What is your name?

"Continue," said King Liam handing her a handkerchief. Selena was a little hesitant to take it but heard him say, "Wipe your snort and tears. It's not a good look," his voice imperious, a big contrast to the gentle touch earlier.

She accepted it and embarrassedly wiped her tears off her cheeks and the snort off her nose. Clutching the handkerchief tightly she said, "Fa-father found out and he... told them to give me medicine. After that, I couldn't speak... I was weak. When I woke up all I remember was being dressed in a wedding gown and led to the grand hall."

Ava frustratedly clutched the armrest of the chaise. She wanted to ask more questions but she was afraid she would lose her temper again.

"Why didn't you say anything when you could finally speak? Before you said your vows you could said something then," she asked her voice tremulous like she was restraining herself from going off on her.

Selena tried to recall the fear she felt at that time. Her father and his subordinates were all staring at her with menacing eyes. She knew what sort of fate awaited her if she dared speak up. It would be a fate worse than death. Her days in the dungeon would be considered bliss when compared to what would come.

She lowered her eyes and whispered, "Because my fate would be worse than death. Dying in the king's hand would be better."

King Liam's brows furrowed as he turned to look at her his hands behind his back.

The weight of her confession hung heavy in the air, casting a suffocating silence over the room.  She nervously clutched the handkerchief, her fingers scratching at its fabric. It was a physical manifestation of her anxiety as she awaited her fate. 

Selena felt numb, disconnected from the world around her. The thought of death loomed in her mind, and she braced herself for the consequences of her father's actions.

King Liam's voice broke the silence. "What is your name?"

Selena was a little puzzled for a moment but she soon realised to them, she was meant to be Sienna.

"Your name," he said again and she stammered,

"Se... Selena."

King Liam was a little confused. Otis had found that the other twin was named Sienna and the other was called Sicilia.

"Who named you?" he suddenly asked and Selena raised her head a little surprised.

"I named myself," she said and Ava felt a sharp ping in her heart. That man was so vile that he didn't even name his own child. In as much as she wanted to vent her anger on Selena she was after all a victim.

"You can leave. Wait outside for further instructions," he commanded. Selena was a little surprised that he didn't draw out the sword of Thanatos and cut her down immediately.

She wasn't willing to stick around for him to change his mind so she quickly got up. Her legs trembled with fear as she rose from her seat, struggling to maintain her balance. King Liam took an instinctive step toward her to help her but he retreated.

She gathered up her strength and carried herself out of the King's study. The heavy wooden door closed behind her and she found herself in the corridor.

"Your Majesty," said Conley having appeared from behind her out of nowhere. With a jolt, she turned around and met his face with a scar running down from his forehead to his cheek.

Her brow furrowed as she studied his scar. She found herself curious to know the story about it but her curiosity was cut short when the man spoke again.

"Please follow Otis to the garden in the meantime," he said and Otis who was leaning against the pillar watching them smirked before performing a playful bow.

"Your majesty," he said his voice spirited but Conley glared at him in warning.

Otis didn't seem to care. He showed her the way to the garden his eyes flickering with excitement. He wanted to know how she managed to heal her wound so fast thus he was more than willing to watch her.

Selena followed him through the elegant corridors of the palace, her footsteps echoing in the silence. Her heart pounded with trepidation, unsure of what awaited her in the future. She didn't want to return to Rosemane and be placed in the cold dark place again. She also knew that if she returned things would be much worse for her. Her father's threat rang clear in her mind. She would rather die than be sent back. 

As they walked, Otis couldn't help but steal glances at her. He was quite curious about her appearance. The silver hair was fading revealing a better-suited chestnut hue.

Finally, they arrived at a grand set of double doors adorned with intricate carvings. Otis gently pushed them open, revealing a breathtaking sight that instantly stole Selena's breath away. It was a garden, a sanctuary of nature's beauty nestled within the palace walls.

The garden was a paradise of vibrant colours and fragrant scents. A crystal-clear pond sparkled under the gentle sunlight, its surface adorned with delicate water lilies that danced upon the water's edge. The air was alive with the sweet fragrance of blooming roses, the soft hues of tulips, daisies, and chrysanthemums painting the landscape in a kaleidoscope of colours.

Dragonflies flitted gracefully overhead, their iridescent wings shimmering in the golden rays of the sun. Selena's eyes widened in wonder as she watched them dart and hover, their ethereal dance adding a touch of magic to the scene.

Amidst the flora, several benches beckoned invitingly, their elegant designs offering respite and tranquillity. Selena found herself drawn towards one, her steps guided by an invisible force. She was so enthralled by the garden's beauty and as she sat down, the worries and burdens that had weighed upon her seemed to momentarily fade away, replaced by a sense of serenity and awe. The garden was stunning and mesmerising to anyone but to Selena, it was like stepping through heavenly gates.

She closed her eyes, allowing the gentle caress of a warm breeze to brush against her face, carrying the subtle fragrance of blossoms. At that moment, Selena found solace in the garden's embrace, a reprieve from the tumultuous events that had led her here.

"Your majesty," called out Otis as he stood beside her.

Selena slowly opened her eyes and looked at him her luscious hair blowing with the wind. He carelessly looked into her eyes and felt an invisible force pulling him towards her that he was unable to extricate himself. Her eyes seemed to glow with an otherworldly power captivating him further.

He cleared his throat as he averted his gaze. He wondered if she was this enchanting then how much more bewitching was Sienna the so-called Cayaline flower of Rosemane.