"Are you Diabolos?" She asked with a shiver in between her lips. Did her father make a deal with the devil? Did he sell her to the devil even when he knew who the strange man was?

"Yes. My lady." He replied coldly.

'How can he be so cold? Isn't the Devil beasty with horns? Isn't the devil ugly? But why is he handsome? Is he really the devil, or is he just lying?'

The sudden speed of the horse brought her from her thoughts as they headed to the palace. The kingdom is indeed the biggest among the kingdoms in the continent.

It houses magnificent buildings. Small buildings are rare, unlike her kingdom, where almost everybody apart from nobles builds small houses. The farms and animals add to the beauty of the land. The scent of flowers, honey, milk extracts, and sweet fluid, makes her crave for them.

The kingdom is indeed exactly the way it was described in books.

"Greetings, Prince Dasya". The guards all went on their knees with their swords falling to the ground as the gate of the magnificent castle went open.

Her face went red from the blush. She isn't used to all these greetings, and formality.

The horse slowed down as Prince Dasya rode it to the horse house.

'Wow'. The word escaped from her small lip. The beauty of the house, and its size, is ten–fold her father's horse house. The house consists of more black horses, a few brown horses and only two white horses, including the one they just rode in. "His family must be wealthy to own about hundreds of horses".

"It is mine". His words made her eyes roll in their sockets. Is he joking? Even the richest merchant in Madid can never own a horse house that is big as this. Though she is not sure of her father's horse house because she had never been opportune to.

"Oh." That was the only word she managed to utter before walking in with his hand firmly holding hers.

She felt like she was going to fall, but she had to hold it in to avoid mockery from those glaring at her.

"She is the new bride?" "Did he just take her hand in?" "Did he just touch a lady?" "She is not even scared of him?" The murmurs immediately died down as he walked past them.

Who wants to lose his or her throat to the Devil's sword? Does the devil get tired of staring at blood? Does the devil think twice before slaying?

"My Lord. King Zaley seeks your presence". One of his guards bowed as he relayed the message from the king.

Even if he despised his father, he couldn't stand disrespecting him, and he will never stoop to do that.

"Okay". With a simple response, he walked through the main hall which leads to the king's hall with Luciana, whose heart felt like cutting away at each step she took on the high ground.

"Are you scared?" Noticing her body movements, he asked, even if it was obvious she was scared.

"No... Not at all". She replied hastily, even though her hair is rough, she still looked cute. She packed her gown up, which seemed burnt in some parts.

"It's obvious". She felt his touch on her as he lifted her up after echoing his words. He always does what he wishes, and wants— she already has a reason to like him.

"Pull me down. I'm not a baby". She muttered shyly, but he remained adamant and silent until they arrived at a small hall.

The ulterior of the hall is decorated with white lily flowers, and the fragrances from them are so wonderful that she felt like inhaling it until she passed away.

Walking into the inner building, her heart skipped for some seconds at how magnificent the hall was. Is it the flower decorated around the walls? Table and chair sets? The incredible color? The bright ray of sun reflection from the window? The beautiful paintings?

"Ahem". The sound of a slight cough made her jotted back from her overwhelming thought as her gaze narrowed down to the table set.

Five members were seated with food in the middle of the table, their faces were all hard as they stared at both of them.

"Please come, and have your seat". A woman dressed in a beautifully designed silver-colored gown which was embedded with a black petal design, her hair permed and a flower pinned in between each side, uttered slowly.

"Thank you". She immediately pulled Dasya's hand as they took the seat at the right angle.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" King Zaley asked.

Before Luciana could answer, Prince Dasya already did. "She is Princess Luciana". His voice sounded hard, and filled with contempt.

"Which kingdom are you from?" A young man who sat beside the queen asked. He looks older than Dasya, he is the first son of Zaley and the crown prince of Bel—Hir.

"You have no right to know. King Zaley, are you done? Is this why you called me?" With anger in his eyes, he asked with rage burning through him.

Even his father feared him! Did he want to get burned alive? Did he want to get slayed?

"No... I apologize for the inconvenience". He paused.

The king's words made Luciana's eyes roll from her husband to the king. 'Is he really the king? Why fear his son? Why?'

"Then why did you order for my presence!" He asked as his hand slammed on the table, making the table break.

"Dasya! Have you lost your manners?" A young lady who is obviously the same age as Dasya asked.

She is pretty, unlike her mother. She is dressed in a cheap silk gown, with her hair falling on her shoulder.

"Taliya! Do you want to lose your tongue? Do you think you are talking to your elder brother? Do you think you are in your chamber or your brothers, and mother's chamber?" Every word from him sounds like a fire that burns Luciana's heart. All she could do was stare at him, and his family, she dared not interfere in family issues— that is how she was taught.

"How dare you drag me, and my son, into this conversation?" The queen asked angrily.

The only people silent were the king, Luciana, and a young man seated pathetically as he watches his elders…

Holding his chest, and using the remaining energy in him to stop the unbearable quarrel among his family, he yelled. "Will you just stop!"

Dasya turned to face his father. "You started it!" This time, the anger in him made his eyes turn into a burning flame as he formed a small ball of flame with his hand.

Even though she did not know anything about the devil, she read it in a book— the devil can burn down the universe in a second.

Watching Dasya form those balls, made her immediately stand up. "Dasya, please don't do it. Please". Without being scared or afraid of being burnt, she held his dress tightly. How can she sit down and watch her husband's injury expand?

More blood gushes down from Dasya's injured hand as she holds his dress tightly with her tiny tears pouring on it.