"Perfect timing. If she fails to read it, she will be in trouble, and if she successfully reads it, she will be in trouble for lying before the crown prince". A faint smile made its way to the corner of his lip as he watched the young lady open the first page.

He was amused by how fluently she can read. Everyone was too because no one apart from the royal family can read their natives.

"I am done". She stretched back the booklet about to go, but guards surrounded her. "Are there any more books to read?"

"Take her to the torture room! She connived with him to make a fool of me with him. He taught her how to read so that they will be able to save each other's skin after embarrassing the king". His words made her burst into sudden laughter. 'She is really fearless'

"You are indeed fooled. You are the one who fooled yourself. Look who you made your crown prince". Without caring what awaits her, she echoed loudly. Luciana isn't the type to hide her opinion even though it will cost her life— not like her life matters.

"She is right. We are having an important event, but you are stopping it. Aren't you really fooling yourself because of the childish words from your brother? Did you take children's words to heart? Are you such a softie?" Dasya's voice made the crowd tremble as they went silent. Who will risk his life for mere words? Not even the king can stop his wrath!

"Dasya!" Clenching his teeth, he is left with no option other than to ignore what happened so as not to taint his name or deny his legitimacy.

"I think the event can begin, right?" Dasya asked Taliyah, who felt like tearing him through her glare.

"Yes". "We will begin with crown princess Chila". Taliyah uttered.

It is obvious, she is calling them out through rankings, and levels.

"..." She swayed her perfect body which left everyone 'wow'. Zale, and Luciana aren't exempt from the reaction.

This is the first time watching a person dance. She truly enjoys the dance, and felt like dancing, but it wasn't her time. Besides, she is poor at dancing.

Hails filled the air as they hailed her for her wonderful dance. Her dancing this year has really improved compared to last year.

"Princess Aara. You are the next on the list". She called a lady whose hair was falling off her shoulder too. Her silver-colored hair in match to her dress made her different among others.

She picked up her sword, which she demonstrated very well. Her sword demonstration left a pain In Luciana's heart. 'Those who were killed by the sword would end up getting killed by the sword '.

"You did an incredible job, Aara". Taliyah complimented before calling up on the others.

Among the princesses seated, the last lady looked more gorgeous. She was dressed in a gown that matched her slim body. She has darker skin compared to Luciana.

"Greetings''. The naive lady bowed before losing her hair, which was two times longer than how it fell to her shoulders. "I am gifted with the ability to deceive humans". She muttered as she explained how she made an illusion of herself with long hair, which they didn't realize.

"Princess Amira, you really have a great talent". Taliyah uttered before turning her gaze to Luciana. "Princess Luciana, it's your turn". Taliyah's voice brought her back to reality as she realized she wasn't with her flute. How will she show those princesses that she is also talented?

"What are you waiting for?" Taliyah's question made her walk forward. She wished she listened to her husband, and returned home, she wouldn't have gotten herself into this mess.

She stared sternly at the crowd as she hoped to get a flute, but there weren't any. 'Let me try using my hairpin'. She thought before taking off her pin. Her first move made everyone uproar. What is she trying to do?

"She is crazy!" "How can she blow her hairpin in place of a flute?" "Does she have no shame?"

Another round of murmurs filled the hall, but immediately died down as they heard the sneeze of Princess Taliyah.

"..." The sound from the hairpin is so melodious that it could erase sadness from one's heart. Not even the greatest flute player in Bel-Hir can defend her.

"You are indeed talented". Taliyah said as she eyed her. 'It looks like she is gaining more enemies at every opportunity they have to pull her down '.

The occasion continued for a while as food was lavish and different wine with ladies who flirted with nobles.

Soon the princesses walked out of the hall after Taliyah, Zale, and Dryan headed out.

"What about we dance before going to our room?" She asked Dasya whose eyes were sparkling under the shining moonlight. The light ray from the window made it obvious how bright the light outside was.

"Should we?" Prince Dasya asked as he walked up to Luciana, whose face beamed with a smile. Her tempting lips wasn't even helping, just as her perfect body is seducing.

"Hmm". Nodding her head, she took his hand as she moved her body towards the left while he moved his body towards the right direction. 'It's really fun dancing with someone'.

She had always wished to attend the dancing hall, and dance in groups, here it is happening. Each of her wishes seems to be happening unexpectedly.

"Why not go stare at the moonlight? Are you not bored by the movement of just our bodies?" Luciana asked as he watched his naive wife smile while nodding her head.

He really felt pity for her. She must have lived her life so hard that she felt she was safe with everyone. He has no choice rather than to remain her husband. Of course, what did he expect her to do if he just walked up to her and ranted about 'saving her when her father almost killed her, and journeyed to his kingdom for thirty days without food or water.' Does it make any sense?

"Why this look?" She asked as she placed her hand on his broad chest. "Is your heart fluttering for your new wife? Is it love?". She asked him with her red blushing face staring at his hard face. 'Is Azirin's love story going to happen to me too?'