Royal Beatdown

In the grand stadium, everyone watched the battle the Imperial Prince and the young master of the Blackburn family.

They either watched it in the stadium or through their TVs. The Elf's, and the rebellion alongside their leader Saphire watched.

Darius and Daniel's aura was covering the entire stadium.

The referee alongside the crowd started counting to three.


Both Darius and Daniel get into their stance. Daniel's aura takes the form of an eagle and Darius's aura takes of the form of a head of a dragon.


Both warriors summon their swords, Darius used his black sword and Daniel used his flaming sword.


In an instant both warriors dash towards each other and in one strike Darius knocked the blade out of Daniel's hand which shows Darius's skill and Daniel's lack of skill.

The crowd was stunned at what just happened, the fight had only begun and Darius already knocked out Daniel's weapon.

Daniel had never trained his entire life and had only raw strength whereas Darius also had raw strength but he trained for a long time and mastered them.

Daniel got up, he was never the best fighter due to his pacifism. The reason he challenged Darius was because he was angry of how Darius treated his family.

'But I have to show him the wrongdoing of his actions. I am the Imperial Prince and I will show you my power.' Thought Daniel with determination.

Daniel started letting out his aura of pure light, this affected Darius but not in a negative way.

Darius's eyes had a faint yellow glow that soon started getting brighter.

Seeing this Daniel got confused and curious about what that light meant, Darius used Daniel's confusion and attacked him.

He was able to land several slashes, Daniel let out a shockwave that did nothing to Darius as he kept on slashing him.

Than Daniel casted a spell that made weapons no effective, so Darius dropped his sword and started beating the shit out of Daniel.

Darius landed a lot of blows, each were painful and harmful to Daniel as he could feel his bones on the brink of breaking.

The royal family were also shocked to see the power of Darius.

'To able to gain the upper hand against my son. Though Daniel barely trains he is still my son and has some part of my power. For Darius to beat him so effortlessly shows how stronge he is.' Though Neon.

Darius's eyes kept on glowing and glowing a yellow light until there was a bright light coming him from his eyes that engulfed the entire stadium.

When the light died down they saw Daniel in many wounds and his aura weakening, than they focused their attention on Darius.

Darius still had his dark and red aura but the thing was his eyes, they were glowing a red colour but it was darker and felt more powerful but there a small hint of light.

Darius POV

This power, it's different from my usual dark magic, is this the power I gained from that illusion world.

I conjured up a mirror and saw my red glowing eyes but it felt more powerful and had a bit of light in it.

"H-How do you have that power? The power of light can't be used by someone as cruel as you." Said Daniel with a denying tone.

This reminded me of a book I read on holy magic, only those with a pure heart can use holy magic.

Well I can't really use light magic but my eyes did contain energies of light magic. I focused on using that power again.

My eyes were glowing once more as Daniel realised what was going to happen and tried moving out of the way but I kept him still using Telekinesis.

Than a light came out from my eyes, this time it wasn't a golden light. It was a bright red light.

After the light died down I saw Daniel still on the ground but more bloodied. The world watched as the Imperial Prince was defeated effortlessly.

However, Daniel proved to unyielding and determined. He tried to get back up but had some difficulty to do so. I decided to help him out and used Telekinesis.

With my Telekinesis, Daniel was hoistered to his feet and he limped towards me. He threw a punch but I moved my neck and landed a right hook on his face.

The sound of a jaw breaking filled the stadium as Daniel held his jaw in pain. Than followed by another punch and a kick to the legs with super speed.

The entire crowd just watched me beating the shit out of Daniel. His pain was getting worse and his once good looks were replaced by a bruised face .

"It's good that the sun is out and bright, so that everyone can see how pathetic you are your majesty." I mocked.

Daniel tried saying something but I didn't give him the chance as I kicked him in the face which knocked out a few of his teeth.

I manipulated some flames and started to burn him, Daniel put up a shield of light but the flames slowly started to break the shield.

The shield was close to breaking and Daniel just tells.

"OKAY FINE YOU WIN, I GIVE UP!!!" Shouted Daniel.

I made the flames disappear as Daniel's cracked light shield disappears.

The referee declares me as the winner of the match.

Daniel looks at me with fear in his eyes and I just turn back and leave.

That fight was a bit disappointing, Daniel was strong but he lacked training. The power in my eyes is very interesting, my red eyes are more shinier now.

As the crowd looked at me leave with fear in their eyes, I just wondered what I should eat today.

Perhaps some nice pepperoni Pizza or so burger and fries.


As Darius was thinking about what to eat, the fight between him was broadcasted throughout the Galaxy. The rebellion sees him as a huge threat and someone to be every careful with.

The Elves has a mixed reaction, Light Elves saw Darius as the next Crawford Blackburn and was a dangerous individual and a scourge of nature.

The Dark Elves saw Darius as a potential ally and the High Elves had a mixed reaction.

Overall Darius's power had been seen by the denizens of the universe, it was also seen in heaven and hell.

There was still churches and the Federation had an alliance with Heaven due to their mutually shared enemy.

The angels were appalled by Darius's power and deemed him to be dangerous. The Demons of Hell saw Darius as a potential ally.

They knew that Darius awakened and resisted the temptations of lower level demons.

The imps were gossiping about how strong Darius would be if he were to become a Demon.

This conversation was heard by a succubus, not just any succubus. A duchess to be exact.

'I should go talk with my queen about that Blackburn boy. He was able to resist the allure of a low level succubus I once heard.

Seeing him fight the Prince turned me on perhaps I can make him my thrall.' Though the duchess licking her lips.

The name of the duchess is Lucinda.