Major confrontation

The sun hung low in the sky as King Liam and his mighty army arrived at the gates of Rosemane, their presence tyrannical and terrifying. The air was thick with tension, and the soldiers stood tall, ready for the impending chaos.

Conley stepped forward, his voice resonating through the silence. "Archers, step forward!" he commanded, his tone firm. Armoured figures emerged from the ranks. These men were known for their precision and skill and were infamous throughout the five kingdoms.

With Conley's nod, the archers notched their fiery arrows and took aim at the flags of Lowoak that adorned Rosemane's tall walls. The tension built as the archers released their flaming shots.

Sounds of multiple whistles filled the air before the flags caught fire, creating a wild spectacle of chaos on the city walls. The flames danced in the wind, a symbol of Rosemane's liberation from Lowoak's protection. Gripped with fear some of the soldiers posted at the wall of the city ducked down in fear while others prepared to defend the fort but Lowoak's army wasn't interested in a direct confrontation.

King Liam dismounted his horse, the breeze billowing his cloak like a dark shadow. He had a commanding figure, his features were chiselled and handsome, yet an icy aura surrounded him. The soldiers bowed in reverence as their king prepared to send a message that would reverberate through the very heart of Rosemane.

Drawing his bow with practised ease, King Liam notched three arrows, their flames burning with an eerie green hue. With a graceful release, the arrows soared through the air, leaving trails of emerald fire in their wake. They found their mark on the walls of the castle, a stark message to the Lord of Rosemane that he could no longer hide within the safety of his stone fortress.

As the arrows landed, exploding in vibrant bursts of green flame, the ground trembled beneath the soldiers' feet. The message was clear, and it echoed through the city, reaching the ears of the Lord of Rosemane. King Liam stood tall, his gaze fixed upon the castle, his icy demeanour unwavering.

From here henceforth, Rosemane would no longer be shielded by the walls of Lowoak's protection. The time had come for the Lord of Rosemane to face the consequences of his actions, and King Liam was prepared to meet him head-on.


When word reached his ear the Lord of Rosemane would be lying if he said he wasn't scared. He had been planning for this day well in advance but now that the devil had finally come knocking on his door he was terrified.

While putting on his armour Sienna came running in seeming quite anxious. "Father," she called out her voice brittle like she was going to break down into tears at a moment's notice.

"What are you still doing here? Didn't I tell you to hide in the tunnels? What will you do if he can't be reason with and he breaks into the city walls?" he said fearing that his precious treasure would be snatched by the big bad wolf.

"I want to go with you. What if he hurts you? I won't be able to live with myself," she said putting on an Oscar-worthy performance. She wanted to go with him not because she was afraid he would get butchered by the man who should have been her husband but because she wanted to see King Liam.

"How would I be able to answer your mother in heaven if anything happens to you? Be obedient and go hide," he said his tone almost begging.

Sienna knew what his father would do when he was desperate. He would lock her up and put her under strict supervision if she continued being stubborn. She nodded her head and he felt at ease.

"I will be back before you know it," he said before kissing her forehead affectionately.

When he mounted his horse he found that all of the other lords and Prince Elington were already waiting for him. With their army at the forefront, they marched out of the city gates. Atop the mountain, they could see the intimidating Lowoak army waiting for them.

When they reached the halfway point King Liam pulled his reins and he rode towards the four men with Conely and Otis by his side.

Prince Elington who had never seen King Liam was a little surprised when he pulled down the hood of his cloak revealing a breathtaking face. There was no ugly scar or blind eye as in the rumours. He didn't look like the so-called beast that could eat people whole and spit out their bones.

If anything he looked like the heavens pride carved out by the hands of the gods themselves and given to humans as a gift. In essence, he was the gods' gift to mankind.

"Your Majesty, is this how you treat me after marrying my daughter?" said the Lord of Rosemane his armour glinting defiantly in the dying light. Despite his confidence even he couldn't bring himself to believe his own words.

Conley drew his sword from its scabbard ready to cut out this shameless man's tongue out for his slander.

King Liam raised his hand to stop Conley before turning to his father-in-law. "Not only did you swap my bride but you had the nerve to collude with a disgraced Gorgon general against me. Such treasonous behaviour will not go unpunished," he said and with each word he spoke it sent shivers down their spines. Even their horses were uncomfortable with their hooves digging the soil in agitation.

The bride thing they knew about but the Gorgon general thing they absolutely had no idea.

"Hahaha wow... I should have known the moment you asked us to bring our army with us that there was something fishy. You knew what you had done and wanted to you my men as your body shields. I should have known," said the Lord of Plainfang. Yet again what did he expect from a man who blackmailed his allies?

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. I and my people will accept the consequences for our part in his treasonous actions," he continued to say after getting off his horse and bowing down. He didn't become the Lord of Plainfang after competing with his ten siblings by folding his arms and acting stupid. He knew which thigh to hug and in this instant King Liam was one such thigh.

"Rise...," said King Liam while glaring at the Lord of Rosemane. If looks could kill he would be long dead by now.