
In the Blackburn manor, Darius is currently being advised by Crawford to unlock his magic. While Darius is listening, he is drinking coke. Little do they know, they are going to be rudely interrupted.


"When you open your third eye, you will feel a weird sensation in your head. You then must meditate, and as you meditate, you will sense something. This something is magic.

"Now listen closely. Once you have absorbed magical energy through your willpower, you must keep on absorbing until you feel something in your chest understood."

"Yes, grandfather, I will not let you down." I replied l.

"See to it that you don't, now here is -


We were interrupted by my father storming up at us and until he was in front of us."Father, may I speak to Darius for a while."

Behind father, there was Evie and mother who looked nervous, Zack who looked disappointed and Billy who looked gleeful.

Oh, you should not have snitched Billy. Time to lie my ass of.

"I should have known this would happen, grandfather." I said in a disappointed tone.

Everyone looked confused, and my father asked me with a confused and angry tone. "What are you talking about, Darius?"

"What I am talking about father is the incident that occurred yesterday, when grandfather was teaching us."

"He told us that we were going to have a spar, and the winner gets to drink the elixir that will allow us to awaken our magic."

"I confidently said that I would win, and Billy was angered at me for looking down on him, so he ran at me with his fist raised."

"He missed and tripped and broke his nose, I tried to help him, but he attacked me. Luckily, I used my powers to stop him."

Everyone looked shocked at this new piece of information. The seeds of doubt have been placed. All that's left is for it to grow.

"HE'S LYING!!!! TELL THEM EVIE, YOU WERE THERE AS WELL. TELL THE TRUTH!!!" Billy looked at Evie desperately, and Evie looked as though if she was going to cry.

Mother held her shoulder gently, encouraging her not to be intimidated. I then thought about using my telepathy on her, but chose not to as my parents may sense me using my Psionic Powers.

After some time, Evie looked confident and was about to tell the truth. However, with one look from my grandfather, she lost her confidence but still spoke.

"B-big brother is telling the truth, Billy did attack him."

Billy looked hurt and angry at this, and then he glared at me, then ran at me with Murder in his eyes.


I simply just raised my hand and choked him with my mind in Darth Vader style. Billy had a look of fear in his eyes, and for some reason, I felt more powerful.

My mother looked horrified. "Darius, let him go please, he won't attack you again, I promise."

I then decided to let him go by force pushing him onto the wall, which led to my mother rushing to him.


His outburst was ignored by me as I was drinking coke, I'm glad this world has coke.

My father was furious at me, ignoring me but taking a deep breath. "Alright, listen, Darius, I will look over your memories to see if you are telling the truth."

"You will do no such thing, Tybur." My grandfather looked at my father, threatingly.

"But father, we must know the truth."

"Darius is telling the truth, I was there and saw the entire thing."

My father is still persisting in searching my memories until my grandfather looks annoyed.

"Are you calling me a liar perhaps, Tybur. You should know that calling me a liar will end badly for you."

My father then looked at me, then at his father, and reluctantly stopped trying to search my memories.

"If you are all finished, get the fuck out."

Zack who has said nothing just stared at me, he looked as though he was concentrating. All of a sudden, I felt some things on my mind.

It felt as though if something were trying to get in. I put two and two together and realised that Zack was trying to read my mind. I was about to stop him until my grandfather spoke.

"Zack, I suggest you stop trying to read Darius's mind. Otherwise, you will end up worse than Billy."

Zack just nodded to my grandfather and left alongside the others.

I really need to find a way to defend my mind.

"Grandfather, how does one protect their mind against telepathy or mind control." I asked.

"Well, there are two ways you can defend your mind. One is to have a strong willpower. The second is to build mental shields in your mind."

"You have a strong will, Darius, as you were able to resist Zack's telepathy. But I suggest you build mental walls just in case."

"Can you teach me." I asked.

He then said, "It's quite easy Darius, you just have to imagine shields in your mind, and it will appear. Your shields will go stronger as you train your Psionic Powers."

Immediately, I started to imagine shields in my mind, which filled my head with pain. After a few moments, it stopped.

"That was easy, wasn't it."

"Indeed, it was grandfather."

"Now, before I was rudely interrupted by your father. Here is the elixir that will allow you to awaken your magic."

My grandfather then showed me a glass. In this glass, there was a glowing grey liquid. I could somehow sense an energy around the liquid, which could be because of my psychic powers.

He then gave me the glass, and I drank. There was no taste at all from the liquid.

After I drank it, I felt a weird sensation in my forehead. Will my forehead be where my third eye is, I wondered?

"Listen, Darius, it will take time for your third eye to awaken, so I suggest you try sensing magic tomorrow."

I then nodded with a smile and left the room. With that done, I made a mental note to be careful of my parents and Zack.

My parents are both powerful mages but don't have Psionic Powers. From the original Darius's memories, Eliza is a powerful Light Mage. Tybur is a powerful alchemist.

Alchemy in this world is a more scientific form of magic as it's about the understanding, deconstructing, and reconstructing matter.

In other words, it's basically alchemy from fullmetal alchemists.

Zack is like me, a Psionic, and has magic. He has a talent for dark magic, but my parents forbid him from using it.

My parents will most likely try to convince me not to use dark magic. But that's not gonna happen.

As I went to my room and started searching for a book on magic.

There was a book called Basics of Magic. As I read the book, it told me about how spells work. Novice mages have to say incantations in order to cast the spell, and by incantation, I mean the name.

Skilled mages can cast spells without any incantation through willpower and can do rituals.

Rituals are basically just science experiments, but magic.

In order for one to cast a spell, one must think of the spell and visualise what the spell does, e.g, imagining a fireball that explodes on impact.

Now, with my reading done, I fell went to bed, excited to awaken my magic tomorrow.

I may have Psionic Power, but it's not enough, I want more. I need more power in order to survive and never be backed into a corner again.

Slowly, I calmed myself down and decided to try something with my psychic powers.

I decided to try manipulating my Psionic Energy, and it worked. I sat up and imagined a ball of energy appearing in my hand.

This was a sight to look at as there was a ball of Psionic Energy on my hand until I made it disappear with my mind.

Suddenly, I got an idea and tried to spread my Psionic Energy throughout my room.

My idea was to try to create a security system. This security system is basically a Psionic domain of sorts that would alert me if someone other than me is in my room.

This is useful when dealing with intruders or assasins or maybe annoying family members.

I then slowly drifted to sleep.

Zack POV

That confrontation went quite badly. When Billy told us about how Darius broke his nose, I was angry. How could Darius do this?

He was supposed to be the older brother. He was supposed to protect his younger siblings, not harm them.

When we confronted him, he told us about the spar, grandfather had planned. That sounds like something my grandfather would do.

Just the thought of him makes my blood boil. He's one of the reasons why grandmother and Vivian left.

To this day, I miss them both. However, Vivian still sends us letters, and on Christmas, she and grandmother visit.

This made me happy, but also fearful as my grandparents hate each other, so there may be a huge fight.

My sister will get on with Billy, and Evie always wanted to meet their older sister. Speaking of those two, we are currently searching through their memories.

My father, after searching through both their memories, had a cold look on his face.

"Billy, I just saw both yours and Evie's memories. It showed me that Darius was telling the truth, and you did attack him."

Billy looked shocked and had panicked facial expressions. "Father, I'm telling the truth, Darius did break my nose."

As I listened to Billy, an idea came into my mind. What if grandfather did something to Billy, and Evie.

"Father, what if he is telling the truth. Perhaps grandfather did something to Billy and Evie's mind."

This made my father have a look at realisation, and Billy a face full of hope.

"That could true, Zack. It sounds like something my father would do."

"So what do we do, father?"

"I don't know, Zack?" My father clenched his fists due to his powerlessness.

My mother was upset at what transpired. "What happened to my son, Tybur? He used to be so innocent, but ever since that day, when he awakened his powers, he became a different person."

"When I saw his eyes, he no longer had those innocent eyes. His eyes are that of a predator."

Tears began to form in her eyes, and my father comforted her.

The sight of my mother crying made my blood boil. This was my grandfather's no Crawford's fault. That monster must have done something to Darius.

But I can't do anything. I may have inherited my father's talents in alchemy, I am still a 10 year old who is in his first year at the Imperial Mage Academy.

Whereas Crawford is an old monster and of the most powerful mages and an adept at psychic powers.

However, I will not give up, mark my words Crawford, I will take your place as Lord and reform the Blackburn family.

The crimes and Black Magic of the Blackburn family will die alongside you.

Whatever schemes you are making, Crawford. It will not succeed, I swear it.