- Mars -

Demon Castle (75th Floor)

I can't help but feel edgy as fuck while I sit on the cold throne in a haunted demonic graveyard. It's completely quiet, so I take this time to observe the newest additions to my growing army. Metus kneels where I originally confronted him, the rest of his undead behind him, showing their fealty to their new King.

It's the most classic undead army I could imagine, from the way they look, sound, and unfortunately, smell. I have no choice but to get used to the smell of rotten, decayed flesh.

The key difference between Metus and I is that my new demonic comrade can resurrect his fellow demons. Looking at the mass of undead he can command I can see more than a few undead demons. On the bright side, if I must fight my way to the top floor, Metus should have no problem reviving any slain demons. But if my plan goes smoothly, I won't run into any resistance until I reach the final floor.

From what I understand, the demons found in the tower are the last remaining remnants of Baran and his infernal subjects. In canon Ashborn, with the help of the Architect, created the dungeon as a final test for Jinwoo. Since Ashborn killed Baran, the copy Jinwoo faced was considerably weaker than the real Demon King. Essentially like how Igris wasn't nearly close to original strength when I faced him during Ashborn's first test.

But I can't assume that's the case now, given all the changes I've run into during this demonic dungeon. For example, Vulcan gave me a much harder time than Cyclops did, but maybe it's because of my sneak attack on the hibernating earth giant? I guess I'll find out how strong the giants are in Tokyo once the giant gate spawns.

Before I descend into a maze of random thoughts, Igris clears his throat, bringing me back to the present. Tusk and Igris stand on both sides of the throne, as Metus watches me carefully.

"So you truly have no problems serving me, or being on the side of humanity?" I continue to ask the demon noble. "I have no choice but to kill any Monarchs who will cause me any problems..."

"Not at all, Lord Mars." The necromancer replied without any hesitation. "I followed Lord Baran, who was in servitude to the Monarch of Destruction. I had no choice but to serve Antares as well, but I never liked him."

Well I guess I'm not surprised. Demons are pretty selfish creatures.

"Tell me, Metus. What's the best way for me to appeal to the demon nobles above?" I ask the obedient Metus, this spell is pretty handy. "I don't really need to kill anymore demons besides Baran."

"Strength." He answered pretty easily. "Complete and utter dominance that no demon could ever question. Baran, as the original and strongest demon, rules over all demons. If there was any stronger demon, they would simply challenge him for his throne."

"That makes sense." I nod my head approvingly, that should make my plan for the top levels pretty simple then. "Does that mean if I defeat Baran, I'll be the new Demon King?"

"I suppose it would, Lord Mars." Metus chuckled. "If you successfully defeat Baran, most of the demons will fall in line."

"I'm guessing some demon clans will refuse to serve me?" I speculate, noting he didn't say all would.

"We are a very prideful race, Shadow Monarch..." The lich said, before continuing. "While the majority of the clans would acknowledge you if you were to slay Baran, I would not be surprised if a few of the stronger nobles would rather die than serve a human..."

"Well, I can't please everybody..." I shrug, before I grin wickedly at Metus. "But you can just revive any demons I kill, right?"

"Yes, my Lord. While Baran tainted us demons so we could never be your shadow soldiers, his restriction never applied to my own methods of resurrection." Metus returned my smile.

"Perfect. Are you ready to get started, Metus?" I stand up, gesturing for my lich general to do the same.

"Yes, I have a special entry permit that can take us right to the 80th floor." Metus conjured a black piece of parchment, demonic blood scribbled all over the pass.

"Before we head out..." I channel the ancient spell once again, looking to cancel the Pledge of Honesty. "I have one more Monarch spell in mind. One that Ashborn himself taught me."

[You have terminated the contract: Pledge of Honesty (Deal)]

"My Lord?" Metus asked with confusion in his voice.

A darker energy began to wash over me, it felt a lot heavier than the first spell.

[You have activated the skill Pledge of Servitude (Deal)]

[Once the skill has been granted, the acceptor must serve the initiator. Disobedience will be met with instant death]

"Metus... The demon lich known as the Shepherd of Souls... Do you swear before me, that you shall fight to death for your new King?"

I look at the ancient demon, watching as my words manifest into shadowy chains, before settling around his bony neck. The other end of the chain is wrapped around my right hand, as if I'm holding a leash around him. I can end his life at any moment I wish, and he knows it.

"Yes... Lord Mars." Metus got down to one knee again, his eyes began to glow purple as he accepted my pledge. "I am eternally indebted to you, for sparing my life. I shall fulfill any of your wants or needs, as you are my Master, and you are the one and only who gives me strength."

Satisfied with his oath, I walk over to the prostrated lich. I grip the chains harder, and he winces slightly, as if it really tightened around his neck. I reach my hand out to him, and he timidly looks at it, before he grasps my hand with his long bony fingers.

"Rise up, Metus." I say as I crush the chains in my hands, the black links disappear instantly, the spell has been finalized. "I think this is the start of a beautiful relationship."

[Pledge of Servitude (Deal) has been formed]

[By the mutual consent of both the initiator and the acceptor, Metus shall serve you until the contract is terminated]

Name: Metus

Level: 66

Race: Demon Noble (Lich)

Class: Necromancer

Title: Shepherd of Souls

Thoughts about you: He is in awe of your never ending Shadow. Metus is excited to serve the King of the Dead, he is eager to witness the world-wide advent of the Shadow Monarch.

Reputation: 100

[Metus' Reputation has been Maxed and Locked]

"Thank you, my Lord." Metus replies with renewed vigor, as he activates the entry permit in his hands, a golden beam of light appears beside us.

- Esil Radiru (Radiru Clan) -

Demon Castle (80th Floor)

Esil held her spear in her hands, nervously tightening her grip as she awaited the intruder who managed to climb this high extremely fast. She was surrounded by dozens of the Radiru clan's most loyal knights, who all would give up their lives if it meant keeping her and the permit to the 81st floor safe.

Since coming back from the deserted 79th floor, she gathered her forces, finally ready to fight an opponent that wasn't a dumb demonic beast.

She shivered slightly, the fierce temperature on the floor was slowly starting to drop, puzzling her and the demon knights.

"What is this..?" The Radiru heir said to herself, taking off her helmet as she breathed in the rapidly cooling air.

As she and the knights looked around in confusion, a golden ray of light appeared, right in front of them.

"Knights!" She yelled out, as her protectors rushed into formation in front of her.

To their surprise, the visitor was Lord Metus, Baran's top general. He wasn't alone, as the undead demon was accompanied by three imposing figures. Are those the intruders?

She studied the winged man next to Metus, it looked like he was the leader, the two shadow-like warriors were marching behind him. Whoever they were, they were strong... More powerful than her and many demon nobles. She noticed right away how different the lich was acting, as if Metus was the man's servant.

Esil gulped, realizing the man was stronger than more than a few demon lords on the higher floors.

"Princess Esil." Metus broke the tense silence, nodding to her respectfully as the four warriors approached her.

"Lady Radiru... We are ready to launch an attack on your call." Her lead knight whispered in her ear, her knights clutched their weapons as the strangers got closer.

"Lord Metus." Esil greeted the demon noble, hopefully he would explain what's going on. "Who's this with you?"

"This is Mars Valentino... A good friend of mine." Metus responded to her, introducing her to the powerful presence, his teeth clattering wickedly. "Lord Mars, this is Lady Esil Radiru, heir to the royal Radiru family."

A friend? Metus was a notorious outcast among the demon elite, many of her fellow demons didn't feel comfortable around the sinister noble. Just what type of man would willingly associate with Metus?

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Esil. You're even more beautiful than Metus described." Mars addressed her with a charming smile, she definitely didn't expect this sort of greeting. "These are my loyal knights, Igris and Tusk."

He then pointed to the two strong companions behind him. The tall knight respectfully bowed to her, while the high orc sheepishly waved to her, barely making eye contact with her before the red orc looked back down in a hurry.

"What business do you have here, Sir Valentino?" She nodded to him, trying to erase the blush she knew was forming on her pale face. "Were you the one who killed all the demons below?"

"Yes I did, with the help of my summons." Mars bluntly admitted. "As for why I'm here in the tower... I'm here to see your King, Baran."

Esil tried to ignore the voice, begging her to attack the intruder. This man is dangerous, there is no way his meeting with the Demon King Baran would be cordial. The dense purple aura leaking from him was ice cold. She felt flustered, this man was considerably stronger than the leader of the Radiru clan.

"Lady Esil, before that, we need to see your father, right away!" Metus chimed in. "We have important matters to discuss with Lord Radiru."

Mars turned to Metus, whispering something inaudible even to her and the demon knights, who had enhanced senses.

Her demonic instincts took over, since she has to protect the tower then this is the best time to strike. She only had a couple crucial seconds to take advantage of this opening.

"Now!" She whispered to her knights, who were shaking in anticipation.

Since she was closest to Mars, she was the first to leap into action. Grabbing the dagger on her waist, she aimed for his back, right in the middle of his four wings.

In an instant, a large black shield materialized out of thin air, completely blocking her sneak attack. The high orc who conjured the protective spell glared at her with fury in his eyes. Right after, a deafening bolt of lightning stuck past her, causing her to flinch. She looked to the source of the blast, where Mars' knight held a blade of pure holy lightning, purple blood dripping off of it. Half of her demon knights were killed instantly, the red-ribboned knight had physical strength that easily rivaled Baran's.

The other half of her warriors were violently suspended high into the air, where the red orc began to bathe the demons in holy-fire. She cringed as she heard her trusted knights burn in agony.

"What do you think you're doing?" Mars asked her, his eyes began to glow purple.

"Ah! I-I'm sorry. I was wrong!" She dropped her dagger and spear, putting her hands up in resignation. "Please spare my life!"

"You attacked me and now you're asking for forgiveness?" Mars questioned her, as Metus and the two warriors looked at her with great displeasure.

"I committed a grave sin!" Esil began to sweat, she really didn't want to die here. "But in our clan's shoes, we have to protect this area... We can't just sit still and let some bastar- ACK! I mean let some stranger run wild and kill all the other demons like ants. Please forgive me!"

Mars was silent for a moment, letting the uneasy tension in the air permeate for a while longer, while he gathered his thoughts.

"Is it really okay for you to beg for your life to the person who killed your men?" He asked with a sly smile on his handsome face.

"A knight's duty is to protect their master... I'm sure the knights will be happy if I'm safe!" Esil uttered out shamelessly, a nervous smile on her face.

- Mars -

What a selfish demon...

I can't kill her, especially with her human-like appearance. She is pretty cute, I won't waste her like Jinwoo did.

"I don't know if I can let an attempt on my life go unpunished..." I declared, trying not to chuckle as her eyes widened in fear.

"If you spare my life, I'll give you whatever you want!" She submitted to me, kneeling deeply in a kowtow position, her forehead was touching the ground.

I can't tell if she's this shameless or just optimistic.

"Your clan is protecting the entry pass, right?" I ask her, using [Ruler's Authority] to suspend her in the air, at eye level with me. "Can you give it to me?"

"Y-yes, the permit is in our possession." Esil sputtered out, feeling panic as I walk closer to her. "If you bring me back home unharmed, I can give you the entry pass!"

I gently grasp her chin, forcing the stuttering demon to look me in the eye.

Name: Esil Radiru

Level: 71

Race: Demon Noble

Class: Fighter

Thoughts about you: Scared you will kill her and her whole clan. Impressed by your knights, wonders just how strong you are.

Affection: 15

"Hmmm..." I give her a disarming smile, one of my biggest weaknesses are pretty girls.

"I even know where the entry passes for the higher floors are being kept." She cried out, tears were forming in her eyes. "I can guide you to them if you can guarantee the safety of my life and my clan."

I'm impressed with the princess, even under the threat of death she can still negotiate for her and her clan's sake. She's got beauty and brains.

"How tempting." I use my telekinesis to bring her even closer. At this point I'm gazing deeply into her red eyes, where I could spot any lie instantly. "Esil... Can I trust you?"

Her face is as red as a tomato, despite being a formidable demon noble I can tell she's as innocent as Jinah, she can barely hold my intense gaze.

"I-I'm not lying..." She flinched slightly as I wipe the tears from her eyes, since she cannot move her arms at all. "I'm telling you the truth!"

"Okay. If you can give me the entry pass, I will promise you and your clan's safety." I gently let her down to the ground, where she sighs in relief.

"T-thank you..."

- Later -

Standing at the base of a volcano, I marvel at the demon castle within the demon castle. It's got to be as big as Kargalgan's base, there are over a hundred steps to reach the massive doors.

Not wanting to climb the steep path, where falling would result in being burned alive in a pool of lava, I flex my wings, grabbing Esil by the waist.

"H-Huh?!" She gushed out, as I flew into the air, holding on to her tight.

Landing at the entrance way faster than she expected to, I give her a playful squeeze before I let go of her.

"Please warn me before you do that again!" Esil cried out, as she fixed her hair.

"Ah, so that means you do want to do it again~" I can't stop myself from teasing her, her pointy ears are dyed red.

Once she composed herself, I followed her inside as she opened the great doors, confidently walking through the castle gates.

"Where's my father?" Esil immediately asked the stationed demon guard, who was as big as Igris.

"He's currently in the throne room." The S-rank demon answered her, before he turned to me, observing Igris, Tusk and Metus who were silently following me. "Lady Esil, who is that man behind you..?"

"This is Mars, he's an important guest so show some courtesy!" Esil scolded the demon knight, who bowed to me and her in deference.

"Of course!" He answered as we walked past him. "Greetings, Lord Metus!"

As I walk with Esil by my side, I keep my guard up, noting the countless S-rank demons residing inside the large castle. If I had to fight my way up it would be considerably harder than Vulcan's boss battle.

Quickly arriving to the vast throne room, I study the Radiru clan head, who was sitting comfortably on the gold and red throne. There are a handful of royal demon guards, who are watching me and my soldiers closely.

"Father, I brought a guest." Esil announced to her father, as his face twisted, feeling threatened by me immediately.

I can see the resemblance to his daughter, he certainly looked the part of a demon lord, I could tell he's a bit stronger than Choi Jong-In.

"Esil, just who in the world did you bring here?!" He yelled out, looking at me with hostility.

"Father, this man is my guest, so-" Esil inched closer to her father, trying to calm him down.

"What kind of guest comes to someone else's home with an army?!" Lord Radiru erupted at me, I could see the sweat forming in his brow.

"Huh?" Esil's ears drooped down, confused by her father's ramblings.

"Esil can you not see it with your eyes? There are countless soldiers hidden in that man's shadow!" He sounded hysterical, commanding his guards to capture me. "You dare bring your soldiers into my home?!"

"Father!" Esil called out to her father, while a handful of his wardens rushed at me with their swords.

"STOP!" Metus screamed out to the rushing demons with a commanding tone.

The demons listened to him, halting their charge at me. The royal guards were about a foot away from me. I warned Igris and Tusk not to make any moves before I entered the throne room, expecting Esil's father to have a reaction like this.

Igris had a hand on his sheathed blade, ready to protect me. Tusk looked focused, he was ready to cast a spell at a moments notice.

"Lord Radiru. You are in the presence of the new Shadow Monarch, Mars Valentino." Metus interfered before things would get bloody. "I can ensure your clan will be protected, as Lord Mars wishes not to spill any more demon blood. He only aims for Baran."

"Metus... What have you done?" Lord Radiru let out a deep sigh, unsure of how to act.

Name: Lord Radiru

Level: 80

Race: Demon Noble

Class: Hellfire Mage

Thoughts about you: He can sense the soldiers within your shadow, as well as your overwhelming bloodlust. Recognizes you as the man who has been climbing the tower, killing the demons at a tremendous rate. Since you defeated Vulcan and tamed Metus, he is unsure if his demons can deal with you.

Reputation: 0

"I promised your daughter, Esil." I finally speak, looking the clan head directly in the eye. "I will leave this place quietly if you hand over the entry pass."

He seems decently strong. And this is supposed to be the weakest among the 20 demon noble clans?

"The entry pass... Is that all you want, Monarch?" He asked me suspiciously, as the demon guards around me sheathed their swords.

"One more thing." I suddenly grab Esil by her shoulder, pulling her to my side. "I will be borrowing your daughter for a bit."

"Eeek!" Esil squealed out, as she clumsily leans into my embrace.

The princess was speechless, staring at my hand keeping her in place, with a healthy blush on her face. Since she knows where the rest of the entry passes are, I will need her to guide me to each location.

- Lord Radiru -

The prideful demon lord swallowed the rage, not wanting to fight the personification of death. Now that Metus revealed the man's identity, he had no choice but to let the man do as he please. He couldn't refuse a Monarch, let alone one of the strongest...

He looked at his precious daughter, who was in a daze as the Shadow Monarch held her close. She was at that age already, many demon nobles had requested her hand in marriage. He could tell she didn't hate being in the young Monarch's embrace.

"Father!" Esil blurted out, she was getting even redder. "Lord Mars meant borrow me as a guide for the upper floors!"

It had hurt his pride to cut a deal with a human, but once he realized it was the Shadow Monarch himself, maybe he could take advantage of the situation. The more he thought about it, if she married Mars, wouldn't that make them the strongest demon clan? There is no reason for the clan to fight him at all. There are plenty worse suitors for his daughter, than the Monarch of Shadows himself.

"You won't put my daughter in danger, correct?" He asked Mars with serious eyes.

"You have my word, Lord Radiru." Mars answered with a smile, finally letting go of Esil. "I will keep my promise, your precious Esil will not be in any danger."

"All right." He snapped his fingers, a demon servant suddenly appeared, the permit to the next floor was presented on a golden tray.

- Mars -

I try to hide my shit eating grin as the lesser demon servant delivers me the entry permit. How could I kill a father who is just worried for his daughter?

Item: Entry Permit

Item Class: ?

Type: ?

A permit to enter the 81st floor of the Demon Castle. Usable in the floor movement magic circle on the 80th floor

I wanted to see just how far I could go in disrespecting the demon noble. There's really no choice unless he prefers me completely wiping out his clan and bloodline.

"Will you be able to leave right away?" I turn to Esil, who is starting to look excited for the upcoming adventure.

"Yes, Mars." Esil whispered to me, who is looking a lot prettier now that she's more relaxed.

"If there's a battle, make sure you don't interfere. I will take care of it myself." I assure the princess, not wanting to risk her to any hostile demons.

"...Yes." Esil says softly, looking away with a delighted expression on her face.

Too easy.

- Later -

Demon Castle (81st Floor)

Esil marched beside me with a noticeable hop in her step, as we traversed through the next floor. She had a heavy backpack on, as she lightly held her spear in her hands. Igris, Tusk and Metus stayed a healthy distance behind us, allowing me and the beauty to speak more freely.

"Sir Mars, please hold on a minute." She reached into her bag, bringing out a bottle of fancy looking wine. "This is the alcohol that the head of the Garshi clan loves. My father prepared items that each of the clan heads will appreciate."

"How thoughtful of you." I praise her, as she looks pleased with herself.

"If we bring these gifts with us, the negotiations will go more smoothly." Esil said with a bright smile on her face.

In all honesty I don't think I have enough time to negotiate with each clan, I need to return home as soon as I can.

"Let me ask you something, Lady Esil. Is the Radiru clan friendly with the Garshi clan by any chance?" I question her, wanting to get a grasp on the politics within the demon clans.

"A-ah, no." Esil confirmed with a dejected look on her face. "Since the clans have always disputed over ranking back in the demon world..."

"Then it's no problem." I say, patting her softly on the back. "You just wait here."

My shadow suddenly multiplies in size, surprising her, as I prepare to call forth all of my shadow soldiers.

"This won't take long."

- Querehsha (Monarch of Plagues) -

Querehsha stood with her fellow monarchs around the dead Ruler vessel. The National rank hunter looked like complete shit, sprawled across on the burning debris with his mouth wide open in agony. There were several deep scratch marks all along his arms and torso, thanks to the Beast. The Iron Body Monarch tanked the fire giant's initial attack, ripping off the hunter's arm in response. There were gaping holes in his chest, courtesy of the Queen's venomous tendrils.

The entire mansion was lit up in a magical inferno, Christopher Reed's flames were near inextinguishable when he exploded into Ruler form. But to the Monarchs, it wasn't anything compared to the late Baran's white flames. Christopher was quite powerful, but against three Monarchs it was hard for him to do anything.

"He lasted longer than I expected, this one must have been one of the stronger fragments." The King of Monstrous Humanoids pointed out, as he brushed away ash from his white coat. "So, Querehsha, are you going to tell us what you have been doing out east?"

"I have reunited with some of my darlings on an island close to the Shadow Monarch and the Brightest Fragment of Brilliant Light." She explained to her comrades. "The island has been taken over by my cuties, I have it on good authority that the hunters from the new Monarch's country will be coming back to retake their land."

The Queen of Insects had many different ways to extract information from any stubborn humans. Her favorite was using her tendrils, sticking them into the pathetic human's holes, where no secrets could hide.

The alpha ant she left in charge also revealed the memories of the humans he consumed. Since the new Monarch was still human, she figured there's no way the young Monarch wouldn't join his countryman to take back the land from her children.

"And there's been no presence of Ashborn?" The Iron Body Monarch asked her.

"No. None of us have seen or heard of him since you and Baran betrayed him." She answered, shooting an annoyed look at the Beast Monarch. "You better hope Ashborn doesn't show up, he absolutely won't forgive you for your betrayal~"

"Tsk. Whatever, you sure you don't need help when this new brat comes for your shitty ants? We need to take him out before he gains Ashborn's full powers!" The Beast growled out.

"I think this is a bad idea. By picking a fight against him, you are only looking for suicide. Do you want to end up like the like the Monarch of White Flames?" The blond haired Monarch scoffed. "Of the 9 Monarchs, he's one of the strongest... Why not wait for the Dragon King to return?"

"Don't worry~ I just want to play with him... If he's weak I'll kill him." She sang out with a dangerous smile, biting her lip. "But if he's strong... I bet I could convince him to fully join our side!"

"It's your funeral." The arrogant Monarch scoffed, a blue gate appeared behind him. "Don't mess this up."

As the Monarch stepped through the gate, the Beast Monarch remained behind, looking at her with a crooked grin.

"He's a scaredy cat..." The messy-haired Monarch mocked him while he made his exit. "I need to talk to the Frost Monarch."

The Beast swiped the air in front of him, creating a wild red gate, leaving the Queen by herself.

"Heh, you're the biggest coward of them all..." She giggled to herself, before suddenly thinking of her children, who are preparing for war against the Shadow Monarch. "My babies must miss me!"

She quickly conjured her green gate, leaving the ravaged home to return to the insect-infested island as the sounds of sirens started to get closer to the burning down mansion.

- Esil Radiru -

Demon Castle (99th Floor)

Esil stood in awe, as Mars and his shadow soldiers defeated all of the demon nobles on the second-highest floor. From the 90th floor and above, were the highly-ranked nobles, who were at a completely different league. But even the demons' very best clans couldn't stop Mars.

So this is the power of a Monarch... She knew the Monarchs were stronger than any monster, but nothing could compare to watching a Monarch fight up close. She never even met the Monarch of White Flames, Baran, only hearing from her father the terrifying strength he possessed.

What scared her the most was Lord Metus, who successfully resurrected the slain demons, from the servants, the knights and even the demon lords...

Eventually, Mars returned to her, having taken the entry permit by force, ripping the pass from the demon lord's dead hands.

"Sir Mars..." Esil felt a little fearful of the Shadow Monarch, who was much stronger than she realized. "Do you know how many clans you've destroyed so far?"

"This is the 99th floor, right? So all of them?" Mars replied, his eyebrow raised. "Congratulations, Esil. With this, your Radiru clan is now the strongest demon clan!"

"Heh... I guess so..." She didn't really feel like her clan earned the distinction, since Mars wiped out every clan in his way. "Why didn't you negotiate with the rest of the royal families?"

"If I was weaker than you, when we first met... Would you have negotiated with me?" He answered, giving her a shrug.

"No... I wouldn't have..." Esil felt embarrassed, realizing Mars went out of his way to spare her and her clan. "Why did you excuse my clan?"

"Because I took a liking to you..." He said with a mischievous grin.

- Mars -

"Huh... HUH?!" Esil coughed out, who looked more red than I've ever seen her.

I leave the sputtering Esil to herself, as I prepare myself for my hardest test yet.

Rather than waste time and try to appeal to random demon clans, I figured it would be easier if Metus resurrect the demons, after my shadows killed them. Not only do I still gain a lot of experience for killing the high-ranked demons, but I get to increase Metus' fighting strength. My demon lich is quite proficient in death magic, he can shoot out rays of death which cause rot and decay where they strike.

Going against a fellow Monarch will be no trivial task, as the Demon King will be able to summon countless demon soldiers himself. I'll need all the help I can get, since his summons will be stronger than mine.

"Things are going to get dangerous on the final floor, Esil." I turn to the demon princess, who is looking at me differently. "Do you want to go back to your floor? I can take care of it myself from here on."

"A-am I no longer useful to you...?" Esil looked at me with tears in her eyes.

What an interesting girl until the end.

"You do realize you helped me hunt down the rest of your fellow demons..." I pat the depressed looking girl on her shoulder. "You have been a tremendous help. Thank you, Esil."

As expected, she wasn't satisfied with just that, looking back up at me with fire in her blood-red eyes.

"No! I want to come with you!" She decided, giving me a cute smile. "I want to see. The outcome of your fight."

"Just as I thought." I pull the determined Esil into my arms, giving her a warm hug. "Do you want to have dinner after the fight?"

- Later -

[You have entered the 100th Floor]

Entering the top floor, it's obvious right away I'm on the boss level. A pitch black sky, illuminated by a single tower, barely ablaze. Besides the one burning totem, the rest of the ruined landscape is covered in ashes. Embers and ash rained down upon us, as the silence was unnerving. The atmosphere was stronger than any I've felt, the last time I was this nervous was in the double dungeon, where I was powerless against the god statue.

The terrifying roar of a powerful magical beast shook the whole level, where the boss of this tower finally made his appearance, on his wyvern steed.

Looking up at the silhouette of a wyvern approaching with insane speed, I focus my eyes on Baran, tightly holding on to the strap attached to the legendary beast. Landing on the tower in front of me in a blink, the demon king snarls at me, observing me with dangerous glowing red eyes. The crackling blue sword he wields reminds me of Igris', I need to be extra careful with Baran, his devastating lightning breath can take out any of my shadows. Thankfully, my forces are beefed up thanks to Metus reviving all of the slain demons.

Name: The Monarch of White Flames, Baran

Level: 100

Race: Monarch

Class: Fighter

Title: King of the Demons

Thoughts about you: Can sense the Shadow Monarch's energy, he wants to destroy you.

Reputation: -100

Name: Kaisellin

Level: 85

Race: Wyvern

I can feel my shadows' anticipation, I haven't fought any beings this strong, by far. Turning to Esil who's shaking in fear, I mentally command all my shadows to keep her safe.

Before I could assure my demon maiden, the wyvern screeched out loud, soaring into the air. From above, Baran pointed his sword at me, shouting out in ancient demon tongue.

[Demon King Baran is using skill: Hell's Army]

A purple lightning bolt fired from his sword struck the ground underneath him, the lightning splitting into multiple forks. Where each strike landed, an ominous purple portal spawned, 10 total.

[Demon Soldiers have been summoned]

[Demon Knights have been summoned]

[Demon Generals have been summoned]

Within seconds, hundreds of high A or S-rank demon soldiers and beasts exited from the portals, evilly glaring at our small group.

Just from a glance, I can see more than a thousand demons, it's finally starting.

"Shadows." I call forth my shadow army, who begin to surround me and Esil.

- Esil Radiru -

"Sir Mars..." Esil worriedly asked her 4-winged companion, who she has gotten close to pretty quickly. "What should we do?"

She observed Baran's summoned demons, she has never seen such powerful demon knights. Each of the generals spawned are stronger than any demon lords she and Mars encountered.

Mars' shadows were slightly out numbered, and many of the demons were stronger than his basic shadow soldiers.

"Lady Esil... This isn't a fight you should get involved in." Mars turned to her, she could feel how caring he was, as they climbed the highest floors together. "Stay back with Metus and Tusk. I got this."

He suddenly sprung up into the air, towards Baran, while the rest of his shadows charged the demon army with no fear.

"Listen to me, my undead demons… Support the true King!" Metus commanded his own undead, the resurrected demons were needed to bolster Mars' shadow legion. "Princess Radiru... It is our honor as Mars' chosen to witness him become the new Demon King!"

Esil watched as Igris led the shadow forces on the ground, scores of demons would die when Igris swung his thunderous blade. The shadow vanguard next to Igris proved to be unstoppable, none of the demons could stop the two lead shadows from rampaging.

"Wow..!" She watched the powerful battle between two Monarchs and their armies, realizing one of these Monarchs would die.

She observed as hundreds of high orc shadows clashed with the demon knights, who were evenly matched. Both sides suffered heavy losses, but as the defeated shadows regenerated, demons continued to spill out of the portals, turning it into a battle of attrition. Demon giants were brawling with the shadow golems, who were one of the few shadow soldiers who could match their size. Countless shadow bears and yetis were trying to fend off the never-ending supply of S-rank demon beasts.

Metus' army was going through a similar dilemma, many of his undead were falling to the demons, but there was no shortage of dead demons the necromancer couldn't revive to join the fight.

Looking back up, she spotted the two Monarchs who were both observing the fight below. It appeared to be a stalemate, neither side could claim the advantage. Looks like the battle will be decided for the stronger Monarch. She felt like she was about to pass out from the sharp and intense bloodlust in the air.

As she watched the two Kings stare each other down, she remembered her place, who is she cheering for, again? The ruler of this place and all demons or the hostile intruder? It's only logical that Mars is someone who needs to be eliminated, who represents a legitimate threat to the demons as a race.

"I..." Esil struggled, not knowing who she was supposed to side with.

- Mars -

I carefully keep my eye on Baran, who is keeping a safe distance away from me, thanks to his wyvern steed. To make this battle as easy as possible, I need to take care of the wyvern first.

Baran suddenly opened his mouth, inhaling as a torrent of lightning began to form inside. I need to see how strong his lightning breath really is before I rush him, as I can instinctively tell it's a very dangerous attack. The Monarch charged it to full, when he released the overloaded attack, stunning any shadows who weren't completely obliterated by the bolts.

Tusk protected the backline as best as he could with his hymn of protection, but not many of my other shadows were able to avoid it, as the large scale lightning attack completely covered the battlefield. Iron blocked it for Igris, who was my ace in the war, killing a significant number of demons by himself.

I felt a huge chunk of my mana disappear as countless shadows needed to regenerate after that electric attack. It's certainly no ordinary lightning, it's like a direct opposite of my own holy lightning. Deciding to copy the broken spell, I sent a mental order to Tusk, who was in the back with Metus and Esil.

My favorite orc summon amplified himself, who began to conjure black shadow clouds just above the Hell's gates, where a storm of holy lightning bolts struck the gates, electrocuting the multiplying demons still marching out of the portals.

While Baran was distracted by my counter-attack on his chokepoints, I had Baruka and the S-rank Hyakki stealthily climb up the ravaged buildings. With elite aim, the group of ice slayers shot their bows, holy-lightning infused arrows aimed at the wyvern's wings. At the same time, I summoned Cyclops, who reached out with his ridiculously long arms. Thanks to the elves' unseen barrage, many of the arrows clipped the wyvern's wings, slowing it down just enough for my towering shadow to snatch the wyvern in its purple hands.

The wyvern began to howl in pain as Cyclops started to squeeze, slowly crushing Baran and his steed. Baran started his charge again, aiming his attack at Cyclops' eye. To my shock, the Demon King's lightning breath obliterated its head, as my giant shadow fell to the ground, crushing any unfortunate demons underneath.

"Cyclops!" I yell after my one-eyed giant, who is starting to disappear. "Fuck..."

It'll use a lot of mana to regenerate my shadow giant, so I have no choice but to fight Baran head on for now.

I begin to fly after the slowed wyvern, shooting holy spears at its wings, while Baran tries his best to block or dodge the spears from winging the creature. Getting closer to him I summon my shield, shooting it at the wyvern with my [Ruler's Authority]. Baran swung his sword as hard as he could, hitting the shield downwards with even faster velocity, the golden shield landed on a demon giant, decapitating it instantly.

Creating a holy spear in each hand, I fly towards the wyvern, but Baran intercepts me, using his sword to stop my attack. In less than a second, he swung back, hitting me square on, but my wings folded around me, absorbing most of the blow. Baran is strong as fuck, so I'm sent back crashing into the ground, landing next to Esil.

"Mars!" Esil rushed to me, helping me get back to my feet. "Are you okay?!"

"Ugh.. no." I grunt out, casting [Heal] and [Bless] on myself. "Look out!"

Baran cocked his head back, the sound of him charging up his lightning breath right above us.

I grab Esil and vault backwards, using [Ruler's Authority] to propel ourselves back as fast as possible.

The beam of lightning didn't stop, as it began to speed up, following me and Esil, taking out any shadows or demons the concentrated lightning hits.

A whirling holy-fire beam suddenly struck Baran's laser head on, causing the battle to come to a standstill. The sheer intensity of the two spells meeting caused various fire balls and volatile lightning bolts to shoot out, causing casualties on both sides. It looked like Baran finally began to waver, as Tusk's ultimate ability consumed the blue beam, eventually hitting the wyvern, causing my opponent to crash into a broken-down building.

Baran quickly stood up from the wreckage, his glowing red eyes were shining through the smoke and ash. A red energy filled to the brim with killing intent began to envelop him, as he began to march to me, sword in hand.

"You've finally come down." I taunt the Monarch in monster tongue. "I was getting pretty tired from looking up."

Since falling off the wyvern, Baran's portals began to disappear, one by one. He's saving his mana for this duel? I call back my elite shadows to help me kill the Monarch, so I can buy Igris time to finish off the rest of the demons. Iron was the first shadow to answer my call, my vanguard squared up with Baran, swinging his shadow axe at the Monarch. Baran wasn't scared, as he simply punched the axe, watching as the black and purple axe disintegrated. With his other hand, the Monarch stabbed Iron straight through the face, shocking the shadow until he disappeared.

Not giving him a chance to rest, Baruka and Kang appeared out of nowhere, both using their daggers to try to outmaneuver Baran. While the Monarch was trying to deal with the two assassin shadows, my four orc elites arrived, ready to completely overwhelm him. It proved particularly effective, as Baran wasn't able to deal with all six shadows assaulting it at once. Baran suddenly turned to Igris, who was rapidly approaching us, ready to join in the jumping.

In response, Baran screamed as loud as he could, his glowing eyes were beginning to flash dangerously.

The blue lightning crackled across his whole body before he released, eliminating all shadows around him, forcing me back. He then dropped his sword, before pulling out two red daggers from thin air. I conjure two spears, ready to finish this battle once and for all.

We sprint at each other, I can barely keep up with him, as I try to deflect each dagger strike with my spears. Before I know it, we're both moving at max speed, neither of us can get a real shot in, the fatigue of the battle already settling in. As we were tangled up, Baran started his lightning breath charge one more time, knowing I'm too far to properly avoid it.

Suddenly, a spear came flying out of nowhere, smacking Baran in the face, confusing him more than anything. We both turn to the source, where Esil stood, having thrown her weapon at him.


I use this chance to overload my arms with holy light, wrapping them around the Monarch's arms, using my telekinesis to violently increase the pressure. I pull as hard as I can, ignoring the smell of his arms being cooked by my holy lightning. Closing my eyes, I use my wings to add even more leverage.

"AAAARGH!" I shout out with all the strength left in my body, feeling a new power explode in my wings as I brutally rip his arms off. "LET'S END THIS!"

Feeling rejuvenated all of a sudden, I grasp the shocked Demon King's head with my hands, placing my thumbs over his eyes, trying to jam as much holy lightning into his body through his eyeballs.

I continue to electrocute Baran long after he stopped moving, before I form a holy spear. I look at the fried Monarch one more time, throwing the spear straight through his brain.

[You have defeated the Monarch of White Flames, Baran]

"Mars..." Esil called out to me, running to me before she stopped, gasping at my new appearance. "Your wings!"

"Huh?" I sigh out in exhaustion, turning my head around and spotting a third pair of wings on my back.

A Bet with the Chairman (23 hours left)


- Goto Ryuji (Blade Guild) -

Ryuji walked through the Incheon International Airport with his A-rank hunter and Korean translator, Hanekawa. He sniffed the air, not liking the new smell in Korea. Nevertheless, he was excited, as the Jeju raid was soon approaching. His negotiations with Go Gunhee haven't yet concluded, but once he meets with the geezer in person, he knew he would be able to strongarm the chairman into an unfavorable deal.

"There's some kind of commotion..." Ryuji's sharp senses picked up on the distorted mana in the area, the sign a powerful hunter was just here. "Someone strong was just here at the airport..."

"Stronger than Goto-san?" Hanekawa answered him, finding it hard to believe there would be a stronger hunter in Korea than the Blade guildmaster.

No way... There's no way that such a person would be at a place like this. His mind raced to Thomas Andre, the American was one of the very few hunters stronger than him.

"I'm sorry. I was late due to the crowd." A Japanese-speaking Korean Hunter's association member approached the two, bowing apologetically.

"It's fine. Is there something going on in the airport?" He asked the guide, who was looking a little stressed.

"A hunter from the United States came to South Korea on personal business, so it's nothing to worry about." The agent professionally replied, not giving away unneeded information. "This way. Go Gunhee is awaiting your arrival."


- The Architect -

Cartenon Temple

The Architect was busy at work, trying to find a vessel that could contain Antares' powers. Not a single one of these puny humans could withstand the Monarch of Destruction's powers. Unsurprisingly, each human vessel exploded when they received the Dragon King's essence. But he was getting closer and closer with each test subject, he estimated it would be done in less than a month.

On the bright side, he was able to craft the perfect vessel for Ashborn, the Shadow Monarch was greatly pleased with the hunter that passed his test, Mars Valentino. The Cartenon Temple was his greatest creation, and was the final stop for Mars to return, to complete the process of Ashborn taking over the vessel's body.

Because he found a worthy body for Ashborn before Antares, the Shadow Monarch promised the ancient mage immortality.

As if the Monarch knew he was thinking about him, a large black gate suddenly formed before him. Ashborn stepped out right after, the huge shadow in jet-black armor was staring him down.

"Ashborn?!" He hasn't seen the Monarch since they made the deal. "Is the System to your satisfaction?"

"Yes, everything is working well." Ashborn praised the Architect. "You have made it easy for me to use the System."

"Excellent! I did notice you made a couple changes to the Demon Castle... I am assuming I did an even better job than I thought, finding Mars Valentino for you..." The Architect cracked a smile through his stone face. "I trust nothing has changed regarding our deal?"

"Everything is going according to plan... Better, even." Ashborn reassured to him. "Do not worry, Architect, you shall receive your immortal body soon enough."