More like a beast than a man...

Storm clouds began to gather, mirroring the tension that crackled in the air. Lord Darkfallow, an arrogant and cunning noble, smirked from behind Lord Rosemane. Prince Elington, the young and impressionable son of Lord Nicklewolf, stood beside him, his eyes gleaming with defiance.

They had not yet realised the gravity of their actions, nor understood the price they would pay for their treachery.

With no lack of remorse, Lord Rosemane let out a venomous yell. "How dare you accuse me of betrayal with no evidence? It is you and your ambitions that have forced us into the unification of the five kingdoms reducing us from Kings to Lords. We didn't want this yet you shoved it down our throats just like you shoved that marriage down my throat... Just like the Gorgons you plunder and kill with no restraint. You a the semblance of the devil on earth."

King Liam's expression remained firm, refusing to engage in futile arguments. Instead, his trusted right-hand man, Conely, stepped forward. His voice projected ironclad loyalty and unwavering dedication to the crown. "Lord Rosemane, you conveniently forget the countless years we all faced the common enemy, the Gorgons. It was King Liam who led the battlefront, fearlessly marching with his army at the tender age of twelve. While the rest of you were crippled by the Gorgons, he stood on the battlefield fighting for you to have the peace and prosperity you have today... It was at his majesty's expense!"

Silence hung heavy in the air as Conely's words reverberated. The weight of King Liam's sacrifices and bravery settled upon the hearts of those present. Even Lord Rosemane and his loyal supporters were forced to confront their own shortcomings and pride.

When his mother came begging for help he turned them away and for years each kingdom was torn by the Gorgons and they defended themselves with no unification. This meant that there were more casualties of war.

Lord Darkfallow's face contorted in anger, refusing to acknowledge his faults. "We owe him nothing!" he spat, his voice dripping with disdain.

King Liam, unperturbed, met Lord Darkfallow's gaze with unwavering resolve. "Conley, send men to burn the flags of Lowoak in Darkfallow. Since they don't need the crown to protect them... they can protect themselves."

When he said that the Lord of Darkfallow furrowed his brows slightly his mind in disarray. He hated King Liam so much but he could also recognise what his protection meant for his people but his ego got the best of him.

Conley beckoned a few men over and passed down the command. They immediately turned back to prepare to set off.

"And you Prince Elington? Would you like to sever ties as well? I can emancipate your kingdom right now," he said and Elington tightened his hold on the reins of his horse with a sly grin.

"Your majesty, how could that be? My only issue is with you forcing a young woman to be your wife when you are already a married man. Isn't that despicable?" he said with a sneer.

King Liam's expression remained cold and unyielding. "This is my business with the Lord of Rosemane," he retorted, his voice dripping with arrogance. With a swift motion, he dismounted from his horse, his movements overbearing and domineering. He removed his cloak, revealing a muscular frame that exuded power and menace.

As King Liam drew his sword, the legendary blade of Thanatos, its polished steel shimmered ominously under the dying light. The air crackled with tension as the three men prepared to face the tyrannical king.

The Lord of Rosemane, stepped forward to defend his daughter's honour. Despite being repeatedly suppressed by King Liam's overwhelming strength, he fought with firm resolve. His sword clashed against the king's with a resounding clang, each strike driven by his love for Sienna. She was the only precious thing he had left in this life yet this man wanted to take her away. He couldn't accept that.

With great arrogance, Prince Elington joined the fight alongside the Lord of Darkfallow. He was aware of King Liam's reputation and for years he had trained for this very moment. If he could defeat this tyrant he would be feared throughout the five kingdoms and even Sienna could be in his grip.

Together, they sought to overcome the formidable foe that stood before them. Their swords danced through the air, a symphony of steel against steel, as they fought valiantly against the tyrant.

But even with their combined efforts, King Liam proved to be an unstoppable force. His every movement was fueled by a primal desire for bloodshed, his bloodshot eyes betraying a madness that seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment. The weight of his sword seemed inconsequential as he effortlessly parried their attacks, retaliating with deadly precision.

The battle raged on, the clash of blades echoing through the grassland. Yet, despite their courage and skill, they couldn't suppress the tyrannical beast that was King Liam.

In the face of overwhelming odds, the Lord of Rosemane fought on, his heart aflame with a father's love and a warrior's resolve. Prince Elington and the Lord of Darkfallow matched his determination, their swords flashing with a renewed resolve.

But as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the battlefield into darkness, it became clear that King Liam's lust for power and bloodshed knew no bounds. He stood tall, a figure of relentless savagery, his dominance unchallenged.

Prince Elington and Lord Darkfallow lay in agony, their bodies battered and broken. Their eyes widened with terror as they gazed upon King Liam, his once noble countenance now twisted by darkness, a malevolent aura enveloping him.

Crawling backwards, their strength waning, the two men recoiled in fear, their trembling hands leaving trails of blood on the cold ground.

The Lord of Rosemane, lay motionless on the ground, blood pooling beneath his wounded body. His defiant spirit still burned bright, and with what little strength he had left, he unleashed a torrent of obscenities towards King Liam. But the malevolent ruler remained cold and indifferent, his heart consumed by his hunger for power. He now looked more like a beast than a man.