First pet

King Liam gazed down at the little thing in her bosom but didn't ask. "Yes," he replied and Selena stood in front of him before taking out the little guy.

"Can I keep it?" she asked and King Liam looked at the chinchilla that was shivering in her hand.

He looked back at her before asking, "Where did you get it from?"

"Storm gave it to me just now," she blurted out and King Liam's eyes flickered with an inexplicable emotion.

He suddenly had an inexplicable urge to mess with her. Taking a step forward he asked, "If I let you keep it... what will I get in return?"

The inexperienced Selena had no idea how his words could considered rogue or indecent to say to a young lady. The rogue king had on a stern facade but internally he was wondering what was wrong with him. This behaviour was unlike him.

Selena's eyes dimmed. What could she have that she could offer him? Everything she had belonged to him.