Rebel killing

After the defeat and utter humiliation of the Imperial Prince, Darius focused on training his eyes. He named this power the Crimson eyes.

It was like a laser beam that came in the form of a bright dark red light that injures the target that Darius thinks off.

When Darius mastered his power, he focused on training his army and it was slowly growing. He made clones of them as well.

Darius began studying about Law and realised that Imperial Mages in high standing could have their own personal army legally but had to register it with a name.

So Darius went to get his army registered, his army had black armour and was armed with high tech weapons and were enhanced by his blood.

The receptionist was terrified when he saw the soldiers of Darius. He asked what name Darius would give to his army.

This got Darius thinking a lot for what the name of his army should be. He thought about Star Wars and the Dark Side.

Than he came up with a name, Darius named his army the Black Legion, an army of super soldiers who wore scary dark armour.

'Perhaps I could give them the ability to use magic and Psychic powers.' Thought Darius.

News of Darius's personal army filled the Federation.

People feared the soldiers due to their terrifying black armour, then the military came to the academy.

The students were given an option to join a battle against the rebels. The battle was about ownership of Mars and the soldiers of the Federation was losing.

The reason why was because of Sapphire who was leader of the rebels. She was a beauty with purple hair and purple eyes.

Sapphire was once a renowned Imperial Mage but she had a strong sense of justice and freedom. Frederick Dagmire respected her.

Speaking of Frederick Dagmire, according to Crawford, Darius had grown to a level that surpassed Frederick Dagmire and he could defeat him with his crimson eyes.

The students accepted as they were exacting achieving glory and fame, not knowing the horrors of war and suffering.

Darius wears an black armour with a black helmet, similar to the Sith armour in Star Wars The Old Republic.

The students all had their own suits of armours and were scared to see the armours of the Dark Side Legion and their glowing red eyes.

The teachers watch the students leave with pity in their eyes as some may die and some may survive but will become mentally broken and unstable.

Darius boarded his ship and his soldiers had their guns beside them, the ship goes to Mars and Darius could see the fighting going on through his enhanced eyesight.

The cockpit opens and the soldiers jump out, Darius walks and than jumps. Darius encases himself in flames making him look like a fireball.

He lands on enemy territory and starts to slaughter the rebels.

The rebels didn't have much armour and had headbands on their heads.

Darius POV

I got up from the smoking crate I had made as the rebels widened their eyes in fear when they saw me.

"Who the hell is that? Sound the alarm, tell them some crazy guy in a black armour is here." Said one rebel.

I drew out my black sword and in a blink of an eye I decapitated the surrounding rebels and I started slaughtering my way through.

No magic and psychic powers were required to slaughter these weaklings, my superhuman physical prowess will do just fine.

My classmates were there as well and they were slowly starting in to regret their decision of joining this battle. I conjured up a Psionic storm.

Red Lighting came from the skys and struck rebel planes. Destroy them and the logging also struck rebel enemies, artillery and tanks.

I could see my soldiers slaughtering the rebels, than I could see a general approaching me.

"Darius Blackburn I presume, I've got word from HQ that the rebel leader Sapphire is heading to our location. Not only that the Light Elves have allied themselves with the rebellion.

Fucking Elven scum, those long eared bastards are a pain." Said the general.

There's some xenophobia going around in the Federation, the Light Elves are justice seekers and fighters for democracy and freedom. Probably why they allied with the Rebllion.

My soldiers brought forward the captured rebllion soldiers, I began to interrogate them.

"Where is your leader." I said with a threatening tone.

One of the rebels spat.

"She's coming soon along with the Light Elves, the rebellion will win this war and restore freedom." The rebel said glaring at me.

"I see, than there is no point in keeping you alive." I said and was about to give the order to kill them, the rebels were terrified but I was stopped.

Guess who showed up, Daniel who was covered in bandages and had a cast on his broken arm.

"Darius that's enough, they have given up. There's no need to kill defeated enemies." Said Daniel.

I ignored him and cast the spell Inferno to burn the rebels. Flames came out from the ground and consumed the captured rebels.

Their screams of pain filled our ears, Daniel was angry but he can't do anything due to his injuries and that I was stronger than him.

My senses detected more than one presence in the skies. I looked up and saw battleships approaching and landing, they didn't belong to the Federation.

The ships had gold and white materials on it, and when they landed the Light Elves came out with a purple haired beautiful lady.

In an instant I knew who she was, Saphhire the leader of the rebels. They charged towards us, my soldiers and the other soldiers of the Federation opened fired.

I unleashed a wave of Arcane flames that killed most of the light elves. The Elven mages conjured up a shield but my Arcane flames were too much and the shield broke.

Sapphire grabbed her sword and charged towards me, her sword glowed with pink energy and she went for a strike.

To others her speed was very fast but to me it was slow, with only two fingers I grabbed her sword.

The look of disbelief in her eyes was fun to see, I crushed the sword and with a kick sent her flying back.

The Light Elves were stunned to see Sapphire being sent flying so easily.

They wondered who I was and had no idea what I looked like. I took off my helmet and the Light Elves widened their eyes in shock.

It seems that even elves knows of me, guess I'm that famous.

Sapphire got up but held her chest in pain, she had a few broken bones. I used Telekinesis to start throwing her around like a ragdoll.


As the fight was going, the succubus Duchess Lucinda was in a meeting with the queen of the Succubu Lilith. There were other low level succubi.

Lucinda was a tall blonde woman with a huge bust and ass.

"My queen you must have heard of Darius Blackburn, the way he defeated the Prince so easily. Surely you see the benefits of converting him." Said Lucinda.

Lilith was a tall dark haired, purple skinned woman with horns coming out of her head.

She was the strongest of the succubi and was said to make men orgasm through her aura.

She was impressed with Darius's power but wondered if he could face her in combat.

Lucinda showed videos of Darius, his good looks and powers caught the art of the succubi.

The succubus around them looked at Darius with desire as not only was he handsome, he was powerful.

Then they saw him plowing the maids, the succubus was shocked to see his penis. Hell even Lilith was shocked when she saw how big it was.

As a result they decided to have demons attack Mars and try to convert Darius, Lucinda will lead the charge.