Storm the little traitor

King Liam strolled through the garden, his trusted right-hand man by his side. The sun's gentle rays filtered through the lush foliage, casting a warm glow over the garden. As they walked, their steps came to an abrupt halt, a pause prompted by the sound of contented chirping emanating from King Liam's messenger hawk.

Conley's eyes widened in disbelief. Storm was notorious for being fiercely loyal to the king, never allowing anyone else in the palace to touch it.

Even in the presence of King Liam, the bird maintained an air of aloofness, never showing such vulnerability or relaxation. It was just like its owner always wearing an expression like someone owed it millions. Yet, there it was, shamelessly perched on Selena's shoulder revelling in her touch and attention. It could not be the same bird.

A mixture of shock and consternation washed over Conley as he witnessed Storm's uncharacteristic behaviour. His mind raced, trying to make sense of this unprecedented display. Storm's actions defied everything Conley knew about the bird's temperament and loyalty. While Conley struggled to comprehend the situation, King Liam's expression remained stoic, his face a mask of calm. However, his eyes betrayed a flicker of something fleeting. It was a subtle mix of curiosity, concern, and perhaps even a trace of jealousy. He fixated his gaze upon his shameless bird, stubbornly clinging to Selena.

He stepped forward and when Selena noticed him the smile she had on her face vanished without a trace. Storm was a little dissatisfied when she stopped touching so it glared at the culprit who also happened to be its owner.

"Storm come here," he said and the bird reluctantly flapped its wings before perching on his arm. With his curled finger he gently touched its wing and it rubbed against it.

It was then she knew who this bird belonged to. As though struck by lightening she stood up her complexion pale.

"Go hunting for rabbits with Otis," he said and as though understanding him the hawk took off soaring into the sky. It seemed very excited.

Otis on the other hand was pointing at himself wondering why him. That bird obviously hated him.

King Liam ignored his complaints. He glanced at Selena and commanded, "Follow me," before turning to leave.

Selena's heart raced as she trailed behind him, her steps faltering with trepidation. She kept her head low, eyes fixed on the ground, consumed by a whirlwind of anxious thoughts. What would be her fate? Would she be sent back to her father's oppressive grasp?

Lost in her worries, Selena failed to notice that King Liam had come to a halt. She suddenly collided with his broad back, jolting her senses. She sucked in cold air as she took a step back. It was like bumping into a brick wall. Her hand instinctively touched her forehead as a surge of pain pulsed through her.

King Liam turned towards her. "Walk beside me," he commanded, his gaze lingering on her forehead. His desire to remove her hand and inspect her injury was overwhelming, but he suppressed it.

With her hand still pressed against her forehead, Selena obeyed, stepping closer to King Liam's side. She could feel his presence beside her and was especially sensitive to all his movements.

As they continued walking, Conley following behind happened to notice that they were moving in unison, their steps synchronized as they walked together. They seemed perfect for each other despite the unfortunate circumstances that brought them together.

The air between them crackled with tension, and Selena stole glances at King Liam, trying to decipher his unreadable expression. Unable to contain herself she asked, "Are you going to send me back?" nervously rubbing her fingers against each other. What she wanted to ask was if he was going to execute her or lock her up but the words couldn't come out of her mouth.

King Liam's eyes darkened his piercing gaze burrowing through her skin. His mother's words rang in his ear. What did Selena want? It's not like he didn't know why Sienna threw her sister into the fire. It was because of his bad reputation which most of it was true.

He tightened his grasp on his wrist that was behind his back repressing his emotions as he asked, "Do you want me to send you back?"

Selena raised her head and their gazes locked for a moment. She shook her head fervently while saying, "No... I I don't want to go back." She would rather stay here even as a servant. It was way better than the life she would live if she went back.

King Liam looked satisfied with her answer. If she didn't want to go back then she wanted to stay. The grandeur of the palace surroundings seemed to fade into the background as Selena waited for his response. He was aware of her apprehension but maintained a stoic demeanour.

With his hands concealed behind his back, he guided Selena through the labyrinthine corridors. After a few minutes, they stopped in front of a pair of carved double doors with two guards standing on either side.

"You are dismissed," he said and the two men saluted before they marched away. Their footsteps soon died down and King Liam pushed the door open. He gestured with his hand for her to go in first.

When she entered she was met with a passageway adorned with opulence and grandeur. The plush carpet, woven with intricate patterns of gold and burgundy, caressed their footsteps as they walked.

The furniture lining the passage exuded elegance, with polished mahogany tables adorned with delicate crystal vases filled with fresh flowers. The walls were adorned with ornate tapestries depicting scenes of ancient battles and heroic tales.

As King Liam opened one of the doors, Selena glanced back at the other door. She didn't ask anything as she entered the room. She was suddenly met with a breathtaking sight. The bedroom was a sanctuary of luxury and refinement.

The windows were draped in rich silk fabric, the colour of midnight blue, embroidered with shimmering threads of silver. Lavish carpets, soft and plush, covered the polished marble floor, providing a cushioned path for her weary feet.

In the centre of the room stood a magnificent canopy bed, adorned with billowing white lace curtains that cascaded from the ceiling to the floor. The bedspread was embroidered with intricate patterns of silver and adorned with plush pillows, inviting Selena to sink into its comforts.

Adjacent to the bedroom was a spacious walk-in closet, filled with rows upon rows of exquisite gowns, each more beautiful than the last. The closet was a treasure trove of fashion, with dresses in vibrant hues and delicate fabrics.

A large mirror stood against one wall, reflecting her image as she marvelled at this gorgeous room. Not far from the closet was a study beckoned with shelves upon shelves of books, their spines displaying a wealth of knowledge. The room exuded the scent of aged paper and leather-bound tomes, inviting Selena to lose herself in the world of literature and learning.

Beyond the study, a balcony overlooked a meticulously manicured garden, its vibrant blooms dancing in the gentle breeze. The view was a testament to the beauty that surrounded her, a stark contrast to the stories she read about King Liam.