Queen mother Ava's plan

King Liam's features remained stoic, like a porcelain mask and his icy eyes seemed distant, as if they guarded a secret she would never uncover.

The corners of Selena's mouth faltered as she pursed her lips. She was getting used to the way he looked.

With a hesitant smile she asked, "Would you like to name it?" she asked and his heart stirred as he glanced at the small chinchilla with its eyes squinted like it was about to fall asleep.

"How about Alfie? It sounds Iike a good name," he said and Selena nodded her head. She very much like it.

"It sounds good...Thank you, Your Majesty," she whispered, her voice filled with unspoken emotions.


As the urgent letter from queen mother Ava, arrived at the grand House of Morrigen, Sir Morrigen wasted no time in summoning his diligent servants to prepare for her imminent arrival. The news spread like wildfire throughout the estate, and every corner of the house bustled with anticipation.