- Woo Jinchul (Korean Hunters Association) -

The strongest A-rank in all of Asia sighed to himself, as he tried to figure out a peaceful way to resolve this situation. He was currently driving Hwang Dongsoo through the city, luckily Jinchul was able to convince the S-rank thug to come with him to the Association building. He didn't want to think what disasters Dongsoo would cause if the hunter tried to look for Kang Taeshik alone.

"Nice car." Hwang Dongsoo finally broke the tense silence, the Scavenger hunter always had an eye for sweet rides.

"It's still not appropriate enough to escort an S-rank hunter." Jinchul responded instantly, a little ass-kissing here and there kept Dongsoo's ego in check.

"Well, at this speed, it'll be faster for me to run." The cocky hunter boasted, as not many top tier hunters in the world have been upgraded by Norma Selner, especially more than once. "Anyway, how did my brother's funeral turn out?"

"Hwang Dongsuk's funeral was done privately." Woo Jinchul replied, subtly looking at the brute through the rearview mirror. It was hard for him to read Dongsoo, who was staring out the car window with a surprisingly thoughtful expression. "Would you like to visit the mortuary?"

"I have no interest in the dead. I'm only interested in my brother's scraps." Dongsoo casually said without a hint of remorse, cracking his fingers. "You Association goons better not be covering for that weasel Kang Taeshik."

"He has been missing ever since his assault on your brother and the rest of the lizards... Our task force dedicated to finding him has run completely cold." Jinchul revealed to the impatient man.

"Useless." Dongsoo scoffed, his wicked aura started to leak out again. "But when I find him, whether I bury him or not... It's none of your business, Woo Jinchul."

"...Yes." Jinchul exhaled, in all honesty Dongsoo would do him a favor by taking care of Kang Taeshik, provided he was still in the country at this point.

But just what is he going do about his Hwang Dongsoo problem?

- Mars -

Demon Castle (51st Floor)

Stepping into the gate behind Vulcan's throne, I prepare myself for much more formidable opposition in the second half of the hellish tower. I think the majority of the demons should be high/highest/ancient grade, until I hit the top floors, where all demon nobles and knights are S-rank warriors.

Looking around the burnt down city, I'm unexpectedly here alone with my shadows, who also don't sense a single demonic presence on this level.

It's apparent to me right away something is different, a faraway golden beam of light shines brighter than any of the skyscrapers ablaze, the sign the next floor entrance is revealed and unlocked. I look over to Igris who simply nods to me, I'm confident we can take on any challenge as long as I'm with my shadows.

As I fly through the abandoned hellscape, I try to think what could possibly be different. Is it Baran setting a trap?

Is time spent in the dungeon equal to time outside the real world? Well I guess it doesn't really matter, I need to get out of this hellish tower as soon as I can. Either way, I'm not leaving this castle until I reach the top floor, so I won't complain about saving any time.

Although I can't help but wonder what Go Gunhee is doing right now, I'm sure he's preparing for our meeting in a couple of days.

- Metus (Demon Castle Third Boss) -

Demon Castle (75th Floor)

The undead demon watched his crystal ball with a worried expression on his bony face. The magical orb gave Metus complete access to watch over the first 75 floors. He had carefully observed as the mysterious man entered the castle, making easy work out of the lesser demons on the first floor.

As soon as the demon lich realized it was the Shadow Monarch, the strange voice in his head compelling him and the rest of the demons to protect the demon tower went haywire. How could Metus, a mere necromancer, defeat the King of the Dead himself? Any necromancer is a cheap imitation of the Shadow Monarch. This winged boy bore no resemblance to Ashborn, but the ghastly aura he exuded was one of a kind.

That foolish glutton Vulcan should have listened to him! But of course, the demon titan was as prideful as he was lazy. Unfortunately it was impossible to get Vulcan to follow any orders, Baran barely bothered disciplining the morbidly obese demon noble. At least Vulcan and his personal guard gave Metus enough time to set up a trap to overwhelm the Shadow Monarch.

But if that didn't work?

Metus felt a cold shiver run through his bones thinking of the prospect of a permanent death. Baran's second hand man wanted to live forever!

As a traditional necromancer, Metus sought eternal life by becoming an undying lich. Of course, it only meant he wouldn't die of natural means, if a powerful being like a Monarch or a Ruler came for his skull, he couldn't prevent his own demise. He looked to his own undead army, which composed of reanimated demons, skeletons, ghouls, wraiths, bone golems, death knights, twin-headed ogres and all kinds of undead creatures.

While he would be the first to admit his undead forces were impressive, it couldn't compare to the young Shadow Monarch's army. Metus glanced back at the orb, where he watched the Right Wing of the Shadow Army, Igris, accompany the winged man fly through the empty floors.

Because of his interest and talent in necromancy, most of the other demons feared him. So what if he completely resurrected an extinct demon clan? While Metus wasn't very strong on his own, his ability to revive fallen demons made him an easy pick to be one of the Demon King's top generals. Baran only kept him around because the King of Demons knew it would be better if he was working for the Monarch, rather than being an adversary. But since the demons were all forced to band together to fight the Rulers, Baran was the only demon who could keep all of the clans in check.

Metus started to feel dull the more he thought about the angelic beings... Weren't they just preparing for war with the heavenly soldiers? He swore he could remember Antares visiting the Demon world, ordering Baran and the Beast Monarch to betray Ashborn, the Shadow Monarch was amassing too much power for either side to feel comfortable.

Why were they protecting the demon castle again?

An unexplainable feeling suddenly washed over him, he needs to remain focused on his goal: Protect the tower, at all costs.

The stubborn Baran locked himself up on the top floor, with no way for any demon to communicate with him. If only Metus could signal to the Monarch of White Flames that his archnemesis is on the way now. Hopefully that Radiru princess received his message, the rest of the demon clans need to unite at once!

- Later -

- Mars -

Demon Castle (69th Floor)

A somewhat dreadful feeling of not knowing what's coming next grows stronger as I climb up the empty levels, not encountering a single demon in almost twenty floors. Just like before, the floors are desolate, the only views are the sweltering scenery of Seoul destroyed over and over again.

I should be running into the third boss of the Demon Castle, Metus, soon. I'll admit I'm eager to see my shadows face off against another fellow necromancer, S-rank summoners are indeed hard to come by.

Approaching the entrance to the 70th floor, I instinctively feel a sense of danger, as if whatever is on the other side of the gate is a real threat if I'm careless. I look over to my second in command, who has been the lone shadow accompanying me the last dozen empty floors.

"Are you ready, Igris?" I ask him as I stretch my wings in anticipation. "It feels like we'll be facing many high ranked demons on the other side…"

"Of course, my King." Igris dutifully nodded to me, right before he unsheathed his great sword, the blade crackling with a little more bloodlust than usual.

"It seems to me you're a lot more ruthless when you fight demons. Tell me why?" I ask my strongest shadow, I'm starting to notice Igris' more peculiar characteristics and tendencies.

"Demons and their demonic beasts pillaged and desecrated my homeland, in fact it looked painfully similar to the ruins we are in now… " Igris bluntly revealed, I don't believe he was among Ashborn's first shadows, as the greatest Ruler only revived Bellion and his winged Ruler soldiers when he became the newest Monarch. "It brings me great pleasure to personally butcher any of Baran's subjects for you."

"Carry on then, Igris." I gently rub his shoulder, I didn't realize he had such a tragic backstory. "But please restrain that feeling if I'm negotiating with any demon nobles…"

"Yes, my King!" Igris announced to me, bowing deep to me. "I shall only slay hostile beasts and any targets you want eliminated!"

"Let's go."

As soon as I enter the gate, Igris jumps in front of me, blocking a huge piece of burning rubble a demon giant threw at me. When the dust and smoke clear, I quickly realize Igris and I are completely surrounded by thousands of highest-grade or ancient grade demons.

Well that answers my question where all the demons from the previous floors are now.

"SHADOWS!" I summon the entirety of my forces, who waste no time in forming a wide perimeter around me, my shadow legion is intimidating the demons from getting any closer.

I look up to the covered dark orange sky, where countless winged demons watch me from above, many of the gargoyle-like beasts are sitting atop the skyscrapers encircling us.

The growls and roars of thousands of demonic beasts ring out loud, but my shadows cannot be intimidated. In fact, they shout their own battle cry in response.

"Kill them all." I quietly order my legion, who were waiting to strike on my call.

In an instant, dozens of demons are forcibly lifted into the air by an enraged Tusk, who is tightly holding onto the orb of avarice. The powerful orb flashed dangerously, the blue orb began to sparkle purple and gold. As the beasts fruitlessly try to wiggle free, my shadow shaman blasts them with a destructive holy lightning strike that would make Thor himself proud. While the demons are electrocuted in agonizing fashion, Tusk suddenly slammed the frying demons back down, spreading the shock to the rest of the beasts below, causing a crazy chain reaction.

On the other side, it was hard to miss as Cyclops raised its arms up high for its calamitous charged attack, the hairs on my arms raised as it smashed its purple boulder sized fists down on a large group of demons. The resulting electrified earthquake caused many of the dilapidated buildings to crumble, crushing scores of demons.

I've noticed it takes a while for my giant shadow to recharge its ruinous attack, I guess it's not surprising given how much energy it uses. Regardless, there's no shortage of beasts Cyclops and the golems can crush or trample just by walking around.

The majority of my shadows are evenly matched with the ancient grade demons, it'll be up to me and my strongest summons to take care of business here.

"Baruka. Iron. Kang. Tank." I call forth my other lead shadows, who have been waiting with me. "It's up to you guys. Take care of the demons on the ground."

They all quickly bow to me before they spread out in different directions, there are thousands of demons still breathing. Iron howled as he jumped into the battle, he could take out a dozen demons with a single swing. Baruka and Kang flourished in the chaos, it was easy to hear their laughter among the blood curdling screams of demons being bathed in holy lightning. Tank clawed and bit his way through the horde, holy lightning spread with each swipe of his massive paws.

"Igris." I call my first shadow, who was directing my orc generals. "With me."

My shadow knight immediately understands my intentions, wordlessly directing the four orc elites to assist the shadow lieutenants. He flies up high with me, not a lot of my shadows are properly equipped to deal with any winged opposition.

It's a good thing to become aware of right away, because I'll be fighting dragons in the not so far future. Jeju should help patch up that weakness, as many of the ant monsters should have wings at this point. And I'm absolutely not leaving this castle without Kaisel, Baran's battle wyvern.

Forming as many holy spears as I can at once, I aim for the various gargoyles flying at me with glowing red eyes. Igris does the same, as he throws holy lightning-infused knives in all directions, each dagger striking true.

A great explosion shook the battlefield once more, when a gigantic buffed up Tusk used his ultimate ability, hymn of the fire dragon. The orb in his hands was now a bright reddish orange, as if he was holding a ball of live magma. The massive fire beam completely incinerated hundreds of demons and the buildings behind them.

It's definitely a good idea to leave the orb with Tusk. But I wonder just how strong my spears and lightning would be if I wielded the orb of avarice. Maybe I'll test it out against Baran?

"My King!" Igris suddenly warned me, just as I summoned my shield, blocking the hell-fireball a gargoyle spat out at me.

The constant fire attacks in all directions definitely don't help with the heat. I wipe the sweat off my face, it's a bit difficult even for me to get used to this temperature, on this new floor it feels like I'm standing on the surface of the sun.

Quickly rushing to the gargoyle that dare try to harm me, I rip off the creature's head in one brutal motion.

"Fuck…" I sigh to myself, as hundreds of the winged demons emerge from wherever they were hiding. "At least I'll be able to complete the demon soul quest here."

- Baek Yoonho (White Tiger Guild) -

"Hyung I still can't believe how much stronger the chairman is now..." The recently returned Min Byung-Gyu said with a bright smile on his face. "Are you really telling me this is all thanks to that new hunter, Valentino Mars?"

"I wouldn't believe it either, if I hadn't seen the proof for myself, previously." The White Tiger guildmaster admitted to his best friend. He had been thinking a lot of his own guild members who were similarly strengthened by Mars: Park Heejin and Han Song-Yi. "Knowing Mars can power boost even the old man Gunhee like that... Jeju should be a piece of cake."

Yoonho and the retired S-rank healer, Min Byung-Gyu were in the Association headquarters. The two had just exited a meeting with Go Gunhee, who was basically done preparations for the Jeju raid. In just a day or so, Japanese hunters from Goto Ryuji's guild will be visiting to train with the Korean S-ranks before the raid. During the meeting, Gunhee tried to convince Byung-Gyu to come out of retirement for the raid, as the country doesn't have any other S-rank healers.

"I can't lie... Seeing the chairman energized like that is making me feel a little excited." The peculiar Byung-Gyu confessed, the healer had sworn off being a hunter after the last failed attempt at clearing the infested island. "Let's go for drinks. I'll buy the first round!"

"Heh. Sure." Yoonho answered with a smirk, he hasn't seen his closest friend talk about being a hunter in close to a year. "Does that mean you're thinking about joining the raid? You heard the chairman back there... We need you."

"I'm not sure." The retired healer's expression became rigid, his eyes glazed over, thinking of the traumatic experience he went through last year in Jeju. "You saw how Eunseok died."

"That's why I need to go. If we leave the ants alone, the entirety of Korea will end up meeting the same fate." Baek Yoonho couldn't help but flinch a little bit, remembering how the large vicious red ants guarding the queen ant tore the S-rank hunter into pieces, which led to the Korean hunters fleeing from the island for a third consecutive time. The S-rank hunter's death completely demoralized the country, a lot of the nation lost faith in their top ranked hunters after that.

"Since when were you so patriotic..." Byung-Gyu sighed, slumping his shoulders. "I'll have to meet this Mars guy... It's like the whole country can't stop talking about him."

"He's a hard man to find, that's for sure. Should we go to our usual spot?" Yoonho beamed, he was looking forward to drinking with Byung-Gyu, as he was worried he wouldn't be able to meet up with his junior before the raid. "I bet you haven't had soju in a long while?"

"Nope! And I'll finally tell you what I've been up to..." Byung-Gyu quickly cheered himself back up, the classic toothy smile on his face returned. "I'm preparing for my teaching certification exam. I plan on becoming an ordinary civil servant."

Before he could respond, the elevator they were waiting for finally dinged, right as Yoonho's bestial senses picked up a repulsive aura. It can't be...

Hwang Dongsoo, wearing an orange polo about two sizes too small stepped out of the elevator, inspector Woo Jinchul was right behind him.

"Well what do we have here? Why is the precious master of the White Tiger guild here?" Hwang Dongsoo's obnoxious voice echoed in the hallway outside of chairman Go Gunhee's office.

"Hwang Dongsoo?!" Yoonho felt his body tense up, just by being near the brute of a hunter almost caused him to go into his beast transformation. The pure bloodlust Dongsoo leaked made all of his hairs stand up the other way.

"Long time no see, Baek Yoonho." Dongsoo took off his sunglasses, revealing his psychotic eyes, before he turned to Byung-Gyu. "Pfft. And look who it is, Korea's cowardly S-rank healer. I'm surprised you can even show your face around here. Let me tell you something. All the S-rankers think you're a joke. Seriously... Just how many S-rank hunters retire in their prime? Do you realize how much money we can make?"

That fucking Dongsoo really knew how to piss Yoonho off.

"Oh yeah? What about you, then? You really think any Koreans are happy to see your ugly face?!" The quick witted Byung-Gyu instantly fired back, before Yoonho stepped in front of him.

"Hwang Dongsoo. Why are you here in Korea..?" Yoonho's pupils turned into yellow slits, he was slowly starting to shift into beast form.

"I stopped by to manage some business, but I didn't expect to see you here." Dongsoo replied, slowly approaching the two men, Woo Jinchul was on high alert as well. "Korea sure is small."

"Hyung..." Byung-Gyu grabbed Yoonho's shoulder, it wouldn't be good if the two S-rankers started to brawl inside the building, there were hundreds of civilians on the floors below.

"What were you talking to that lame geezer about?" Dongsoo asked with a cruel smile on his face. "Oh, let me guess. It's about that red gate incident? Remind me again, Yoonho, how many of your hunters died in there?"

"Okay I think that's enough-" Woo Jinchul finally intervened, not liking where the encounter was heading.

"Shut up." Hwang Dongsoo arrogantly snapped at the inspector. "The S-ranks are talking here~"

"I will not just stand here and let you insult my fallen guildmembers." Yoonho spat out, his hair was completely white now, a noticeable vein was about to burst on his forehead.

"Are you ordering me?" Dongsoo clenched his teeth, both sides were ready to rumble. "Baek Yoonho, you're just somebody who's playing leader in a backyard."

"WHAT?" Yoonho finally succumbed to Dongsoo's provocations, the beastly guildmaster was known for having a hell of a temper. His nails turned into razor sharp claws, as a powerful aura exploded from both S-rank hunters. "YOU WANNA GO?"

"ANYTIME!" The Scavenger guild's second strongest hunter sang out with an evil grin, as both men cocked their arms back, ready to collide.

Before disaster could strike, a buffed up Woo Jinchul immediately appeared between the two hunters right as they were about to crash into each other. The sheer force of their blows caused their surroundings to be destroyed.

"Not too shabby." Dongsoo calmy stated, his left eye could be seen through the broken lens. "To be able to stop us..."

Right between the two powerhouses, Woo Jinchul stood, having barely blocked Dongsoo's punch with his left hand while narrowly holding onto Yoonho's enlarged hand. The sleeves from his blazer and dress shirt were completely disintegrated, revealing rippling muscles underneath. There was a slight energetic glow to Jinchul.

"If both of you hadn't reduced your strength in time, my arms would have been broken." Jinchul finally let go, grasping onto his sore forearm. "Thank you for the assist, hunter Min Byung-Gyu."

Yoonho turned around in shock to see the healer, suddenly holding his open tome, filled with healing and buffing spells. Byung-Gyu simply nodded to Jinchul in response.

"That's enough!" A booming voice from further away shook the hallway.

The four startled men looked to the door, where an intense Go Gunhee stood, furious.

- Mars -

Demon Castle (74th Floor)

After a couple floors of literal hell, I finally allow myself to take a breather. I went full auto pilot, condensing 25 levels worth of demons in just 5 floors meant I could just turn my brain off and only focus on killing as many demons as humanly possible. With each floor, it felt like there were double the amount of demons. The 74th floor was the hardest so far, each demon encountered was ancient grade (A+), there had to have been over five thousand of them. The floor was now completely covered with dead demon giants, gargoyles and demon elites.

On the plus side I gained more experience in those 5 floors than I did the first 50. My Hyakki soldiers were particularly effective, as they are the first foot soldiers to promote to S-rank. They were the most deadly team, and will get an entire day out of my shadow. Tusk was the captain with the most demons slain, so he gets a whole week outside. Igris of course doesn't count, as my first and strongest shadow he gets special privileges. I have complete trust in Igris, following his instincts have only proven more and more fruitful.

I look to my buzzing army, who are all excited after such a large scale battle. Igris stands proud with the rest of my S-rank shadows, who are watching the rest of the foot soldiers play around with the mountain of demon corpses scattered in the city.

Before I meet the next boss, I check out the completed demon soul collecting quest.

Quest Completed: Collect Demon's Souls!

Objective: The Demon Castle is filled with demons. Hunt down demons and collect their souls.

Reward: Demon Slayer Perk Upgrade, Gold

Perk [Demon Slayer] has been upgraded to [Demon Hunter]

Deal increased damage to all demons, devils and any evil supernatural hellspawn. Lesser demons are now terrified in your presence

I should look to invest in more perks, knowing that the system will upgrade them if possible. I wonder how the DxD devils will react to me now? I have killed over 20 000 demons in a short amount of time.

Quest added

Collect Demon's Souls! (Part 2)

Objective: The Monarch of the Demons is residing on the highest floor of the Demon Castle. Eliminate Baran and collect his soul.

Reward:  Cartenon Temple Key

I expected the key to the Cartenon Temple, the double dungeon where everything started. I can't lie when I say I'm a bit nervous with my encounter with the Architect, because I believe Ashborn completely took over as the administrator of the system. There's no way he is aware of the goddess, right? I'll have to ask Ashborn whenever my mentor is back.

My return to the temple will probably take place after Jeju, but I can't make too many assumptions going forward.

Hopefully I can get some answers out of Metus, I wonder how an ancient demon necromancer feels about the Shadow Monarch?

"My King." Igris addresses me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "The army is prepared to mobilize on your call."

I nod to my right hand shadow, before turning my attention to the golden portal a mile away, ready to confront the next demon noble boss.

- Metus (Demon Castle Third Boss) -

Demon Castle (75th Floor)

The ominous air in Metus' haunted graveyard started to shift ever so slightly, as the demon lich watched the blond-haired Monarch fly to the gate right underneath his floor. Metus gathered all of the demons from the 51st floor all the way to the 79th floor, placing the demonic beasts in levels 70 to 74. Despite Metus' trap, the young man and his army thrived in the battle, the Monarch's aura was quite menacing, glowing purple eyes signaled the Shadow Monarch has completely taken over.

Metus and his undead army is the only force between the Shadow Monarch and the rest of the demon nobles. If the winged man could tear through that abundant horde of ancient grade demons, what chance did Metus and his possessed legion have against a bloodthirsty Monarch?

Right on cue, the entrance to his personal floor opened up, revealing the young Monarch, accompanied by two intimidating shadows. On his right was Igris, the infamous swordsman with the red ribbon on his helmet. On the Monarch's left was a mean looking high orc shadow, the vast aura around the brutish shadow implied the orc was a powerful magic caster.

Metus' army looked at the Monarch in awe, before they all dropped to their knees, the undead beings all recognized the greater necromancer.

The new Monarch broke out in a devilish grin, as he confidently strode over to Metus, who was sitting on the throne. The undead army formed a path, letting the Monarch walk unobstructed straight to Metus.

"Hello, Metus." The Ruler-winged Monarch greeted Metus in monster tongue, as his penetrating gaze pierced through the demon noble.

If Metus could sweat, he would be drenched, as the indomitable presence of the Shadow Monarch had every undead creature frozen in fear. Just how did this new Monarch know his name?

"I-I welcome thee, Shadow Monarch!" Metus quickly replied, bowing to him, not wanting to disrespect the dangerous being.

- Mars -

"I do hope you're more open to negotiation than Vulcan was..." I say as I stretch my wings comfortably, peering deep into Metus glowing red eyes, as Igris and Tusk kept a careful watch on the rotting legion of undead. "I'd prefer not having to exterminate every single demon I meet in this tower."

This is the first floor that isn't bathed in hellfire, Metus' level is a never ending graveyard, lit by a blood-red sky. Metus' summons around me are nervously shaking, I can hear the weaker skeletons' bones clattering in horror.

Name: The Shepherd of Souls, Metus

Level: 66

Race: Demon Noble (Lich)

Class: Necromancer

Thoughts about you: Morbidly interested in the new Shadow Monarch, he doesn't want to fight you, knowing you will make quick work of him and his undead.

Reputation: 20

So he's a fair amount weaker than Vulcan, but I guess that makes sense, as Metus is a true summoner, he relies on his undead to fight all of his battles for him.

"Y-yes! As the Demon King's top general, I can provide you with any answers you may seek!" Metus answered me, with a hint of fear in his voice. "May I know the new Shadow Monarch's name?"

"Mars Valentino." I introduce myself to the demon lich. "Listen closely, if I sense any malice from you, or if I think you're being dishonest with me, I won't hesitate to cut you down. Do you understand me, Metus?"

Actually I have a better idea, I wanted to test out the Pledge system before I met with Legia, the Monarch of the Beginning.

Closing my eyes, I feel a grim purple energy envelop around me, as I instinctively remember an ancient Monarch spell, the Pledge of Honesty.

[You have activated the skill: Pledge of Honesty (Deal)]

[Once the skill has been granted, both the initiator and the acceptor cannot lie to one another.]

"Do you accept the Pledge of Honesty?" I ask the dungeon boss, who has left his throne, and started to levitate closer to me.

"Yes of course, Shadow Monarch." Metus respectfully addressed me, as the floating lich towers over me.

[Pledge of Honesty (Deal) has been formed.]

[By the mutual consent of both the initiator and acceptor, both parties will be unable to lie to one another until the contract is terminated.]

"Does Baran know I'm coming for him?" I start my interrogation, I don't want to run into any more surprises here in the demon castle.

"No. Demon King Baran has isolated himself on the top floor of the tower." Metus revealed to me, looks like he was the mastermind behind the demon ambush.

"Okay. Since I'm feeling generous, I'll let you ask me a question, Metus." I smile as the lich wasn't expecting me to let him ask any questions.

"Do you plan on killing all of the remaining Monarchs?" Metus asked me, after a brief moment of thought.

"No. I only plan on getting rid of any Monarchs standing in my way. I want to rule over all the Monarchs. Naturally that means Antares and his loyal Monarchs will have to die, the Monarch of Destruction will not hand over his throne willingly." I reveal to the surprised demon noble. "Of course, that means Baran will die by my hands, once I reach the top floor. Is that going to be a problem for you?"

"...No. It won't be an issue, provided you spare my life." Metus admits to me and my two strongest shadows. "Please tell me, King of the Dead, why are we here?"

"Here in this tower? You're here because the Rulers captured you and any surviving demons after the Great War..." I disclose the truth to the stunned Metus, who is unsure what to do with the information. "The Rulers captured the denizens of the Chaos World, to saturate the human world with mana."

"AARGH?!" Metus suddenly screamed in immense pain, clutching his skull in his large bony fingers. "Th-the voice... it's finally gone..."

The voice compelling monsters to kill all humans? Although I guess in this case, all the demons are trying to protect the castle. I suppose it's a role reversal, since I'm the one intruding in their territory, entering through numerous Gates.

"Will you serve me, Metus?" I offer the liberated demon noble a place under my command.

Since I can't resurrect any demons as shadows, the best I can do is offer him refuge within my shadow, something I plan on doing with Esil and her clan.

"Yes, Lord Mars." The demon lich declared, joining the rest of his army on his knee, swearing allegiance to me.

A small smirk appears on my face, having secured my first demonic ally.

A Bet with the Chairman (1 day, 23 hours left)


- Esil Radiru (Radiru Clan, Demon Castle) -

The demon princess looked around the 79th floor confused, why was the level completely empty? She had sent three of her demon knights down to scout the intruder, but there's no sign of any combat, not a single demon corpse could be found. Just what was going on? Was this Metus' work? Lord Metus was the only noble who could command the demons without intellect.

She looked to the small group of knights accompanying her, the group of demons were riding their demonic steeds. They too looked around bewildered, looking for any sign of the missing demonic beasts.

"We need to head back to the 80th floor, we must prepare our forces for battle!" Esil instructed her demon knights. "The entry pass... we have to protect it with our lives!"


- Querehsha (Monarch of Plagues) -

Querehsha stared outside at the midnight moon through an extravagant window, perhaps the moonlight was the only beautiful thing about this filthy human world. She was currently in a human country called the United States of America, inside a luxurious home in the middle of nowhere. She looked to her right, where the Beast Monarch was standing next to her in complete silence. The Iron Body Monarch was able to entirely isolate the mansion from the outside world, leaving the three Monarchs locked inside with the sleeping Ruler vessel.

As the Iron Body Monarch started the ambush, she realized this might be the last cycle in the eons of war between the Rulers and Monarchs. The holy Rulers' cup of reincarnation has been exhausted, and Antares' vessel is extremely close to completion. The Architect needed just a little more time, which meant the remaining Monarchs could start their plan of eliminating each vessel scattered across the weak planet.

The Frost Monarch had managed to find all locations of the humans who were blessed by the Rulers. They were known by the humans as the powerful National rank hunters. While each hunter was extremely powerful compared to a pitiful human, they were still nothing compared to a full fledged Monarch. The key difference was that Rulers merely shared their power with the humans, while Monarchs completely conquered their human hosts. It's why it was so difficult for Antares and Ashborn to find worthy vessels.

Currently, herself and the Beast and Iron Body Monarchs have been sent to kill a fragment named Christopher Reed, while the Frost Monarch and Yogumunt, the Monarch of Transfiguration, are to go to a country called Brazil to kill hunter Jonas.

Since the Architect is still working on Antares' vessel, the five remaining Monarchs must kill the Ruler fragments before it's too late. Legia is still captured by the Rulers, but his Gate should reveal soon. Ever since Ashborn stopped communicating with them, the Monarchs have to assume he betrayed them. It seems neither side is sure of what the Shadow Monarch will do, as both sides were deeply shocked to find out Ashborn has passed on his powers to a random human. The only question now is the new Shadow Monarch on the Ruler's side? Or could he be lured to join the Monarchs?

Christopher Reed appeared, cautiously walking across his home, before he stopped in the middle of the staircase. An impressive energy slowly started to gather around the hunter.

"...Who are you people?" The lone inhabitant in the house finally shows himself, speaking human tongue at the Monarchs, who have surrounded him.

What's this human trying to say to us?

"You won't be able to save anything if you keep fighting while trying to help the humans, Fragment of Brilliant Light." The Iron Body Monarch tried to communicate to the inner Ruler inside the confused human vessel.

"Monster tongue?! What the hell are you saying?!" The vessel screamed louder at the Monarch.

"Shh... I'm not talking to you." The King of Monstrous Humanoids smirked, pointing up at the sky. "I'm talking to the man up there, connected to you."

"Don't take me for a damn pushover..." Christopher Reed cursed out, as his body began to burst into flames, he transformed into a one-eyed giant, completely destroying the staircase and house. "I'm taking at least one of you down with me."

"Spiritual Body Manifestation?" The Beast Monarch finally spoke, he was rarely impressed by humans.

"By a mere human?" Querehsha scoffed. "Not bad."

"DIE, YOU DAMN MONSTERS!" The National rank hunter shouted, as he smashed his mammoth fists at the Iron Body Monarch, ready to use all of his powers in a blaze of glory.