- Esil Radiru -

Demon Castle (100th Floor)

Esil stood there, stunned, as she watched Mars brutally finish off Baran. Mars was holding the armless Demon King by his head, who fell to his knees, violently electrocuting Baran until he was burnt to a crisp. She closed her eyes, it felt like her brain was going to explode. Just why did she help Mars, instead of her own Demon Monarch? But more importantly, why did her heart feel so relieved once the winged intruder won?

Hearing Mars execute Baran with a light spear, she cracked her eyes open, staring in awe as the Shadow Monarch in front of her looks a lot stronger after that unbelievable battle.

"Mars..." Esil gasped running over to him, feeling short of breath thanks to the frantic mana in the quiet battlefield. "Your wings!"

"Huh?" Mars sighed out, turning his head to check out the new pair of wings that wasn't there a moment ago.

As soon as Baran was defeated, the remaining demons he had summoned all disintegrated, turning into ash.

The weather itself began to change in response to the Demon King's death, the ominous black sky started to shine bright orange, a sun appeared in place of the blood moon.

Looking back to Mars, she finally realized why she helped him over Baran: Mars will continuously get stronger with each battle he's in.

He is stronger than the Monarch of White Flames, stronger than any demon that ever existed in the universe... When she first met him, she felt Mars was on par with the top demon nobles or generals. But as he and his shadows climbed up the top floors, they grew unnaturally quick.

She also felt her own feelings for him grow at the same rate Mars climbed up the top floors. Demons are instinctively drawn to the strong, and she couldn't help but feel powerless whenever his cold gaze focused on her. The more she talked to him and observed him interact with his shadows, she realized how warm and thoughtful he was.

"Esil!" Mars shouted out at her, who was trying to get her attention for a while. "Are you okay?"

"Y-yes!" She squeaked out, trying to fight the growing blush on her face. She didn't realize she was staring at him for the past minute. "Were you asking me something, sir Mars?"

"Never mind..." He chuckled, approaching her with a smile on his face. "You did a wonderful job, Esil."

She couldn't respond to his praise as Mars suddenly grabbed her hands, firmly pulling her close to him, as he looked deep into her eyes once again.

"Esil..." Mars softly whispered into her ear. "You could have assisted Baran at anytime you know... Why did you help me?"

"I-I..." Esil couldn't find the words, she felt entranced in his arms. "It just felt like the right thing to do!"

"Is that so..." Mars caressed her cheek, before he swept her hair behind her ears.

"Mmph!" She couldn't breathe when Mars swiftly brushed his lips with hers.

- Mars -

I can't help but laugh as I pull away from Esil after a quick but passionate kiss. Esil is very much an innocent maiden, judging by the look of shock on her flushed face. It was quite amusing how animated her ears were during the kiss, they drooped down disappointedly as soon as I ended it.

"W-w-why did you do that?!" Esil cried out at me while she fanned her warm face with her hands.

"Haha, sorry princess..." I beam widely at her. "It just felt like the right thing to do..."

As she tries to compose herself, I observe her.

Name: Esil Radiru

Level: 71

Race: Demon Noble

Class: Fighter

Thoughts about you: She cannot believe you stole her first kiss like that... She hopes it wasn't too terrible for you.

Affection: 70

Her Affection for me grew pretty quickly in these 20 floors I ascended with her. And she really did choose me over Baran in the end. For her to stay loyal to me even during a fight to the death with her literal creator does mean a lot to me.

Loyalty is by far the most important trait I value.

"Thank you, Esil." I genuinely thank her, gently holding on to her surprisingly soft hands once again. "I'm sure it wasn't an easy decision to choose me over Baran. But I'm thrilled you did."

"O-Of course! I merely did what was best for my clan after all..." Esil cleared her throat as she tried her best to hide her growing feelings for me. "I f-forgot! I need to go back to the 80th floor and inform my father of the news. I'll meet you down there!"

Esil ran out before I could even reply back.

She really does remind me of Jinah...

[You have obtained Baran's Soul]

Quest Completed: Collect Demon's Souls (Part 2)

Objective: The Monarch of the Demons is residing on the highest floor of the Demon Castle. Eliminate Baran and collect his soul

Reward: Cartenon Temple Key

Within a millisecond a cold black key suddenly manifested in my hand.

Item received

Item: Cartenon Temple Key

Item Class: ?

Type: Key

This key allows the user to enter the Cartenon Temple. This key can be used on the appropriate gate. The gate's location will be revealed after a predetermined amount of time

Time Remaining: ?

Fiddling with the ominous key, I store it in my Inventory. My best guess is it will activate after the Jeju mission, so I'll have to prepare for the fight against the angelic statues and the crude imitation of the Absolute Being. And of course, the true boss of the dungeon, The Architect.

If I remember right, the fight will just be me by myself, without any assistance from my shadows. I should be able to rely on my own powers, specifically [Ruler's Authority] and my Sacred Gear, so I'll focus on polishing my own skills in preparation for the test.

Multiple shiny loot drops flickering in front of me capture my attention, it looks like Baran still has a couple of gifts for me.

Item: Demon King's Longsword

Item Class: S

Type: Longsword

Longsword brimming with the Demon King's Power. Every time the sword is swung, the effect 'Storm of White Flames' will activate

Effect 'Storm of White Flames': Summon a storm of endless lightning within a certain area

Item: Demon King's Daggers

Item Class: S

Type: Dagger

Daggers obtained from the Demon King Baran. If both daggers are equipped at the same time, the wielder will gain extra bonus attack power

Item: Purified Blood of the Demon King

Item Class: ?

Type: Ingredient

Fluid created by purifying blood from the Monarch of Demons. It is radiating powerful magical energy and despite the purification, there is still a bit of toxicity left and must be mixed with the 'World Tree's Fragment' and 'Spring Water of the Echoing Forest' to use as a medicine

I immediately call Igris and Kang to my side, as my first two unique shadows, they will each get the Demon King's weapons that I won't be using myself.

"Igris, try using Baran's longsword." I nod to my kneeling knight, ready to receive my gift with the upmost respect.

"My King, I am honored." Igris voiced with pleasure, standing up and inspecting the demonic sword. "To repay your boundless generosity, I shall cut down thousands of our enemies with this cursed blade."

What's more terrifying than Igris with a sword? Igris with two swords. Now my great knight has access to hell and holy lightning. I think for now it's best to leave the weapon with him. Maybe in the future I'll have another General-grade sword specialist shadow soldier to give it to.

Holding the two black daggers in my hands, I turn to Kang, who is kneeling with an excited look on his face.

"Kang." I call my shadow assassin who is nearly trembling in anticipation. "I'll be entrusting the Demon King's daggers with you."

As he eagerly takes the large blades in his hand, I affectionately rub his purple hair. He really reminds me of a dog receiving a treat right now.

Kang looks up at me with a wicked grin. I'm positive he will put those to good use.

Picking up the third loot drop, I carefully hold the flask filled with purple liquid. With Baran's purified blood, I can now create the Holy Water of Life.

Item: World Tree's Fragment

Item Class: ?

Type: Ingredient

A leftover piece of wood from removing the corrupted parts of 'Vulcan's Club', which was created from the World Tree's Branch. Woods from the World Tree contain a powerful magic and thus used as an ingredient for magic items of the highest quality

Taking out the fragment Vulcan left behind, I'm only missing the ingredient Metus was supposed to drop.

"Metus!" I shout out at my army, and my newest Demonic ally appears by my side within seconds. "Do you have the final ingredient for the Holy Water of Life?"

"Yes, I do." Metus answers, pulling out a large flask filled with a bright blue fluid from within his cloak. "Here is the Spring Water from the Echoing Forest, my Lord."

A black crafting window materializes in front of me, with three empty spaces left for the ingredients I gathered. Placing the three priceless artifacts in the window, the process of crafting the potion begins automatically.

[Crafting Holy Water of Life]

After 10 seconds, a new black window appeared, indicating a successful craft.

[Crafted Item: Holy Water of Life x5]

I still have about half of the purified blood left, and I only lost a third of the World's Tree Fragment. Unfortunately it used up all of the Spring Water, if I had more I could create more potions...

Item: Holy Water of Life

Item Class: S

Type: Consumable

A mysterious potion that can cure any illness with powerful magic. The effect will only take place if the entire bottle is emptied.

5 potions are instantly placed in my Inventory, not a bad haul at all. What should I do with these?

Obviously I'll use one on Jinah and Jinwoo's mother, who is currently afflicted with the Eternal Slumber. It is an incurable sleeping disorder, cursed to humans who are intolerant of mana. Hopefully it's not genetic, the last thing I want is Jinah to contract the disease from me... Maybe I should just bestow my power to both Sung siblings after all, I can't be around to keep them safe once the War starts.

I should definitely keep at least two with me for any emergencies. Maybe I'll give the remaining two to chairman Go Gunhee, hopefully they can reverse manufacture the potion. Of course, since they lack the ingredients it might be a futile task, but if they can replicate a potion that is even a quarter as potent, it should be able to heal countless ailments.

I'm interrupted by the commotion Iron is causing, my vanguard shadow has dragged Baran's wyvern to me. He makes his way in front of me, before dropping the huge corpse at my feet. Iron is sporting a very proud expression on his purple face, slapping the dead wyvern with a jolly laugh. Multiple infantry shadows are giving Iron a thumbs up for a job well done.

"Arise... Kaisel." I call forth the spirit of Baran's fallen steed.

The temperature on the top floor dropped considerably, as my newest shadow emerged from the beast's corpse. An intimidating black and purple wyvern stares down at me, expectantly.

"Kaisel... Our enemies will tremble in fear once they sense your presence on the battlefield." I place my hand on Kaisel's cheek, feeling its hardened scales. "No winged opponent will feel safe as long as you're here, patrolling the skies."

The few buildings still standing shake as the wyvern roars out triumphantly, fully stretching out its impressive wingspan, towering over all of my shadows. Except Cyclops, who is nodding in acknowledgement to my new shadow beast.

Studying the creature, it has a shadow black tail and scales, while its rows of sharp teeth, wings, horns, eyes and underbelly glow a bright purple. Now that I have a wyvern shadow, this should unlock many different strategies for battle. It would be impossible for any of my opponents to ignore such a dangerous shadow beast.

I scratch under its chin, and the wyvern sighs out in happiness, its large tail wagging as I pet it. I call back the majority of my soldiers into my shadow, leaving Kaisel and I alone with Igris, Tusk and Metus.

A Bet with the Chairman (22 hours left)

There is still plenty of time before I need to go back to earth, as I'm sure Esil and her clan is currently awaiting my arrival. It'll be good for me to take a break after that hellish climb. A grand feast awaits!

Name: Mars Valentino

Level: 101

Race: Fallen Ruler-Human Hybrid

Class: Battlemage (Holy Lightning Attribute) lvl. 95

Title: Shadow Monarch Gamer


Demon Hunter

Friendly Face


Gamer's Mind (Passive) lvl. MAX

Monarch's Domain (Passive) lvl. MAX

Hand-to-hand Mastery (Passive) lvl. 49 (Adept)

Magical Endurance (Passive) lvl. 79 (Expert)

Physical Endurance (Passive) lvl. 91 (Master)

Spear Mastery (Passive) lvl. 75 (Expert)

Shield Mastery (Passive) lvl. 63 (Expert)

Shadow Preservation (Passive) lvl. 80 (Master)

Holy Lightning (Active) lvl. MAX

ID Create (Active) lvl. MAX

ID Escape (Active) lvl. MAX

Observe (Active) lvl. MAX

Bless (Active) lvl. 4 (Novice)

Flight (Active) lvl. 44 (Adept)

Heal  (Active) lvl. 5 (Novice)

Power Bestowal (Active) lvl. 10 (Novice)

Ruler's Authority (Active) lvl. 87 (Master)

Shadow Exchange (Active) lvl. 1 (Novice)

Shadow Extraction (Active) lvl. 80 (Master)

Taunt (Active) lvl. 30 (Apprentice)

The Ancile (Active) lvl. 63 (Expert)

Locked Skills:

Spiritual Body Manifestation


General (S+):


Elite Knight (S):








Orc Generals (4)

Hyakki (24)

Knight (A):

Yetis (8)

High Orcs (450)

Golems (12)

Assassins (10)

Mages (10)

Archers (10)

Infantryman (19)

Bears (30)

Baruka's Warhorse

Elite (B):

Jackals (20)

I received a huge amount of experience after defeating Baran. Finally, I cracked level 100, and I was able to get that third pair of wings too. One more power breakthrough and I should be able to retract my shadow wings too.

It's weird; I'm absolutely National rank after that boss battle, so why is the National rank quest still incomplete?

Ah, maybe I need to be officially recognized worldwide as one of the best hunters, I'll entrust my future general to take care of all that boring stuff for me.

I wonder what he's up to right now?

- Go Gunhee (Korean Hunters Association) -

The chairman sat at his desk, he felt a headache forming as he was barely able to keep the S-rankers from tearing each other apart the day before. Baek Yoonho and Hwang Dongsoo were always at odds with one another, a part of him hoped he never had to deal with Dongsoo ever again after the thug defected to America.

Because of the confrontation between the four hunters, he had Dongsoo escorted out, to be checked into an elite hunter hotel, only to be used by VIPs or visiting S-rank hunters. Thanks to Mars' timely power upgrade, the Scavenger hunter reluctantly listened to him, not wanting to get into a scrap with the rejuvenated chairman.

"What are you going to do about hunter Hwang Dongsoo?" Woo Jinchul asked him, as the two association members were sitting quietly in Gunhee's office. "Yesterday, while escorting him to the hotel, he was very determined to join the upcoming Jeju island raid."

"What an obvious ploy..." Go Gunhee said to his right hand man. "For now, I'll wait for the upcoming meeting with Thomas Andre to conclude, before I make any decisions."

"Yes, sir." Jinchul nodded in acceptance, he always trusted Gunhee to make the correct decisions. "Sir... I just received a message, the Scavenger guildmaster has just entered the building."

Gunhee felt his newly energized powers flare up, the electric energy was running through his veins, completely reinvigorating him.

"Bring him in."

- Cha Hae-In (Hunters Guild) -

Hae-In sat in complete silence in her kumdo master's dojo. She was in a peaceful meditation, reflecting on the high orc gate just a few days ago. The swordswoman was finally able to continue her basic routine, since Son Kihoon, the raid leader of the deadly gate was stabilized, his life was no longer in danger.

She tried her best to cull the images of the dungeon jackal feasting on the hunters' remains from her mind, but it was impossible to forget. Ever since she was appointed vice-guildmaster there weren't any deadly incidents like this under her watch. Hae-In felt responsible for the massacre.

If Mars wasn't with her that day...

Hae-In shuddered, knowing she wouldn't be able to deal with all of those high orc monsters by herself, especially with that cruel dungeon boss, who tormented and murdered her hunters.

According to chief inspector Woo Jinchul, Mars was away training for the upcoming Jeju Island raid. It's only been a couple of days since she last saw him, but she missed him, way more than she thought she would.

"When is he coming back..." She uttered to herself, forgetting she wasn't alone in the dojo.

"Are you daydreaming about hunter Valentino again?" Song Chi-Yul teased her with a small smirk on his face.

"Master..." Hae-In groaned at her kumdo teacher, it was already enough that guildmaster Choi Jong-In was relentless with his jokes about Mars and her getting together.

"Sorry. I couldn't help it!" Chi-Yul responded, his face turning serious again. "I think it's a good thing... You shouldn't fight those feelings, you might find yourself an even better swordswoman if you have a special someone you're willing to fight for."

"Hmmm..." She thought to herself, as her teacher continued his kumdo training.

She quickly noticed how intense his training sessions became, since he lost his arm in that double dungeon incident.

"You should take it easy, you're overworking yourself." Hae-In worriedly recommended Chi-Yul to take a break.

"I can't..." He ignored her warnings, as sweat flew off his face. "Ever since that dungeon, where those hunters died under my command... Ever since I left Mars on that altar to die alone to those evil statues..."

Hae-In knew something terrible happened in that gate, but no matter how much she pried, he would never reveal the full details of the disturbing experience. Every time the double dungeon was brought up, a hint of agony was apparent on her master's usual bright face.

Maybe she should ask Mars directly whenever he comes back?

"Now that the Jeju operation is soon approaching, I need to be ready for those damn ants..." Song Chi-Yul swung his sword with elite precision.

"Are you sure you want to be involved in the raid?" Hae-In stood up, observing her teacher swing his sword with an almost deranged look on his face. "Is your arm even healed fully?"

"It doesn't matter..." He said to himself, eyes closed in complete concentration. "I was given a second chance at life in that dungeon. The last thing I'm going to do is sit around depressed and waste it."

She hoped Mars would return even sooner now. Maybe what her teacher needs is to sit down and talk things through with someone who was actually in the gate with him. She didn't want to end up like him, almost swallowed whole by the trauma.

- Mars -

Demon Castle (80th Floor)

Returning to the one floor that was spared from my rampage, I'm greeted by Esil and her father at the Radiru clan's castle gates. Esil looks stunning in a beautiful black dress that shows off her slim figure. Her father is looking at me with a much more friendlier expression than last time, staring at my six wings.

Name: Lord Radiru

Level: 80

Race: Demon Noble

Class: Hellfire Mage

Thoughts about you: Acknowledges your strength, not a single demon could stand up to Baran in combat. He is especially elated that his clan is technically the strongest demon clan in existence now. Glad you kept Esil safe. As soon as his daughter came back from the top floor, he realized Esil is quite smitten with you. Lord Radiru is currently considering you as Esil's betrothed.

Reputation: 35

Definitely didn't expect that development, but that makes sense. I guess he wouldn't accept me just fooling around with his daughter, but if I'm engaged to her, it's a completely different story. He has his pride as head of the clan, after all.

"Welcome back, sir Mars!" Esil happily approaches me with a curtsey, she certainly looks and acts the part of a demon princess. "We are currently preparing a magnificent banquet after you conquered Baran and the rest of the demons!"

"That sounds great, lady Esil." I greet her with a bow, knowing her father is watching me carefully. "Lord Radiru, thank you for the warm welcome."

I don't need to act so cordial with him, but if I want to pursue Esil seriously, having her father's blessing would avoid any unwanted drama. Plus, if this was Jinah or Song-Yi's father, I would try to act respectful as well. Although that makes me wonder, did the Rulers send Sung Il-Hwan to observe me?

"It's no problem, it is certainly no small feat that you defeated Baran." Lord Radiru bowed back to me, before shaking my hand. "Come now, the rest of the nobles have been awaiting your arrival."

Arriving at a banquet hall, there's dozens of demon nobles sitting in various tables, being served alcohol by demon servants running around frantically. Esil's father leads the way to a much fancier table at the heart of the room. As we pass by the tables, I can hear the whispers of the demons appraising or gossiping about me. Mostly both.

I'm accompanied by Igris, Tusk and Metus who are all intimidating enough to keep any bold demons from approaching me.

Finally reaching the table, I take the seat next to Esil, where a demonic servant is filling up a glass of wine for each of us. Metus takes the other seat next to me, sitting next to Lord Radiru. Igris and Tusk remain standing behind me, keeping an eye on the numerous demons surrounding us.

I take a huge sip of the wine, enjoying it, as Lord Radiru stands up. He begins to tap on his glass with a fork, the universal sign someone is about to give a speech. The ballroom is quiet, the settled nobles all look up at him while the servants all freeze, not wanting to make a sound.

"Ahem." He cleared his throat, shooting a quick glance at me and Esil before he looks to the crowd of royal demons. "Allow me to introduce the man solely responsible for catapulting the Radiru clan into first place among all demons: the Shadow Monarch, slayer of Baran, Mars Valentino!"

Lord Radiru then began to clap, trying his best to encourage the rest of the demons to join him in applause. Many of the demons clapped half-heartedly. Despite my powerful aura it's still difficult for many of the demons to accept me. Esil and Metus are the only nobles clapping with any enthusiasm, I can't help but feel embarrassed at this current situation. These prideful demons really can't accept a human being much stronger than them, huh?

My right hand twitches slightly, I try my best to fight the urge to completely lay waste to all the demons here. How much would Esil hate me if I destroyed her entire clan right here?

"Why don't you tell us the epic tale of your battle with Baran!" Lord Radiru nervously suggested, noticing the awkward tension in the room.

"Allow me, Lord Mars." Metus answered for me. He levitated up high, reaching into his cloak, before pulling out his crystal ball, projecting it onto the spacious ceiling above. "I documented the war between the two Monarchs. It is of imperative importance the surviving demons witness the inception of the new Demon King!"

I didn't realize how fanatical Metus was for me, he never told me he recorded the fight. Judging by the expressions of the demons looking at him in confusion, I can't tell if he's helping or harming me.

The recording was played from the very beginning, right as we entered the 100th floor, when we both summoned our respective armies. As the footage played on, the majority of the demons began to look at me with more fear, realizing just how dangerous I am.

A lot of them also gave nervous glances to Igris, it was obvious even through the footage how ruthless my knight was against the hell's army.

"Amazing..." Lord Radiru commented to himself, as he watched me battle Baran in the skies, climaxing with our struggle on the ground, where Esil distracted him, allowing me to wipe out the Monarch of White Flames.

Once the recording stopped, you could hear a pin drop with how silent the hall was. The royal guards standing near us couldn't help but grasp their weapons tighter, knowing me or my shadows could go on a frenzy at any time.

"Are we seriously breaking bread with a monster who has slaughtered thousands of our brethren?!" A lone brave demon noble stood up, pointing at me with animosity. "He killed the Monarch of Demons, and yet you want to welcome him into our clan?!"

The demon's outburst caused a few other nobles to gain confidence, as more of them are agreeing with him, calling for my immediate departure. The other demons who either accepted me or don't want to anger me started to argue back in my defense, trying to get the naysayers to shut up. Within seconds, the hall is filled with demon nobles arguing with each other.

In the midst of the growing chaos, I quietly motion for one of the demon servants to refill my glass, this demonic wine is tasty as fuck.

"Please, everyone calm down!" Lord Radiru tried to keep the peace, not expecting this turn of events.

Unfortunately for him, nobody seems to be listening to him, in fact I'm surprised none of the demons have started to actually fight each other. I'm guessing they were the weakest clan because of soft leadership? Not many demon nobles here are really showing that much respect to Esil's father.

"Enough!" Igris suddenly blurted out loud, causing everyone to turn to him. He reached into his cape, pulling out Baran's severed head, throwing it at the first demon who spoke out against me. "If anybody has a problem with my King, you will only end up like Baran."

I finish the rest of my glass, before I stand up, patting Igris on the back for his support.

"Let me be clear." I finally break my silence, amplifying my voice so all demons can hear me properly. "The only reason this clan still exists is because of my affection for lady Esil... Please do not mistake my kindness for weakness."

With that not so subtle threat, the rest of the hall was silenced.

"Y-you hear that, everybody?! The Shadow Monarch is officially betrothed to my eldest daughter, Esil!" Lord Radiru chimed in, as the entire hall turns to him in bewilderment.

"WHAT?!" Esil shrieked out with wide eyes, looking at her father in shock.

"Maybe we should continue the rest of this discussion in private?" I whisper to the father and daughter.

- Later -

Now in Lord Esil's personal study room, I'm sitting next to Esil who is staring daggers at her father, who is sweating buckets. It's just the three of us inside, Metus and my shadows are just outside the cozy room, standing guard.

"Father." Esil started to interrogate her father in a cute yet intimidating voice, with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "Please explain yourself."

"Uhh. Well you are at that age, Esil." He stated, his tone becoming serious. "Many have already asked me for your hand in marriage..."

"And you didn't want to discuss my engagement with me?!" Esil erupted at her father, as if she forgot I'm even in the room right now. "I don't want to be engaged to some random noble who's only interested in becoming the clan head!"

"Uhh sweetie? Let's talk about this later... when it's just us two?" He pleaded with her, turning to me in slight embarrassment.

Esil only gives me a horrified expression, her face is completely red. She opens her mouth like she was about to say something, but she just stormed out of the room with haste, slamming the door behind her.

Just what have I gotten myself into?

"So, I guess we should have a conversation just the two of us?" I smile at the head of the clan.

"We shall." He says with a sudden smile, bringing out two glasses, pouring what smells like brandy. "This here was aged for over 500 years in barrels made from the woods in the Echoing Forest."

Taking a sip of the half-millennium aged liquor, I instantly appreciate the surprisingly fruity zest to it. I down the glass in one go, savoring it, before realizing I might have made a huge mistake. This is demonic booze, there's a pretty good chance it could be a thousand times stronger than any human alcohol I've had in my past life. Also, this is my first time drinking since reincarnating, including the wine I had earlier.

Unlike Jinwoo, I don't have any built in detoxification for poisons, which obviously meant he couldn't even get a little tipsy from anything. Well, shit. Hopefully Mars isn't a lightweight...

"This is good." I compliment Lord Radiru for his taste in drinks, as he pours me another glass. "I feel like I should start. Lord Radiru, do you know the real reason the demons are in the tower?"

"Why we're in the tower..? Of course, we're here to protec-" He started to utter out automatically, before he stopped, sounding like a robot who forgot it's script. "...War? Weren't we were preparing for the Great War...?"

"Yes, do you remember now? The demons were always in some sort of tribal conflict, each clan fighting for superiority." I continue the story, pausing to take another sip of the almost addicting alcohol. "Until the demons were forced to unite against a powerful enemy. The Rulers."

"Of course... I remember now!" He rejoiced, the dull cloud in his brain is finally cleared out.

He downed his drink, before pouring himself another, a relieved look on his face.

"About me killing Baran..." I shift the subject to the future of the demon race. "What are your plans now?"

"Well, we obviously can't stay here..." Lord Radiru concluded, his hand stroking his goatee in contemplation. "It sounds like you have an alternative for us?"

"Yes. Just as I offered Metus previously, I'm offering you the chance to serve me." I sit up straighter, as I've primed him for negotiations. "I will be the one Monarch to rule over the rest of them all. As I'm sure you know, Baran would never bend his knee to the Shadow Monarch, so he was always meant to die."

I don't think any surviving demons remember Ashborn originally killing Baran, so I'll keep it that way. Although, technically I did kill him, even if it's just a weaker copy. I seriously doubt any other demons would come close to besting Baran in combat.

"I see." He carefully considered my offer. "And what of my clan?"

"As long as you and your demons submit to me, I will treat you like family, as if you were my own shadow soldiers. Any demon sworn to me will have safe refuge within my shadow." I explain to him. "While I will expect you and your clan to serve me in any fashion I require, I promise you I will be a better leader than Baran ever was."

"Fair... But what are your intentions with Esil?" Lord Radiru asked, it seems he accepts my offer as clan head, but I still have to convince him as a father.

In all honesty, Esil is a very sweet woman, I really have taken a liking to her almost as soon as I met her. Plus, being engaged to a demon princess should hopefully give me instant credibility once I enter DxD.

"I wouldn't mind being her fiancé." I admit to her father. "She's a smart girl, and I can train her to be an even stronger fighter."

Lord Radiru looks deeply into my eyes, prying for any undesirable intentions.

"Okay that settles it then! We just need to discuss this with Esil in the morning... But I've got a feeling she wouldn't be against it at all." He emptied the bottle in both of our cups, before taking out a new one from his desk. "Let's celebrate!"

As I stand up to shake his hand, I can already feel a pleasant buzz forming. This is some strong stuff. Whatever, after that climb I deserve to let loose.

I down the glass, as my future demon father-in-law doesn't take small sips, either. There's no way I'll let myself lose to him when it comes to drinking. So what if I get a little drunk...

What's the worst thing that could happen?

- 3 Bottles Later -

- Esil Radiru -

Esil was currently face down on her king-sized bed, fighting the tears that were forming in her eyes.

"Mars must think I'm a total brat now!" She sobbed into her pillow. "How could I show such a lame side to him!"

A clumsy knock on her bedroom door caused her to jolt up in surprise, who could possibly be visiting her room this late?

Walking towards the door, she froze when she sensed Mars' distinct aura. She rushed to her bedside mirror, hoping she didn't look like a complete mess.

Taking a minute to refresh her appearance, she opened the door, revealing a fairly intoxicated Mars, who had a flush to his face. A single look into his purple eyes made her feel like she was in danger.

But it was a look she hasn't seen in him before. It wasn't like her first encounter with him, where she was helpless in his scrutinizing gaze, and it wasn't the terrifying look he gave hostile demons when he was bloodthirsty. No... This expression on his face was warm, but she shivered, feeling like she was prey finally cornered by a starving predator.

Mars suddenly closed the distance between them, holding her in a snug embrace. As he licked his lips, she could smell the fruity scent of wine in his breath. She finally realized what the look on his famished face was.

Lust. He was fully consumed with desire, his greedy eyes were locked on her lips. Staring into her eyes once again, he kissed her, continuing the embrace from the top floor.

She squirmed when he lightly slid his tongue across her top and bottom lips, she was drawing deep breaths, tasting the wine he was drinking earlier. Esil felt her cheek heat up, before the feeling spread all over her body, as his strong arms began to explore her lightly clad body.

His reach was all over the place, sliding up her body before he cradled her face with his hands. He stopped the passionate kiss for a moment, allowing the two to breathe, before he continued. Mars surprised her when he slipped his tongue past her lips, he began to lovingly caress her tongue with his.

She only felt numb, a fluttering feeling filled her whole. It was like her body was responding to him, a primal need she never knew was beginning to overtake her like a tidal wave of thirst and desire.

Mars calmed down slightly, as the kiss became more tender once again, he gently pressed his lips against hers before stopping.

Pulling back a little, he peered into her eyes, where she could tell he was completely lost to lust.

Esil deeply exhaled to herself, her legs were unconsciously rubbing against each other.

"I'm in danger."


- Go Gunhee (Korean Hunters Association) -

Gunhee carefully watched the strongest hunter in the world known as The Goliath sit comfortably on the couch across him, a permanent smirk on Thomas Andre's face. He was wearing a blue Hawaiian shirt and board shorts, revealing his imposing physique.

As soon as the Scavenger guildmaster arrived, the air in the room began suffocating. Having two powerhouses in a small room meant the mana was on the verge of exploding. The current uneasy silence was due to Thomas Andre's lack of etiquette, as the cocky hunter immediately started asking for Mars' whereabouts.

Gunhee only met the National ranked hunter once before, but the chairman expected the guildmaster to be a bit more subtle with his poaching attempts. Gunhee has certainly never met such a brazen man, but it's clearly due to Thomas' status as the de facto number one hunter on Earth.

"I'm afraid I don't know myself." He truthfully answered the guildmaster's initial question, responding in well-practiced English.

"You're very fluent in English. But certainly I didn't mishear you just now." Thomas complimented him, before leaking out a bit of his threating aura. "You expect me to believe that Mars' whereabouts are currently unknown?"

"He's very elusive, so our monitoring division is having a bit of a hard time locating him." Gunhee replied with ease, not wanting to provoke the powerful man. He made sure not to show his surprise that Thomas knew Mars' name.

"And you really don't want to tell me where exactly you received such an impressive power boost?" The American carried on with his interrogation. "Have you been meeting with Norma Selner behind our backs? You're definitely her type~"

"Mr. Andre... I'm afraid I cannot reveal those details to you." He authoritatively denied Thomas, who had a knowing smile. "In the next day or so I will be speaking to the press, where many of your questions will be answered."

If he already knew about Mars' identity, surely the Americans would have a suspicion about the young hunter's upgrading abilities.

"Hmmm..." Thomas Andre crossed his arms, leaning back into the sofa. "How can I trust you?"

"South Korea's Hunter Association isn't foolish enough to lie in front of a National-level hunter." He revealed, knowing Thomas Andre has killed various government officials and foreign S-rank hunters for much less than lying.

"I see." Thomas accepted the explanation, his grin grew wider. "Ah, right. I heard that our Hwang Dongsoo came and caused some sort of ruckus? Since he also has the dignity of an S-rank hunter, we're in no position to push him around."

Gunhee's eyes glowed blue for a moment, easily spotting his lie. Of course, Thomas could discipline Dongsoo, but he wouldn't. And if the hunters Association took action against Dongsoo, then who knows what Thomas Andre would do. 'Our' Hwang Dongsoo... Thomas is speaking like Dongsoo has completely fallen into the United State's hands now.

He shuddered, not wanting Mars to defect either. Glancing at his watch, there was less than a day left in his bet with Mars, he was quite excited to see what the young hunter would show him next.

"Well, Mars is one thing... But I also came here to ask you to deny Hwang Dongsoo's request to join that S-rank dungeon raid of yours." Thomas continued. "I can't have one of my hunters being harmed for no good reason..."

"Yes, that will not be a problem." He nodded back to the man, as both men began to stand up.

"Then this talk will finish earlier than I anticipated. I'll call again if there's something else for me to request." Thomas concluded the meeting, both hunters shook hands.

Go Gunhee was proud of his physique, he never felt small around many other hunters. But next to Thomas Andre, he felt like a little child, Thomas' much larger hand completely wrapped around his battle-scarred hand. The nickname 'Goliath' is certainly well earned.

"I heard that South Korea is distressed over the Jeju island situation. Did I make you look forward by coming here?" Scavenger's leader continued to grasp his hand, squeezing tighter. "I do want to help with the Jeju island raid... But I'm a busy man, so it's too bad."

Thomas let go, walking towards the door quickly with large strides, before turning back to him with a sinister smile.

"But of course, it'd be a different story if Korea had the capital to hire me..." Thomas said with a malicious tone, the dark energy around him almost tripled, before it disappeared entirely. "I'll be on my way now, but I'll still be here in Seoul. My gut tells me I should stick around here for a little while longer..."

"Can a hunter from the monitoring division accompany you?" Woo Jinchul asked, he stayed silent during the whole meeting.

"Do whatever you want." Thomas waved at both men, ducking his head so he could fit through the door. "Ah I almost forgot. Make sure our talk just now doesn't leak to the outside."

As Thomas Andre finally left, both men were able to relax a little bit.

"Chief Woo Jinchul, do you think looking forward to his presence in the upcoming Jeju raid was just a delusion?" Gunhee finally sighed, looking to his trusty chief inspector for his thoughts on the situation.

"Chairman, don't worry." Jinchul answered, taking off his sunglasses. "Japan's cooperation has already been confirmed. Goto Ryuji will be visiting the headquarters later today."