"Kill her! If we did not act fast, she will kill all of us, burn the kingdom, and destroy the heavenly universe". King Feoras ordered his men as he watched his daughter's eyes suddenly went close as she groaned in pain with ball flames gathered on her palm.

Red wind surrounded her as her body turned from weak to veiny.

The people who came to grace the occasion and watch their princess get marked as a royale all took to their heels.

"She is from hell! The great spy of the Diabolos". "She is the mate of Mammon!" "She is the bride of Al-Shaytan". "Queen of the dreadful flame!" Murmurs rented in the air as her flame expanded.

The weak lose hope of running, the strong took to their heels as they forget they have children, while the pregnant women groan hard as they felt sharp pain underneath and blood streaming down 'They lost their baby'. Horses took their heels without their masters' permission, and the noble trembled on their spot.

"Kill her!" The rage, and cry of the crowd made it worst, and unbearable for King Feoras.

How can he watch his only daughter kill his people? How can he stand it? He would rather kill her than make his people resent him!

"Kill her!"

He ordered. This time, his voice was louder, and fierce.

"Okay my lord". The chief guard bowed his head before giving orders to his men, who immediately picked up their swords, and put on their spell-casted fur. It helps prevent them from getting burnt, cold, or frightened.

A dangerous smile made its way to Princess Luciana's face as she watched the men surround her with swords and arrow.

"Y-a-s-r-a". Her voice echoed spitefully. More flame balls formed around her as she continously echoed the strange word.

She folded her arms before opening it, it produced more flame which surrounded the men.

"Y-a-s" She paused as her long claw directed a strong ball of flame around her.

"Arrgh". They all screamed as the flame burned them.

'How powerful her flame is. Her flame just destroys the spell that no one in the universe can destroy. Not even the devil can!'

King Feoras's frown got replaced with a mysterious look as he watched his men get burnt right before him. How certain he is not going to get hurt by his daughter?

Even though he resented her, he pitied her a lot. He wished she was never born with this cruel fate. He felt bad for not being the father he had always pictured himself to be.

"Ara, I'm sorry, our daughter will get killed by my sword". With his mind made up, he walked up to his specially assigned sword, and picked it up before casting the spell he had practiced for ages on himself. The spell that will prevent him from facing the fate of his men!

On the other end, the crowd screams were undying.

Nobles cling to their fur as they hold tightly onto it in fear and fright, but that isn't the case for the fearless young man who is seated on the corner edge of the noble space. His long hair is colored golden, his eyes are reddish like hell, his lip is tempting just as his look is alluring.

"Won't you run for your 'dear' life?" A fragile lady who is dressed in a maid uniform uttered.

She is strange to him. She is the only maid standing in this ball and yet finds it convenient. How odd!

"Can the devil be afraid of his flame?" His question sent chills down her spine as many thoughts accumulated in her head.

"Why are you still standing? Do you want to die?" The young man asked furthermore as he stared at the fearless lady who amused him.

His voice sounds cool, and calm, yet dangerous!

Heaving a sigh, tiny tears streamed down from her eyes. "She is like a daughter to me, and I will gladly die by her side".

Her response made him burst into faint laughter. How foolish and funny it sounds to him. If parents could leave their children, and servants could run away from their masters in times of trouble, what then is the fate of a fragile maid who decides to sacrifice herself? 'Not like I have anything to do about it.'

"Arrgh". He felt a sharp pain in his chest. The first time in his life he felt that way after he learned how to use his power.

Only one person possesses the power to do so, and that is Princess Luciana!

"Is she summoning for my help with a heartstring?" He asked himself as he imagined how the weak-looking lady knew how to do that. It took him two eclipse moons to be able to do that after hard lessons.

Meanwhile, after King Feoras casted the spell on himself, he walked up to his daughter, who was already weak.

Her balls are gone, and her flame is deeming down with blood gushing out from her eyes, nostrils, mouth, and skin. How painful it is for her!

"Father". Weakly, she managed to call out as tears streamed down her face.

"F-a-t-h-e-r. Please don't kill me. I…" Her voice went null as she felt every bone in her body breaking, her heart blacking out and her eyes going blind.

After so much staring at his daughter, he summoned some courage to destroy her instead of destroying the world because of his selfish interest.

Ignoring her pleas, the pain she felt and how miserable she already was, he lifted his sword, about to cut off her neck when he felt someone holding his sword with a smoky flame which began to melt the sword afterward.

Only one person can stop his sacred sword, 'Mammon'. The owner of hell!

"Diabolos?" In appel, he asked with shivers in-between his lip as he stared at the young man with teary eyes.

No one dares the devil and gets away with it—'That has always been the rule!'

"How dare you hurt her? How dare you touch what is mine? How dare you make her go through excruciating pain?" His voice echoed fiercely with rage-filled as he raised his flame about to hurt the king but felt a soft touch.

It's Luciana's touch. She held him softly with blood streaming down from her eyes.

"Don't kill him"