Serene dream

King Liam's momentary surprise suddenly morphed into extensive rage his

eyes blazing with fury as he held Selena in his trembling hands. The axe wound on her back seeped blood, a testament to the brutal attack she had suffered. 'Why didn't she take the chance to leave when he gave it to her?'

These questions repeatedly circled his mind as the dark seed consumed him taking over his rational mind. Dark thoughts clouded his mind, fueling the blackness in his heart to thirst for blood. He gently laid her on the ground, his gaze filled with madness.

His loyal men took a step back, their faces etched with fear and awe, fully aware of the impending storm that was about to be unleashed. The King's body trembled with an anger that seemed unconquerable, consuming him from within.

Rising to his feet, King Liam grasped the Sword of Thanatos tightly in his hand. Its ancient, black blade shimmered ominously, eager to taste the blood of those who dared to harm his queen.

He charged towards the barbarians and in a violent frenzy, King Liam unleashed a merciless onslaught upon the invaders. His movements were swift and lethal, like a wild beast on a rampage. The dark blade sliced effortlessly through flesh and bone, painting a macabre tableau of crimson.

The King's eyes held a ferocious determination as he carved a path through the enemy ranks, leaving a trail of lifeless bodies in his wake. The battlefield became a symphony of screams and the clash of steel, as King Liam's wrath consumed him entirely. The barbarians, once confident and thirsting for blood, now quivered in fear before the relentless fury of the black-hearted King.

Time seemed to stand still as King Liam fought, the black seed tearing his heart to pieces. He desired retribution. With each life he claimed, the darkness within him grew, threatening to consume his very soul.

In the end, the King stood alone, surrounded by the lifeless bodies of his enemies. His chest heaved with exhaustion, his body covered in the evidence of his merciless wrath. The Sword of Thanatos dripped with blood, a chilling reminder of the price he had paid for his vengeance.

As the dust settled, King Liam's gaze fell upon Selena's lifeless form, lying motionless on the ground. The dark seed within him sought out more bloodshed like it wasn't satiated but the longer his gaze lingered on Sienna the more the storm within him calmed.

King Liam knelt before her, his armour drenched in the blood of fallen barbarians. With a steady hand, he sheathed his sword, its metallic clang echoing through the silent battlefield.

His men followed suit, their bodies partially bowed, prepared to carry out the sacred ritual for their fallen queen.

As the king's trembling fingers caressed her pale cheek, his voice quivered with a mixture of despair and a sense of loss. He had just met her but the darkness within him made him care more than he could ever imagine. Incoherent words spilt from his lips in a whisper as he recited the final right.

Yet, as if defying death's cold embrace, her eyes fluttered open, her gasp for air cutting through the tense night air. Liam's heart surged with astonishment but his eyes showed no emotion.

He cradled her fragile form in his arms and under the shroud of darkness, he emerged from the battlefield, carrying her wounded body toward his mother's carriage.

Ava's trusted physician with whom they always travelled with, rushed to her side, his experienced hands swiftly examining her.

King Liam watched, his heart pounding in his chest, as the doctor's brow furrowed with concern. The air seemed to grow heavier, anticipation mingling with the moonlight that laminated the dense forest.

Minutes stretched into an eternity as the physician performed his examination, his expression betraying a mix of confusion and awe. He was trying to figure out how to remove the axe lodged in her body with minimal damage. He couldn't risk anything getting damaged as she was their King's only hope.

Finally, breaking the tension, the doctor's eyes met Liam's and he said, "How is she alive is beyond me. We have to take the axe out but we don't have everything we need here. If we take it out hastily she might bleed out."

"Then let's get everything you need," he ordered his voice imperious.


Selena could barely feel the pain as her eyes fell into complete darkness. She somewhat found herself at peace as she let herself fall into the dark void.

When she opened her eyes she found herself immersed in a dreamlike world, where billowy clouds stretched out endlessly in every direction. As she gazed around, a sense of tranquillity washed over her. It was the same serene feeling she felt when she prepared herself for death the last time.

As she stood there feeling the win in her hair a figure clad in pure white materialized before her, and her heart skipped a beat as she recognised her mother.

A gentle smile graced her face as she reached out, her hand gracefully brushing against her daughter's hair. The touch felt so real, so comforting, that Selena couldn't help but lean into it, seeking solace in the familiar sensation.

Tears welled up in Selena's eyes as she clung to her mother's presence, overwhelmed by a wave of sadness and longing.

"B-baby, you have to go back," her mother's voice broke the silence, tinged with a mix of sorrow and love. Selena's heart sank at the realisation that this encounter was ephemeral, a fleeting moment within the realm of dreams. She shook her head fervently her eyes moist. Wasn't her sacrifice enough?

"No... no no I already suffered enough. Just let me stay," she cried her heart torn to shreds.

Her mother pulled Selena into her arms. "Just remember everything happens for a reason," she said before gently releasing her. A sense of resistance built within Selena, her unwillingness to leave evident on her face. 

She didn't want to leave but there was nothing she could do. The cloud beneath her feet began to dissolve, and Selena felt an invisible force pulling her away.

In a sudden jolt, Selena was ripped from the serene dream and thrust back into the harsh reality of her comatose body lying in a rather comfortable bed. The transition was jarring, and disorienting filling her with a profound sense of loss.

As Selena lay there, her eyes closed, the memory of her dream etched deeply within her consciousness. Tears flowed down her face as her hand covered her eyes. She didn't know what sin she committed in her past life to deserve this.