First meeting of the bride and her groom

King Liam, the embodiment of regal grace, strode into the grand hall, his mother, Queen Ava, at his side. The opulent space was adorned with flowers, shimmering chandeliers, and intricate tapestries, all to celebrate the union of Princess Sienna and the enigmatic king. As he entered, whispers and hushed gasps filled the air, the envy of young maidens palpable.

King Liam's handsome countenance, chiselled features, and piercing gaze captivated everyone in the room. His aura of cold detachment only added to his allure, making the hearts of the young ladies ache with longing. They were smitten by his charm even though they were fully aware of the rumours that branded him a heartless demon.

Behind a heavy velvet curtain on the upper level, Princess Sienna concealed herself. As her eyes fixated on Liam, her heart pounded fast in her chest. Sienna had heard how much of a beast he was and how ugly he was but looking at him now, she had been lied to. The entire five kingdoms had been deceived. He had been so demonised by many that even his appearance was distorted.

But as she watched Liam's entrance, a torrent of emotions surged within her. She closed her eyes for a second reminding herself how this man killed with no discretion and forced her father to kneel.

But once she opened her eyes and saw him standing at the dais patiently waiting for his bride, Sienna couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for letting her sister take her place.

Yes, he was the very embodiment of the devil on earth but witnessing his captivating presence, Sienna questioned her decision.

Feeling a burning gaze burrowing through his skin, King Liam looked up in the direction it was coming from. For a moment their gaze locked with the intensity in his eyes stirring something deep within Sienna's soul. She felt a magnetic pull towards him, an undeniable connection that threatened to unravel her carefully constructed facade.

King Liam looked away and Conley was already cautious of the person in the upper level.

As Liam made his way through the grand hall, Sienna remained hidden, her heart torn between the reason why she refused this wedding in the first place and what her heart was feeling now.

The weight of her decision pressed hard upon her, knowing that her choices kept her from the man who now held her heart captive.

Unbeknownst to the crowd below, the Princess who was meant to be married, stood alone lost in her own world of longing for a man she refused to marry and pushed upon her sister.

Selena walked towards the grand hall, a vision of ethereal beauty in her exquisite wedding gown. The gown, adorned with delicate lace and shimmering pearls, cascaded around her in a sea of ivory. A stunning veil gracefully covered her face, veiling her emotions from the world.

In front of her, was a little flower girl, innocence radiating from her every step as she led the way. The contrast between their spirits was stark. While the flower girl skipped and twirled with excitement, Selena moved in a daze, her heart encased in an icy grip. She felt like a mere puppet, forced to play a role she never desired.

As she approached the double doors the matron whispered words of warning while gripping her arm hard. From the door of the grand hall, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was her father, a man who would have killed her a few hours ago.

He extended his arm, expecting Selena to take it and walk alongside him, a façade of a united family. But Selena's eyes, filled with tears that threatened to spill over, betrayed her true feelings.

With a swift sidestep, she evaded her father's grasp, her anguish palpable. Her defiance echoed through the air. She was so disgusted by him that she wouldn't let him touch her.

The Lord of Rosemane wasn't at all surprised. He gripped her arm tight almost breaking her bone before whispering, "I will find your milkmaid and kill her for daring to give you books," his voice menacing and terrifying.

Selena shivered subconsciously before placing her hand on her father's arm. She knew that the last people who let her out as a child for some sun were whipped with ten lashes until they were bleeding from their backs so she didn't dare disobey.

As the grand doors of the wedding hall swung open, a hush fell upon the room. The air was filled with anticipation and the soft strains of a melodic tune. The stunning bride, adorned in an opulent gown decorated with pearls and lace, glided down the aisle with grace and poise.

Her thick veil, delicate and ethereal, cascaded down her back, obscuring her face from view. King Liam, awaiting her at the altar, gazed upon her with a mixture of curiosity and detachment. Although unable to see her face, a sense of intrigue emanated from him, as if her purity had stirred something within the depths of his being.

The hall was adorned with shimmering candlelight, casting a warm glow upon the scene. The guests, dressed in their finest attire, watched in awe as the bride approached King Liam, their gazes filled with a mixture of admiration and worry.

As she drew nearer, a subtle shift seemed to occur that is the darkness within King Liam's heart.  Selena was unaware of the effect she had on King Liam. She was struggling to contain her emotions. She wasn't feeling very well.

Her throat hurt so much and her muscles felt weak. She also couldn't speak and her eyes were swollen from the crying. Every other bride would be happy on their wedding day but she felt like this was her death sentence. 

When she stepped on the Dais opposite the King of Lowoak she trembled subconsciously her knees almost giving in. Just when she thought she might collapse a powerful cool hand held her arm to steady her. His concern for her could be felt through that one touch. Selena was surprised that she calmed down a little.

Sienna watching the entire thing through the curtains clenched her fist her jaw tight with tension like it would snap at any moment. She had completely forgotten that the real reason she swapped with her sister was because she was afraid of this man's reputation as a cold-blooded murderer. She would rather send her sister to the monster's lair than herself because she feared death.