Another raging episode

Ignoring the rules of honourable combat, the Lord of Rosemane's voice cut through the air, commanding his archers to release their deadly arrows upon him. But during their combat the Lord of Rosemane's men found themselves surrounded by King Liam's relentless army, their escape cut off.

With a voice dripping with disdain, King Liam sneered at his fallen foes, "You deceived the throne, and for that, you have to die." His blade, black as night, descended towards the defenceless Lord of Rosemane, ready to claim another life in his ruthless pursuit of power. The dark seed within him had completely taken control over his heart, mind and soul and its urgency for blood was overwhelming.

But just as the blade was about to pierce through the air, a young woman emerged from the shadows. Her cloak billowed around her, revealing strands of beautiful silver hair, a stark contrast to the darkness that engulfed the grasslands. With a desperate cry, she threw herself in front of the Lord of Rosemane, shielding him from the imminent strike.

Princess Sienna knelt in the vast grassland, tears streaming down her countenance leaving tracks on the smooth skin of her face, and her cheeks and ears were flushed with emotion as she pleaded with him, her voice filled with desperation.

"Your majesty, spare my father and I will go with you."

Time seemed to stand still as the clash of steel was halted. King Liam's eyes widened with surprise, momentarily betraying the cold facade that had become his armour. He looked into those eyes the darkness in him stirring. Her image merged with the image of Selena. His mind raced with ceaseless questions. How could Selena be here when he left her in the confines of his palace?

Seeing that he didn't say anything for a long time while staring at her seemingly dazed her heart stirred but she didn't show it.

"Please, King Liam," she implored, her voice quivering. "Spare my father's life, and I will go with you willingly. I beg you, show mercy."

Her father, weakly raised his hand, stained with his own blood, and gently touched Selena's trembling cheek. His voice, barely a whisper, carried profound love and concern.

"No, my dear Sienna," he rasped, his eyes filled with both pain and determination. "I cannot allow you to sacrifice yourself for me. Your place is here, to carry on our legacy and protect our people."

Sienna turned to face King Liam again. Her full lips were pressed into a tight line, and she bit them gently, a seductive gesture that only served to rouse a man's desire to protect her.

Her long lashes were wet with beads of tears, framing her bright eyes, which were clouded with sadness and despair.

King Liam watched the scene unfold, his face impassive. Finally, he sheathed his sword, his dark eyes revealing a hint of something deeper beneath his hardened exterior. Without uttering a single word, he mounted his horse and set off towards Lowoak.

As the sound of hooves gradually faded into the distance, Princess Sienna's body continued to tremble but this time she was trembling in anger. She had anticipated this very moment ever since she heard he was coming. She secretly yearned for him to carry her and force her to his palace and throw away Selena. But her dream shattered as he rode away, leaving her behind in the grasslands. King Liam left his troops in the care of Conley. He trusted him that much.

His body drenched in crimson he rode throughout the night, his mind consumed by an insidious darkness. His once vibrant eyes, now bloodshot and wild, mirrored the gaze of a beast. Within his chest the dark seed had taken root, exerting its control over his heart and mind. The aura that surrounded him was suffocating, an ominous presence that sends shivers down the spines of those who encountered him.

In the depths of his corrupted thoughts, he obsessively fixated on Selena. His desire to see her override all reason and drove him relentlessly through the night. He rode, his steed galloping tirelessly, as he yearned to gaze upon her face once more. This desire, born from the darkness now engulfed his entire being.

By the time the first rays of dawn peeked over the horizon, King Liam's stallion's hooves resonated through the desolate streets of his kingdom. His startled guards hurried to inform the queen's mother's attendant of their king's return. Their words carried a mixture of concern and disbelief unable to comprehend the fact that King Liam came back alone.

Inside the palace, King Liam made his way through the labyrinthine halls, drawn inexorably to Selena's chambers.

On the other side of the palace, Ava's heart was heavy with apprehension as she listened to the guards' account. Liam had come back by himself and he was having another raging episode. Panic surged through her veins, and without a second thought, she hastened out of her opulent chambers, her silk gown swishing behind her. Her mind raced concerned for her son. 

As she hurried through the ornate corridors of the palace, Ava's steps gradually slowed. She had realised that there was an opportunity here. An opportunity to fulfil the plan she had to save her son.

Selena was a serious obstacle because her son wanted to do the right thing. She knew that when her son was having these episodes his fury could escalate to the point of bloodshed. If Selena was hurt while he was having this episode she would be compelled to divorce him. This would undoubtedly open the doors for Ava to bring in the young woman who would ultimately help him.

But as Ava's conscience wrestled with her desire to save her son, a flicker of humanity remained. She knew her son wouldn't kill or at least hoped that it wouldn't end in tragedy but one might never know. She sincerely hoped for a less violent outcome.

"Retreat " she commanded, her voice trembling with a mix of determination and trepidation. Her servants, taken aback by the abrupt change in orders, exchanged concerned glances. Yet, they knew better than to question the queen mother's decisions. Lowering their heads in submission, they promptly obeyed her command, leaving her standing alone in the corridor.

With a hand pressed against her chest, Ava leaned against the cool marble wall for support. Her heart thudded against her ribcage, torn between conflicting emotions. In a hushed whisper, she murmured a plea to the gods, her voice laced with a peculiar mix of desperation and resignation.

"May the gods be with you... Selena," she whispered, her words hanging in the air like a fragile thread.