Mother's letters to her twins

After jumping the tall walls, Otis tiptoed through the opulent halls of the palace Rosemane. The aroma of delicious delicacies wafted through the air almost distracting him. He passed by the kitchen and grabbed a croissant when he walked past one of the servants sending the bunch of trays to the garden.

He bit down on the croissant as he continued walking like he was genuinely meant to be there.

The palace was abuzz with servants bustling about, ensuring everything was perfect for the momentous occasion.

Dressed in an elaborate disguise, Otis carefully wove his way through the labyrinthine corridors, avoiding the curious glances of the palace staff. He knew time was of the essence, and any misstep could jeopardize his mission. As he reached the tower, he retrieved a set of lockpicks from his pocket and skillfully unlocked the heavy wooden door. He climbed up the winded stairway and when he reached the top he found another door but it was unlocked.

Stepping into the dimly lit room, Otis couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in surprise. Contrary to what he had expected, a dusty, abandoned chamber, he found himself standing in what appeared to be a lived-in bedroom. The room was a sight to behold, adorned with elegant tapestries, gilded furniture, and a majestic four-poster bed draped in silk. The air carried a sweet fragrance of roses, creating an atmosphere of romance and opulence.

Chuckling to himself, Otis couldn't help but think this grand bedroom was fit for a princess but why was it in a tower?

If the bedroom truly belonged to Princess Sienna then Rosemane had a weird way of treating their valued princess.

He tiptoed further into the room, careful not to disturb anything. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows across the walls, adding an air of mystery to the scene.

As he explored the room, he noticed a vanity table adorned with an array of cosmetics and jewellery. He couldn't resist the urge to playfully try on the tiara, placing it delicately upon his head. He glanced at his reflection in the mirror and couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. He did like how it made his blue eyes pop though.

"Off with your head... nah nah nah my voice should be more high pitched," he said to himself before clearing his throat and channelling in his inner princess, he repeated, "Off with your head."

Finding it so amusing he laughed at himself.

Otis pitted down the tiara exactly where he found it and surveyed the room, searching for clues to unravel the mystery.

Moving away from the vanity, Otis noticed a balcony overlooking the palace. This was probably the place where the person was standing when King Liam noticed them. He stepped outside to take in the breathtaking view. The sun shone brightly, casting a soft glow over the meticulously manicured hedges and colourful flower beds below in the garden. The distant sound of music and bustling citizens from the wedding festivities reached his ears, reminding him of the purpose of his mission.

Closing the balcony door behind him, Otis returned to the bedroom, his eyes scanning the room for any clues or hidden compartments. He noticed a bookshelf filled with beautifully bound volumes and decided to investigate further. Carefully, he pulled out a book, revealing a hidden compartment behind it.

"Gotcha, no secret is safe with me," he said as he discovered a collection of secret letters tucked away. One was sealed and addressed to Sienna and the other was addressed to Sicilia.

The one addressed to Sienna had its seal broken and the other was still sealed.

With a mixture of trepidation and intrigue, he unfolded the delicate parchment and began to read. The words on the page were written with a mother's love, a bittersweet reminder of a life cut short.

He knew that the Madam of Rosemane had died during childbirth but she only had one child so why were they two letters? Was she expecting twins? Did one die with her mother?

"My dearest Baby Sienna," the letter began, the ink slightly faded with time. "If you are reading this then I haven't had the opportunity to watch you grow. I just want you to know mother loves you. As you grow, remember that you are destined for greatness. Your strength and intelligence will guide you through the darkest of times. Embrace the power within you, my darling, and never forget the love that surrounds you. Keep this pendant with you always. It carries my love."

Qtis was pretty sure that Princess Sienna had read this letter and took out the pendant because of the seal plus the missing pendant.

Turning his attention to the second letter, Qtis noticed the seal was intact and untouched by time. Carefully, he broke the seal, revealing an interesting message within.

My beloved Sicilia," the letter began, the words flowing with a mix of love and regret. "I write this letter in case but given that you are reading it, Mother is sorry. I wished I could see your beautiful face. The world is a dangerous place, and I fear for your safety. But know this, my darling, you are not alone. Within you lies a strength that can conquer any adversity. Keep this pendant with you and it will protect you. I love you very much."

Qtis pulled out the celestial rose necklace. It was a stunning piece of jewellery and it was engraved with the name Sicilia. It seemed Sicilia must have died with their mother during childbirth.

He put everything back where he found it and as he prepared to leave the bedroom, Otis couldn't help but steal one last glance at the lavish surroundings. The room seemed to radiate warmth and elegance.

Looking at it now this room seemed to have belonged to a mature woman before and it might have been her favourite place. With a wistful sigh, he closed the door behind him, leaving the room as silently as he had entered.


Underneath the layers of fabric that concealed her face, Selena's nerves trembled. The priest's voice droned on, emphasizing the sanctity of love and commitment. Yet Selena's thoughts wandered off. She was consumed by the thoughts about how to beg for a painless death when they found out she wasn't the one they had come for. She couldn't help but recall some of the ways people had died at this man's hands and shivered in fear. When the time to exchange vows came Selena's eyes finally met those of King Liam, her soon-to-be husband. His gaze was cold and indifferent like he was being forced to be here.