Each step Lucian took, she felt like she was going to fall down, but her hand was holding her gown tightly for support. She wouldn't even like to see herself fall, nor wish to make a fuss on their first meeting.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you want to go back?" Maid Tani asked as she noticed Luciana. Her trembling hands, and shivering body made it obvious, but the lower level maids dare not sneeze, did they wish for death?

"Oh. I am totally okay. I'm just nervous because it's our first meeting". Summoning the courage in her, she dropped her hand off her gown before walking through the hall that led to the location of the events.

Her face immediately went pale as her eyes caught up with pretty ladies, but Taliyah stood them up.

"Greetings my ladies". She bowed before walking up to them. They are no doubt about their 'beauties' because it can never be compared with hers.

Her eyes can't take off Princess Taliyah's body. She really looks pretty with her hair falling to one corner of her shoulders. Her dress is one of the rare ones, and it really looks perfect on her. Her taste in dress and styles is entirely different from others.

"She really looks pretty". The word echoed in her head. She immediately takes her eyes from Taliyah whose gaze is already on her.

"You are not bad either". Taliyah's words made her swallow hard as she played with her finger.

The other princess' chuckles made her turn towards them. They are gorgeous, each of them has different hairstyles and dresses. 'Their husband is really trying. Come to think of it, whose prince are they married to?'

"I am crown princess Chila". The voice of a beautiful lady grabbed her attention. She is gorgeous but never a match for 'Taliyah'. Her rainbow colored hair to match to her eyes isn't an exemption to her beauty. She is indeed the epitome of beauty!

"I am princess Luciana, my lady". She uttered with her head up and gaze fully at her.

"She has some guts" "She dares look at princess Chila right in the eyes?" "Who the hell is she?" "Did her husband give her the guts to get on high-class nerves?"

Murmurs about her immediately filled the hall, which made her uncomfortable. How can she not look her fellow princess right in the eyes? Is she some damn god? Who cares if she is the crown princess!

"You fools! Do you think I will kneel before your so-called princess? Did I come here to beg? Just the same way her father sold her off to the crown prince, is how everyone was sold to their husband!" Her loud voice hit everyone's ears.

This is the first time anyone will insult her! How dare this fragile lady! Who did she think she was just insulting!? Does she know the repercussions of what she just did?

Chila, who couldn't stand Luciana's words, walked up to her, and raised her hand to slap her. In amusement, she felt someone hold her hand.

In fear, she raised her gaze only to grace Dasya hands firmly holding hers. "I know you won't dare to play with my fire, princess Chila".

After uttering his words, he let go of her hand before raising his gaze up to his pretty wife. Her beauty is indeed unmatched. "Why are you here?"

"That question is supposed to be directed to me because it is an order to every royal household, and your wife is not an exception!" Taliyah uttered with her voice raised. How can he be acting strange when he knew it was the tradition of this kingdom for princesses to show their talents to the supreme.

"To hell with royal commandment! Tell your mother to gather her 'typical folks' to entertain her". His vigorous voice hit their heavy hearts.

He is indeed fearless, just as the rumors portrayed him. "My prince, please don't do this here. I want to grace this event and I expect a yes as an answer". How can he deny his wife's first request in the crowd? Will he just embarrass her, and make her hate him?

He has no choice but to grant her request. "You can do whatever you want, but watching anyone touch you is what I can't stand".

Yes, they heard it clearly. Did they know each other before coming to the palace?— that is the sudden question that popped up in their heads.

"Yes. I will". She said with a faint smile as she cuddled his hand gently. Their actions really amused everyone.

"I think the guests will be here soon". The voice of Taliyah made them walk up to their various assigned seats.

Each word of his is like water. It always wet her heart and sent shivers into her. 'It is the first time she is feeling this way'.

As the crown prince walked in, everyone greeted. "Greetings your highness". Everyone bowed their heads, including nobles, princes from other kingdoms, the princesses and Taliyah too. Except for only three people who refused to bow their heads for him— his younger brother, Luciana and Dasya. 'Maybe she doesn't know the traditions and customs of this kingdom!'

"Prince Zale, come present a welcoming speech for the guest". Prince Dryan instructed his brother, whose face immediately went pale after hearing his brother's instructions.

"I'm sorry, I can't". His brother, prince Zale, echoed after walking up to the front, assigned position for the presenter.

"How dare you! Guards take him for torture!"

He has done this several times, but that does not stop Zale from being who he is.

"Stop torturing yourself and face reality. When you adhere to the truth, then I will see you as my brother". Zale muttered slowly.

He so much hates his brother, just as his brother wished he never existed.

"He has a cough and sore throat. That's the reason he can't present the speech". Luciana said hastily as she walked up to them. "What about 'I read it?" She asked as she immediately took the slip from him.

"What is wrong with you? Do you think you can read it? Do you know the penalty for not reading it? How will I be able to save you from this mess you brought yourself into?" Dasya, who watched from where he sat, asked himself. He already knew the trouble Luciana just caused.