Magical Awakening

The next day, after the confrontation, Darius Blackburn is currently meditating in order to unlock his magic.


After some time, I finally felt something. When I opened my eyes, I saw a flow of energy that had different colours. So this is magic. It's like a stream of rainbow.

Immediately, I began to use my willpower to bring the energy to me and into my chest. After what seemed like a few minutes, I felt something in my chest.

It was hard to describe the feeling, but it did not matter. I then stopped absorbing magic, and my entire body began to glow.

This was quite similar to my Psionic awakening, except that there was no explos-


I spoke too soon. I expected the explosion to destroy my room, but it didn't. It was almost as if the room was protected.

I then remembered that I placed my Psionic domain here as a form of a security system.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by the door slamming open, and my mother appeared there with a worried look.

"Darius, are you alright? I heard an explosion, and -"

She stopped speaking when she saw me glowing.

"How is this possible? First, you awaken your Psionic Powers, and now your magic."

Soon, my siblings and my father came into my room.

Zack and Evie had a look of shock, and Billy had a look of envy and a bit of fear.

My father looked stunned and thought of something. He then walked up to me and spoke. "So you have awakened your magic. It is truly an amazing feat, but there is something you must do."

He's going to try to convince me not to use dark magic, isn't he.

"You must never use the Dark Arts."

"But why father? Why do you hate dark magic."

My father then answered in a stern tone.

"Because it originated from the Demons. They taught a group of humans their magic in order to corrupt them but failed."

"When you start to use dark magic, you will be mentally attacked by the Demons. They will use your greatest fear and regrets against you in order to turn you into a Demon."

This was useful information indeed. So these demons will use my fears and regrets against me. Well, they are in for a surprise.

I have no regrets. Well, I regret the fact that I wasn't vigilant enough to not be betrayed by one of my chairmen's.

As for my fears. I fear death and being weak. I remembered my past. The time when I was just a child who was abused by his father.

Just the thought of that fat oaf pisses me off. The fear in his eyes when I killed him was delicious, and it made my day.

"What if I were to overcome these visions, father?"

As my father was going to reply, another voice was heard.

"You will be able to use dark magic against the Demons themselves, Darius."

My grandfather walked into the room with a proud look. He had a book in his hand that looked old.

The old monster saw me looking at this book and decided to explain what the book was.

"This book, I am going to give you the basics to dark magic. After you use it, you will be contacted by demons."

"Before I give you this book, I will teach you the Dark side of Psionic Powers."

With a click of his fingers, only me and him were teleported to the training room. In front of us were training dummies.

"Alright, Darius, listen up. Raise your hand, and focus on your negative emotions. Use your fear and anger to destroy these dummies."

"When Psionics feel powerful, negative emotions, they tap into the dark powers of the mind. They can go beyond their limits without any drawbacks."

This is similar to the dark side of the force from Star Wars. Anyway, I raised my hand and concentrated. I focused on my past.

I mainly focused on the memories where I was abused by my father. Constantly being blamed for my mother leaving and barely having anything to eat.

My entire being was filled with anger.

As my anger grew, lightning slowly began to crackle around my hand, and I felt something in my arm, just waiting to be unleashed.

I then decided to release the feeling in my arm using my mind and blue lighting shot out of my fingertips, which destroyed all the training dummies in front of me.

My grandfather was surprised and proud of my newfound power.

I looked at my hand in awe. Was this how Palpatine felt when he used force lightning for the first time.

"Grandfather, what was that lightning."

"That, Darius, is the result of your anger. See, this lightning is said to be the form of the negativity of Psionics."

"There are different levels of it. Blue ones are the novices and are used for torture. Purple are master level and can instantly kill a person."

"And then there is the red one. This level is very hard to achieve, and it can affect souls and magic cores. There are only two people who have this level. The Empress and her eldest daughter."

So it has three levels. "Grandfather, does this lightning have a name."

He shook his head no. Guess I will name this lightning Force Lightning.

I then asked my grandfather if I could train more with my new dark powers, and he nodded yes. He then made more test dummies appear.

"Grandfather, do you have Psionic Powers?"

"I do, Darius, why do you ask?"

"Just curious, grandfather."

With that, I raised both my hands and used the same I felt earlier to fire Force Lightning.

I was really starting to enjoy this power. The feeling of destroying what's in front of you is quite amazing.

Now I know why Palapatine's favourite power is Force Lightning.

After a few more destruction of training dummies, I can summon lightning with my willpower.

I decided to try using magic. With a mutter of fireball, a ball of fire appeared in my hand.

That was quite easy, I then threw a fireball at a training dummy, and it exploded on impact.

My grandfather looked surprised at me already, knowing a few basic spells, but then remembered the books I had in my room.

I really didn't want to say the name of the spell, as that would give away the element of surprise. So I decided to imagine a fireball appearing on my hand.

I focused on what the intention was and used my imagination of what the fireball looked like.

Immediately, a fireball appeared on my hand.

"Well done, you have successfully cast a spell without saying it's incantation, now it is time to learn the Dark Arts."

He then gave me the book and first spell that came up, was dark fireball. This spell was basically fireball, but with the dark element.

I said the incantation, and a black fireball appeared. I threw it to one of the dummies, and it exploded. However, this explosion was more destructive.

Suddenly, I felt a pain in my head, my vision was starting to fade, and before I passed, I heard my grandfather.

"Well, Darius, I wish you good luck on enduring the trials that await you. Do not disappoint me."

3rd POV

After Darius passed out, Crawford then placed him on his shoulder and lifted the spell that he placed on the door.

The spell was used to lock the door in order to prevent the other family members from coming in, as they would most likely hinder Darius's dark magic training.

When the door opened, Eliza quickly rushed in and saw Darius unconscious and realised he was being mentally attacked by demons.


She yelled with such ferocity and was almost about to charge Crawford, but then remembered the power he held and stopped just in time.

Billy and Evie looked nervous as they stared at Darius, scared that he might give in to the temptations and become a Demon.

Zack and Tybur were burning with fury, and Zack forced himself to calm down and asked his grandfather a question.

"Grandfather, why teach him dark magicnow? Why not just wait until he's older and more mature so that he has a better chance at resisting."

"Because Zack, your brother is quite mature enough. It's almost as if he's an adult in a kid's body."

"And not only that, he possesses a strong willpower. He was able to awaken both his Psionic Powers and Magic. He was also able to resist your telepathy for a while."

Zack thought about his grandfather's words and realised he had a point.

"And what if he becomes a Demon, father, what then?"

Tybur spoke with an angry tone.

"Then I will give him a purification potion and give him the chance to try again. I would be disappointed if he gave up on using dark magic."

Billy and Evie were confused about the purification potion, so they asked what it was.

Zack proceeded to explain its properties.

"A purification potion is a potion that can revert a human turned Demon, back into a human. However, it only works on the recently turned."

Billy and Evie went, "ohhh," and Crawford just pushed past them and placed Darius on the sofa.

All the family members looked worried for Darius, except for Billy, who looked scared and had a hint of anger at Darius and Crawford, who looked at Darius anticipation.

Crawford began thinking about his future plans. 'If this boy manages to resist the lures of the Demons, then perhaps he could be my heir.'

'I really hope you succeed, as my son Tybur will ruin this family that stood at the top alongside others for a long time. If he succeeds me.'

Thus, the trials of Darius Blackburn have begun, or rather David Mercer.