Shameless bird

Qtis knew if he wanted to keep his life he should probably stop looking at her but those eyes were so charming that it was hard to look away.

He sat on the other side of the garden bench and was about to ask her how she healed so fast when a familiar cry tore through the air, causing Otis to swear under his breath.

His heart skipped a beat as he looked up to see the King's messenger hawk flap its wings violently before perching on the queen's shoulder. The hawk's piercing gaze seemed to be directed at Otis as if guarding her against him. Its talons dug into her skin but she didn't seem to care staring at the majestic bird admiringly.

To Otis's surprise, she smiled happily at the hawk and reached out to touch its feathers. "Hey, it's you again," she murmured, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

Storm, who had always been known for its aloofness, surprisingly allowed Selena's touch without protest. It was a sight that left Otis utterly flabbergasted. That silly bird was just like its owner. Grumpy and terrifying.

Unable to contain his astonishment, Otis finally gathered the courage to speak. "Your Majesty, do you know whose bird this is?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity and concern. Selena, still gently caressing the hawk's feathers, shook her head with a radiant smile.

"No, I don't know," she replied softly. Seeing the sheer joy on her face, Otis decided it was best to keep his knowledge to himself.

After all, revealing the hawk's true owner might shatter the happiness that enveloped her at that moment. He nodded his head as he met Storm's menacing glare. His entire body shivered in fright.


Meanwhile, Ava was dealing with a throbbing head as she sat on the chaise discussing with her son the way forward. She was truly at a loss and didn't know how to fix it.

"What if we return her and demand him to give up Sienna?" she asked but as soon as the idea came out of her mouth she heard how ridiculous it sounded.

King Liam's hand pouring out water from a water pitcher into a cup paused as he glanced back at her. "You would trust someone that conniving to come into our lives?" he asked as he resumed pouring the water into the cup.

He brought it to her and she thanked him before drinking a sip. Liam sat beside her in a nearby chair before continuing.

"Even if she agrees there is no guarantee that she would be interested in helping me," he said rubbing his upper lip with his index finger his gaze staring into nothingness.

"What if she wasn't a part of this? What if her father also forced her?" she asked her desperation and anxiety evident.

"No she actively participated otherwise why would she show up at the wedding and not say anything?" he said and Ava sighed her heart aching for her son. She regretted it so much.

"Then what do we do with Selena? You can divorce her and let the entire five kingdoms know that Rosemane betrayed you," she said unwilling to have this young woman around anymore.

She could sense that Selena would be a problem in the future based on her son's reaction so far. She would be more than willing to give Selena a Lord Duchess title and a house further away from the palace as compensation. Ava could also have her remarry a noble so she wouldn't feel like she was wronged.

She took another sip of water before saying, "We can compensate her very well and get her married to one of the noble sons. That way it won't look like we harmed her. What do yo-."

Her voice abruptly died down when she saw that he was staring at her his gaze unreadable yet it felt like he was glowering straight into her soul.

"No... she is my wife now and that's how it will remain," he said leaving no room for negotiation. When he heard his mother suggest that he felt like a heavy storm was brewing inside of him like she had said the most outrageous thing.

Ava felt her hunch intensify when she heard him say that. Recalling the prophecy she was even more uncomfortable letting Selena anywhere near her son.

"Have you even asked her what she wants? You are only putting her at risk if she stays here," she explained.

King Liam's brows furrowed, his grip on the armrest of his chair tightening. His voice thundering through the room he said, "No... this is not up for discussion. I have already made up my mind about this."

Ava sighed deeply before deciding to visit the old lady later for some advice to get them out of this predicament.

"Fine but you need to make that stupid bastard pay for what he did. I want him to regret the day he was born," she said and King Liam couldn't agree more.

"Oh, I will make sure of it. I will make an example out of him," he said his tone imperious and chilling that even his mother felt shivers down her spine.


"... so it doesn't hurt or anything?" was the sound of a curious Otis' voice across the garden as he watched this shameless bird. He honestly thought someone had replaced Storm and none of them noticed.

Selena was gently touching the bird's feathered head. Storm closed its eyes and leaned into her touch, making a soft, contented noise.

"No, it doesn't hurt. Why?" she asked as she stroked the hawk's head gently, feeling the smoothness of the feathers and the warmth of its body.

Otis tried to ignore this ungodly scene. His Adam's apple bobbed before saying. "It hasn't been five days yet since you got attacked and such wounds don't heal that fast."

Selena's delicate fingers stopped moving her expression a little puzzled. "Isn't that normal? How long do wounds like that take to heal?" She was genuinely confused.

Storm opened its sharp eyes and glared icyly at Otis who was disturbing them.

Otis, "..."

Storm only stopped staring at him when Selena resumed touching it. It seemed to melt under her touch, its eyes closing in relaxation. Selena marvelled at the beauty of the creature, the gracefulness of its movements, and the strength in its wings.