Reputation: 30

Name: Ahn Sangmin

Race: Human

Occupation: Department Chief (White Tiger 2nd Division)

Thoughts about you: Shocked at your power level, especially compared to Guildmaster Baek.

Reputation: 40

Name: Joo Sungchan

Race: Human

Occupation: Manager (White Tiger 1st Division)

Thoughts about you: Worried he'll lose his spot if Sangmin successfully recruits you.

Reputation: 10

Name: Kim Chul

Level: 46

Race: Hunter (A)

Class: Tanker

Thoughts about you: Pissed you are taking the attention away from him, reluctantly accepts the gap in power between you two.

Reputation: 5

Name: Park Heejin

Level: 34

Race: Hunter (B)

Class: Mage

Thoughts about you: Realizes you're the newest S-rank the Association announced, thinks you're cute.

Affection: 10

"Mars, it's good to meet you officially." Baek Yoonho welcomed me, shaking my hand and gesturing me to sit down. "I'm surprised to see you again today, I thought you'd be busy with the Association all day."

"It's nice to meet you, guildmaster Baek." I nod back, "I had a rather quick discussion with chairman Gunhee, I met with some friends, and my friend Song-Yi told me Mr. Ahn had requested a meeting with me. Hopefully I'm not interrupting anything important."

"No, not at all, Mars. Thanks for taking the time to meet with us." Yoonho reassured me. "Hunters Chul and Heejin, please just wait outside."

Park Heejin, the pretty mage gave me a quick wink as she left the room. Kim Chul, however, was pissed to be blown off like this.

Name: Kim Chul

Level: 46

Race: Hunter (A)

Class: Tanker

Thoughts about you: Annoyed by you, angry guildmaster Baek would blow off his first raid as raid leader for you. He won't forget this.

Reputation: -5

Heh, well, if things go as planned, he will be my main tank. I didn't expect to meet Iron so early, but it gives me good hopes for my future shadows. This will give me something easy to exploit once we enter the Red Gate, it will be quite easy to taunt him, he's already not happy with my presence.

Since this is my first negotiations with a guild, I need to establish that White Tiger isn't my first choice. I need them to understand they will have to convince me by any means to join their guild, rather than me being lucky enough to join them.

I was expecting to just speak with Ahn Sangmin, it'd be a lot easier to manipulate him. Now that Yoonho is here, I have to carefully leverage the Association and Hunter's guild against him.

"Before we talk any business, I'd like to explain my plans for any organizations interested in me." I clarify, "Besides doing an experimental run with the Association, I plan on running trial dungeon raids with any guilds recruiting me. Money is no issue for me, so I plan on choosing the organization that proves the best fit for me."

It's important to establish I'm not simply looking for the highest bidder, it forces any guilds interested in me have to be rather creative in their efforts to secure my employment.

"I see. In that case, we should table any discussions until after you finish your trial runs." Yoonho decided, after a moment of thinking. "It's good timing, as we are planning a training exercise with our new recruits in a C-rank dungeon. We were planning on launching it tomorrow, but if you're interested now, all the relevant hunters are currently on standby."

I pretend to rack my brain, Yoonho seems rather pushy in suggesting I join their raid right away. I can't blame him, if he can successfully recruit me before I even meet Jong-In, the White Tiger guild will surpass Hunter's guild and eventually the Association.

"Let's go right away, then." I decide, mirroring Yoonho's grin.


- Choi Jong-In (Hunter's guild) -

The richest man in the country leaned back in his desk with an evil grin on his face. He thought the hospital spy cam plan was a bust, considering how much time Mars spent outside of the room he was supposed to be recovering in. Obviously meeting the kid in person and seeing his powers up close answered any doubts he had regarding his recruitment.

Jong-In thought Mars' powers was his biggest asset, but his mind just might be a very close second. The guildmaster saw a lot of himself in the young hunter, especially during the re-test. Whether it was truly on purpose or not, Mars managed to secure himself strong connections with Go Gunhee and Woo Jinchul, while impressing the top guildmasters in the country. He needs to secure Mars before he gets too famous, or else a foreign country might just poach another S-rank talent from the Koreans.

Jong-In truly wanted to mentor the promising young hunter. He could smell it on Mars, he will be successful no matter what it takes. He could sense the makings of a powerful businessman, he had the strength and more importantly the will to take what he wants.

Jong-In smirked as he watched the grainy footage of Mars seducing this former classmate of his. He laughed maniacally when he discovered the girl to be the little sister of the hunter he saved. Just across the hall, Mars deflowered his friend's little sister. He couldn't blame the new S-rank, beautiful women were one of his biggest weaknesses, as well.

He had expected it to be a chore to ask his vice guildmaster to convince Mars to join, by any means necessary. Jong-In quickly noticed how interested Hae-In was in Mars. She was a true ice queen, countless powerful hunters tried to get close to her, before they realized how closed off she was. As the most famous hunter and idol in the country, she should be able to wrap young Mars around her finger.

Cha Hae-In herself requested all information the guild could gather on Mars. Looks like he doesn't even need to persuade the girl into taking lead in Mars' recruitment. In fact, Jong-In decided to show Mars what true power will get him. Now that he had a sense of how Mars worked, he knew exactly how to appeal to him. Once he gets a taste of the elite lifestyle, there's no way he will join anyone else.

While Hae-In will take a more direct approach at Mars, Jong-In will act from behind the scenes, where he operates best.


- Woo Jinchul (Hunters Association) -

The man sighed as he poured himself another cup of coffee. He had finally thought his workload would be a bit easier, now that Mars has been found. Jinchul should have known better as he received an emergency call from the Association surveillance department.

Apparently Hwang Dongsuk and his gang of lizards have been brutally murdered. Even a couple of prostitutes were killed, but they were spared with a rather painless death. When the officers at the scene sent gruesome photos of the victims, Jinchul's mind immediately raced to Kang Taeshik.

There's only one hunter in the country who could be a suspect, and coincidentally, he's been missing for a while now. The chief inspector thought he had the assassin on a leash, but clearly he thought wrong. He now needs to make public that a psychotic assassin B-ranked hunter is out on the loose, looking for victims.

As much as he hated Kang, he would shake the psycho's hand for getting rid of Hwang Dongsuk, he and his lizards have been causing countless problems for the Association. And now Kang has caused a huge problem, there's no doubt the defected Hwang Dongsoo will take the news poorly. His mind raced to what would happen if Dongsuk's younger brother shows up and the Association has no answers for him.

The meathead was the kind of hunter that killed first, and hated asking questions. Now that Dongsoo is part of Thomas Andre's guild, Scavenger, they basically have to pray Hwang Dongsoo is in a forgiving mood. Even if Dongsoo commits a crime that forces the Association to act, Thomas Andre, the strongest hunter in the world would not take too kindly to them hurting or imprisoning his hunter.

This investigation will be a huge pain in the ass. Jinchul suddenly thought about Mars, and if he could beat Dongsoo in a fight if it came to it.