Repaying a debt

Amidst the chaos fear and determination fueled her legs as she darted through the treacherous forest, desperate to leave behind the impending doom that awaited her in her husband's hands when she reached Lowoak. In her frantic sprint through hanging branches, she heard the relentless pursuit of a barbarian closing in behind her.

Panic-stricken she ran faster but she felt her hope waning. She hadn't had much exercise over the years thus she couldn't outrun a barbarian even if she tried. The forest seemed to grow darker as an abyss of despair swallowed her whole.

Just as the barbarian was about to catch up with her she heard a sudden clash of metal and a guttural cry piercing the night. Selena stumbled to a halt, turning to gaze upon the scene that unfolded before her with trembling eyes.

Amidst the fallen leaves and swirling mist, stood her new husband, King Liam. His regal armour was smeared with dirt and blood, his eyes burning with a fierce determination. In his hand was his sword dripping crimson, evidence of the deadly blow he had just delivered.

Selena crawled back, her breath coming in ragged gasps, as she beheld King Liam's bloodthirsty appearance. The man who once exuded an indifferent aloof air was now consumed by the savagery of battle.

The two of them silently locked eyes for what seemed like an eternity. King Liam silently turned around and left wordlessly leaving behind a confused Selena.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she glanced at the lifeless barbarian lying before her, his blood staining the forest floor. Fear gripped her, but it was not just the fear of the battle that surrounded them. It was the fear of the man she had been forced to marry.

King Liam had left her side, disappearing into the fray. His absence sent a clear message, a silent permission for her to escape if she desired.

Wasn't he the heartless king? Wasn't he the bloodthirsty King who slaughtered an entire city and dined with the corpses of those he killed? Why was he letting her go just like that? Why had he given her this opportunity? It didn't make any sense.

Selena's mind raced with conflicting thoughts. He had just saved her life and it didn't feel right to run away anymore without repaying her debt. As crazy as it might seem her heart wouldn't let her walk away without doing something to repay the debt.

Instead of seizing the chance to flee, she stumbled to her feet and found herself drawn back towards the conflict. Something inside her refused to abandon the man she had married, regardless of how their union had come to be.

Her body trembling she moved cautiously, her eyes scanning the battleground for any sign of King Liam.

When she saw him he was engaged in a fierce duel with a barbarian warrior his sword slashing through flesh like it was nothing. She could see the bloodlust in his eyes like he was in his element. He felt more in place on the battlefield than when he exchanged vows with her in the grand hall.

Selena decided to slip back to the carriage but before she turned in that direction, her eyes widened in horror as she spotted another barbarian sneaking up on King Liam from behind, a deadly axe poised to strike.

At that moment, Selena's instincts took over and without a second thought, she ran over and threw herself between the approaching barbarian and King Liam.

The axe descended, striking her back with a sickening thud. Pain seared through her as her body froze. Her red-rimmed eyes teared up as she fell forward.

King Liam turned and his eyes widened with shock as he witnessed the person he let go sacrifice her life for him. He caught her before she could fall while Conley killed the barbarian. Time seemed to freeze as their gazes locked. He was so confused and angry at the same time.

Mugo chuckled when he saw this heartwarming scene but soon his laughter turned into a painful cough as he held on to the side of his abdomen that had been stabbed through by King Liam.

Blood stained his rugged armour, but instead of anger or pain, a twisted smile spread across his face. With a glint of amusement in his eyes, he watched as King Liam cradled his bride, her back marred by a brutal axe blow.

Chuckling through his laboured breaths, Mugo's voice dripped with mocking amusement as he addressed the bewildered king. "Well, well, Liam... It seems you've made quite the mistake, haven't you? Ahahahaha, that woman in your arms, struck down with such brutality, wasn't the one you were meant to marry."

Mugo's words hung in the air, punctuating the chaos that surrounded them. The clash of swords and the screams of battle formed a haunting backdrop to the bitter irony that played out before them.

King Liam glared at him his gaze murderous. The bruises on her wrists and ankles were enough to tell him that this wasn't Sienna. His grip on his wounded wife tightened as he clenched his sword tightly.

Despite the searing pain coursing through his body, Mugo's laughter echoed through the battlefield. It was a laugh that held no remorse, only the dark triumph of a man who revelled in the chaos he had sown.

He knew he was going to die so why not make the four Kingdoms rebel against King Liam? He was fairly certain King Liam would kill the Lord of Rosemane when he found out that the man betrayed him giving him the wrong bride. In turn, the four kingdoms would overthrow him.

Blood trickled from his lips, staining his teeth crimson as he continued to taunt King Liam. "You see, Liam, destiny can be a cruel mistress. It laughs at our feeble attempts to control it. And now, as you hold your wounded bride, I can't help but wonder if you'll ever be a man and take charge. The Lord of Rosemane had the nerve to swap your bride right under your nose so how could anyone respect your authority after that?"

Mugo's words hung heavy in the air, a bitter reminder of the Lord of Rosemane's betrayal. Liam wasn't stupid. He knew that it was his new father-in-law who had plotted against him.

His chest rising and falling rapidly he swung his sword slashing Mugo's throat. The barbarian fell to his knees his blood seeping down his neck and staining his clothes.