Demonic Incursions

In Mars, Darius Blackburn was slaughtering both Rebel Soldiers and Light Elves. His army the Dark Legion were tearing apart the elves using their inhuman strength.

The soldiers of the Terran Federation watched in shock and awe as Darius turned the tide and the battle for Mars was almost won.

However, every mage, Psionic sensed something. An aura of demonic energy.

Darius and his army stopped their assault as he sensed a presence, not one but numerous.

Then a portal appeared, the demonic aura only grew stronger as the students wondered what was going on the Imperial Mages realised something.

But before they could say anything, a lone figure came out of the portal. It was the succubus duchess Lucinda and she got out her wings and horns.

Darius POV

A powerful aura surrounded the woman I was seeing, she was no human that's for sure.

I recognised her, I read books on demonology that gave me information about specific Demons and who they were. This woman was Lucinda.

Lucinda was the succubus duchess, a high level succubus who was the right hand woman of Lilith the queen of the succubi.

She gave me a wink and out of the portal came several Demons, Imps, Demon Knights and Demon Mages.

I look towards my soldiers.

"Change of plans, ignore the rebels and elves. Focus on the Demons." I put on my helmet.

My soldiers opened fire on the demons and so did the soldiers of the Federation. The Rebels joined in as the threat of the Demon were far more important.

I raised my right hand and shot Psionic Lightning at them, red lightning came out of my fingertips as I electrocuted the Demons to death.

I shot bolts of Arcane Lightning at them, than a demon ogre appeared and with an uppercut I killed it.

The fight was starting to bore me and than I sensed a presence behind me. I turned around swinging my sword, it was Lucinda and she dodged just in time.

Lucinda smiled and held her hands behind her back.

"Tut tut, didn't your parents teach you to be respectful to a woman, anyways I would like to-

She couldn't finish her sentence as I did a roundhouse kick on her that sent her flying, Lucinda crashed in a nearby rock.

"How dare you hit a beautiful lady such as me. I didn't want do this but you forced my hand." Said Lucinda, she raised both her hands and spoke in language I didn't know.

A magic circle appeared and a dragon crawled out of it, the dragon had red scales and was a behemoth.

My allies were terrified and the Demons started to grin and so did Lucinda. I smirked thinking that I might have an actual challenge.

The dragon breathed fire burning most of my allies, I charged in blinding speed. The dragon couldn't react in time as I prepared a Dark Fireball and threw it to its eyes.

The fireball landed and it burned the side of the dragons face. I grabbed the dragon by its tale and started swing it round and round.

My allies watched with mouths wide open and the Demons were shocked at my power. I threw the dragon up in the air and raised both my hands.

A huge magic circle appeared in front my hands as I prepared to cast the spell

SuperNova. A large beam shoots out of the magic circle and engulfed the dragon.

Only ashes of the dragon remained, I looked at the remaining Demons. I gave them a huge grin the terrified them.

The succubus duchess Lucinda suddenly collapsed, I could sense her fear and…lust? Was she getting turned on.

I read her mind using Telepathy.

'Oh god that boy is powerful, all the more reason to convert him to a Demon. If I couldn't do it than the queen will. Despite your will and power, you are no match for our queen.

Oh I can't wait to see him become corrupted and tamed by the queen.

I hope to have some alone time with after the queen is done with him, I'll teach him a lesson after harming me.'

The thought of the queen made me freeze, the succubus queen Lilith was a powerful being and my grandfather told me that he once met her during his youth.

He was almost seduced and drained but managed to escape, he came back for a rematch and barely won. So Lilith may try to get revenge on Crawford through me.

All the more reason for me to get stronger, I looked at the remaining Demons and with a click of my fingers, lighting struck them and they all perished.

Lucinda managed to escape through a portal before giving me a wink. My attention was on the Rebels now, Sapphire looked at me me in fear.

"I will give you two options, surrender or die." The rebels all looked terrified but one male Light Elf raised his hand and and opened up a magic circle for him and the rebels to escape. I conjured up and ice spear and threw it at the male elf.

The spear went through his chest and he coughed out blood, the elves yelled out Prince, so that guy is a Prince.

This would make me an enemy of the Light Elves instantly, Sapphire looks at me with fear and anger as they all disappear.

Slowly the soldiers of the Federation all celebrated and the general congratulated me. My classmates on the other hand looked dead in the inside.

Daniel on the other hand just stood there, very quiet. I could sense his distain towards me and I can also sense that the soldiers don't really have much respect for him.

I looked at the sky and suddenly got a call from one of my scientists.

"Sir, it's complete, the Sarcophagus is ready to go."

"Excellent, I'll be there shortly." With that I walked off, the soldiers all saluting me as I walked past and into the ship alongside my soldiers.


Meanwhile in hell, Lucinda arrived to the Lillith's castle. Demons around the two were having sex and Lilith was wearing a bathrobe preparing for a bath.

Lucinda explained to Lilith what had occurred and how Darius easily killed the dragon.

Lillith's interest in Darius peaked, to be able to resist the lure of a succubus duchess. She noticed how wet Lucinda was.

She asked Lucinda why she was feeling horny.

"It's just that he was so handsome, not to mention his aura was huge. Using my powers I could see how big his dick was." Lucinda began touching herself.

Lilith raised an eyebrow.

'Hmm, very interesting. I can't wait to meet you in person Darius Blackburn, let's see if you can keep up with me.' Lilith licked her lips in anticipation.