Audacious marriage proposal

Out of sheer desperation he sent letters to the Lords of three kingdoms. He could feel in his spine that King Liam was coming for him and he could barely fall asleep for the past few days. Even the soothing herbal tea his daughter got for him didn't help.

All three Lords responded to his calls and they rode overnight to Rosemane. Word had reached their kingdoms a few days ago that the Lord of Rosemane's daughter, the beloved Cayaline flower, Princess Sienna had wedded the black-hearted King, King Liam. They agreed to the clandestine meeting, each lord carrying their own motives and ambitions.

The last of them arrived when it was already dark, the skies cloudy which was highly unusual weather. As they gathered in a hidden hall within the palace, a heavy air of secrecy enveloped the room.

The Lord of Rosemane pushed the door open and entered, his steps heavy. Behind him was Princess Sienna. The sight of her standing there, radiant and resolute, puzzled the assembled lords. She was meant to be married to King Liam, after all, and her presence stirred a mixture of curiosity and concern.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

The sound of a cane striking the ground bounced off the walls drawing everyone's attention. It was the Lord of Plainfang striking the floor with the walking cane. "Isn't she supposed to be in Lowoak serving the devil himself," he said with all eyes fixed on Princess Sienna.

It was then that the truth unravelled, like a tapestry unravelled by an unseen hand. The Lord of Rosemane revealed that he had orchestrated a daring plan, swapping Princess Sienna with her twin sister Selena without King Liam's knowledge. The purpose behind this audacious deception remained shrouded in mystery, but the Lord of Rosemane's desperation hinted at the dire circumstances that compelled him to such extreme. Silence hung heavily in the secret hall, broken only by the flickering candlelight casting eerie shadows upon their faces. The lords exchanged glances, their minds churning with the implications of this unexpected turn.

Prince Elington, the son of the absent Lord of Nicklewolf, stood among the lords, his eyes widened by the revelation. He had been sent in his father's stead. He broke into unrestrained laughter while the Lord of Plainfang stood up his intentions clear. He was about to pack up his things and leave. He just wasn't in the mood to face off with King Liam as he had personally seen what he was capable of.

"Wow, I would have never thought you had the guts to play such a trick on a bloodthirsty killer," said Prince Elington his ribs almost cracking from his laughter.

No wonder they weren't allowed to bring in their attendants when they were brought here. If news spread Rosemane might descend in chaos.

The Lord of Rosemane stood up and pled with him, "Lord Plainfang... please sit. Our relationship is too deep to end by this matter," he said and the Lord of Plainfang's steps halted the underlying meaning of those words clear to him. The reason why they mostly listened to him was because this man was sinister and for years he had gathered back material on them, material that could ruin them. He pressed the tip of his tongue on his cheek and walked back with a humph.

The Lord of Rosemane's gamble had placed them all on a precipice, teetering between salvation and ruin.

"So you have a second daughter that you kept a secret?... Why?" asked the Lord of Darkfallow, his voice a low rumble.

The Lord of Rosemane licked his lips refusing to answer that question but Prince Elington unlike the others had no filter or shame.

He approached Princess Sienna's seat in the secret hall. The flickering candlelight cast a warm glow on her delicate features, enhancing her ethereal beauty that had captivated him for so long. He had always admired her from afar, even going so far as to request an arranged marriage, but her resolute refusal had shattered his hopes.

His mind had been consumed with worry when he heard the news of Sienna's marriage to the infamous King Liam, a man known for his cruelty and tyranny. The thought of her being bound to such a malevolent ruler had devastated him. However, now that he had discovered the truth that Sienna was not married after all, a glimmer of opportunity ignited within him, tempting him to bring up the matter once more.

Taking a deep breath, Prince Elington stopped behind Sienna's seat, his voice laced with a mixture of concern and self-interest. "I have a simple solution for you," he spoke softly, his words hanging in the air. "You know that King Liam is coming back to claim her. Why not marry her to me? In doing so, King Liam won't be able to take someone else's wife."

As his words hung in the air, Prince Elington couldn't resist the urge to reach out and caress Sienna's silky hair, drawn toward her like a moth to a flame.

However, before his hand could make contact, the sound of metal against leather sliced through the air. Sienna's father, drew his sword, his face etched with a warning glare. He was well aware of Prince Elington's sinister deeds in the past years.

It wasn't well known but he knew that he had been taking lovers that resembled his daughter or at least had similar features. He would dye their hair to look exactly like hers and sleep with them. There was no way he was letting his filthy paws touch his daughter.

The sudden interjection startled Prince Elington and his hand froze in mid-air. He took a step back, realising the gravity of the situation and the need to tread carefully. His eyes met Sienna's father's unwavering gaze. He knew his advances would not be tolerated without a fight.

Prince Elington stepped back further, his voice laced with resentment. "I apologise," he said, his tone insincere. "I spoke out of turn. Please forgive my audacity... I can however offer Rosemane my father's entire army in your defense if you let me have her hand. This offer will remain on the table for you to think it through... carefully."

The tension in the secret hall remained heavy, the air thick with unspoken emotions.