Food for the vultures

King Liam stood by the doorway, watching her every move. His eyes never strayed from her, carefully observing each change in her expression. This room was designed by his mother for his new wife.

That's because she thought Sienna wouldn't be too comfortable sleeping with her son after tying the knot as this was basically a forced marriage. She had hoped that eventually Liam would win Sienna's heart they would share a bed every night.

But fate had played a cruel hand, revealing that she had been swapped in place of Sienna. His mother no longer wanted them to be in the same room let alone stay in the same wing. She even suggested that Selena sleep on the west side of the palace but Liam refused.

He couldn't bring himself to deny Selena this room. He had made the decision to bring her here, to give her a place of her own within the palace walls.

"You will sleep here from now on. You can redecorate it however you want," Liam declared before he turned to leave. His words hung in the air, overwhelming Selena with emotions she struggled to comprehend.

Confusion etched across her face she finally gathered the courage to voice her thoughts. Her voice trembled as she asked, "Why are you being so nice to me?" Her question hung in the space, echoing with defenselessness.

The King halted his steps, his eyes meeting Selena's. For a moment, silence engulfed the room, heavy with unspoken emotions. He didn't respond to her question as he turned and walked away, leaving Selena standing in the middle of the room, her heart and mind swirling with a whirlwind of emotions.

When the door closed she stood there at a loss unable to fully grasp the reasons behind King Liam's kindness. It was really hard for her to accept. She bit her lip envious of her twin sister. All this belonged to her and she was just living it through a series of unexpected events.

Selena explored her new surroundings, her fingertips gently caressing the luxurious fabrics, her heart filled with a mix of awe and disbelief. She couldn't fathom how the man who had been labelled a bloodthirsty monster could bestow such kindness upon her. It was truly inconceivable.


In the dead of night, the silence of the city was shattered by the thunderous sound of horse hoofs echoing through the streets. The rhythmic pounding filled the air, creating an ominous symphony that reverberated throughout the palace.

Queen Mother Ava stood tall by the window, her regal crown adorned upon her head, as she peered into the darkness below. From her vantage point, she could see everything.

The army, resplendent in their armour, rode out of the city gates with a sense of urgency. The banners of Lowoak billowed violently in the breeze, displaying their sigil with pride as they embarked on a perilous journey towards the kingdom of Rosemane.

Her heart trembled with a mixture of pride and concern as her gaze settled on her son leading the charge, his figure cloaked in a flowing black robe that billowed behind him.

"Christine!" Queen Ava's voice cut through the stillness, beckoning her loyal servant to her side. The maidservant named Christine hastened to her, bowing low before her queen, her eyes filled with both reverence and curiosity.

"Your Grace," Christine spoke, her voice laced with deference.

"By dawn, prepare for us to set off to the mystical forest," Queen Ava commanded, her voice tinged with a hint of urgency. She had made up her mind. She would not sit idly by as her son paid for her mistake. Since she couldn't get Sienna she had to find another solution thus she decided to pay that old woman another visit. Perhaps there would be another solution she forgot to mention. She would pay for it no matter the price.

Christine, though taken aback by the suddenness of the queen's decision, nodded in understanding. "As you command, Your Grace," she replied, her voice carrying concern. She knew the weight that burdened the queen's heart, and she would stand by her side every step of the way.

Queen Ava turned her gaze back to the departing army, her eyes tracing the silhouette of her son amidst the tumultuous sea of warriors.

Liam never planned to let the Lord of Rosemane get away with what he did but when he got the word that that barbarian was in cohorts with his supposed father-in-law he set off for Rosemane as soon as possible.

Not only was he going to punish him for his deceit, but he was going to make an example of him and show the rest of the five kingdoms what would happen if they dared defy him.


In the dimly lit study of the Lord of Rosemane, the air hung heavy with the weight of his worries. The flickering candlelight cast long shadows on the worn wooden walls, mirroring the weariness etched across the Lord's face.

His eyes once filled with vigour, now betrayed the toll that recent events had taken on him.

When he had chosen this path he hadn't anticipated this outcome. He had come to several plausible outcomes when he planned it but this one. This time he had messed up really badly.

As he sat slumped in his chair, lost in a mire of thoughts, a gentle voice pierced through the silence. "Father," his precious daughter called out, her voice infused with concern. She stood by the study door, her presence a beacon of solace in his troubled world.

The Lord's countenance brightened instantly at the sight of her, and he beckoned her over, a weak smile forming on his lips. Sienna glided towards him, her white flowy gown billowing like an ethereal cloud around her. In that moment, she resembled an angel, sent to bring comfort and respite from his torment.

Taking a seat beside him, she delicately began peeling an apple, her hands moving with practised grace. Her eyes, the same shade of glowing embers as her mother's, studied him intently. "Father, what troubles you so?" she asked, her voice soft and filled with genuine concern.

He sighed, his weariness momentarily forgotten as he opened up to her. With each word, his burdens spilt forth, and he confided in her about the news he had received. Mugo, the Gorgon barbarian he had contracted to kill King Liam, had met his demise at the hands of the sword Thanatos, along with his companions. The realisation had shaken him to the core, leaving him adrift in a sea of uncertainty and fear.

Sienna's eyes widened in disbelief but her heart which had been in turmoil for the past days relaxed. She didn't want King Liam to die and as for Selena, she hoped she was long dead and food for the vultures.