The secret is exposed

As she lay on her bed, her delicate frame was consumed by silent sobs. The weight of an uncertain future and the pain she carried within seemed too much to bear. Tears streamed down her face, staining the delicate sheets beneath her.

In the midst of her despair, the door to her chamber creaked open. Selena tried to wipe her tears away and hide the fact that she was crying. A maidservant cautiously stepped inside carrying a dish and a cloth, intending to attend to the queen's needs. Startled by the sight of Selena lying awake on the bed, the maidservant dropped the dish in shock, sending it crashing to the floor. Her eyes widened, and she hurriedly fled the room to find the royal physician.

Within moments, the physician burst into the chamber, concern etching deep lines upon his face. He swiftly approached her, carefully setting his medical bag down beside him.

"Your Majesty... pardon my intrusion. I would like to check your condition," he said and Selena nodded her head letting him go ahead. His experienced gaze scanned her body, searching for any signs of deterioration. He pulled the quilt as Selena lay on her side. He checked her wound through the open end of the thin gown she was wearing.

To his astonishment, he discovered that the queen's wounds appeared to be healing at an accelerated pace. It had only been three days since the treacherous attack, when an axe had been plunged into her back, causing her to bleed profusely.

The severity of her injury had initially sparked grave concern among the maidservants and the royal physician himself. It was bad luck for the king to lose his new wife just right after getting married.

As he examined her, the physician's disbelief mingled with a glimmer of hope. The queen's recovery defied all medical expectations. It was as if her body possessed an extraordinary ability.

"Your majesty... You can rest easy," he said before getting up to leave. He passed the maidservants mopping the water off the floor.

"Prepare some soft food for Her Majesty," he said before walking out to look for King Liam and inform him that the queen was awake.

He briskly strode across the castle grounds towards the king's training grounds. As he approached, his eyes widened at the sight before him. King Liam, his brow furrowed with intensity, was engaged in a heated exchange with his trusted right-hand man, Conley. The air crackled with tension, and the physician could sense the aggression and fierceness in their eyes, their blades clashing.

Wary of interrupting the tumultuous scene, the Royal physician glanced around, hoping to find something to distract him from the violent engagement between the two. His gaze fell upon a young man named Otis, who was perched on a stone bench with his legs elevated and crossed at the ankles. Nonchalantly munching on peanuts, Otis wore a mischievous grin as he observed the physical sparring between the king and Conley.

He approached Otis cautiously and leaned in, his voice barely above a whisper. "I have urgent news for his majesty," he said his tone filled with urgency.

Otis, not one to be easily rattled, chuckled softly and shook his head. "Best wait until they're done," he remarked, popping another peanut into his mouth. " You don't want to be the one to interrupt their show otherwise you will be collateral damage." His eyes gleamed with amusement, clearly finding enjoyment in the intense exchange.

Nodding in agreement, the man settled himself on a nearby stone, his gaze shifting between the contentious duo and the young man beside him. Together, they watched their swords clashing, each laden with a weight that threatened to draw blood.

As the minutes ticked by, the physician couldn't help but marvel at the resilience and audacity of Otis. While chaos enveloped the training ground, he remained relaxed, savouring his peanuts as if the world outside this tumultuous bubble was of little consequence.

Eventually, the sparring began to subside, their fire gradually extinguishing. King Liam and Conley, both breathing heavily, took a moment to collect themselves their bodies covered in sweat. One of his servants passed him a handkerchief and King Liam wiped his forehead while asking, "Are you okay?"

Conley exhaled deeply. He wasn't okay. Keeping up with his majesty was really difficult. He almost got slashed several times while they were sparring. "I am good. Thank you, Your Majesty," he said before King Liam patted his arm.

It was then the royal physician seized the opportunity, standing up and stepping forward.

Gently clearing his throat, he addressed the king, his voice carrying a tone of respect. "Your Majesty, forgive the interruption, but I bring news of your wife. She has awakened from her slumber and is recovering well. Her wound is almost fully recovered."

King Liam's expression remained unreadable as he sheathed his sword. Conley and Otis looked at each other their expression questioning the physician's report. They had seen the wound. The barbarian was especially heavy-handed his killing intent intense so she couldn't possibly be fully healed just like that.

"Thank you," he said before saying, "Please, proceed with your report."

As the royal physician relayed the details of the queen's condition, Otis continued to observe the man. He suddenly wanted to see the wound himself with his own two eyes.


Selena stirred in the opulent bedchamber, the morning sunlight filtering through the sheer curtains. After eating she drank the bitter medicine prescribed to her by the physician and fell into a deep sleep.

She only woke up the next day completely alone. As she slowly opened her eyes, she felt a sense of trepidation. Her senses were even more alert than yesterday thus she was more aware of her surroundings.

She moved her leg underneath the quilt anticipating the heavy chain she woke up with every day of her life wrapped around her ankles but she felt something was off.

She pulled the quilt away and found that there was no chain. Both her ankles were free with a faint dark bruise lingering on each ankle.

She pushed her strands of hair away from her face and her fingers trembled when she saw that the silver colour in her hair was fading. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and she almost tripped as she got up. Her legs felt so weak from fear.

Rays of light danced upon the intricate patterns of her satin gown as she strode towards the grandiose mirror that adorned the wall. Her heart skipped a beat as she gazed at her reflection, her eyes widening in disbelief. The vision that greeted her was a cruel reminder of her secret being exposed.

Her once ethereal silver locks, a distinctive feature that set her apart from Sienna, were gradually fading away. The strands of silver, like delicate moonlight, were being replaced by her natural chestnut hue.

Panic coursed through her veins as she realised the inevitable. She knew she would get exposed some day but she didn't think it would be this soon. Her mind raced, her thoughts colliding in a whirlwind of fear and desperation.