'Only if you know how much I despised every human, you wouldn't talk about me loving you. I hate love! My purpose of bringing you here is to use, and discard you when you become useless'.

"I am beginning to like you too. Don't feel shy, okay?" Her voice brought him from his thoughts.

This is the first time he felt this way; he has never been guilty of everything he does. He kills, and burns thousands of men alive but never felt this way, why her?

"Oh. Let's go watch the stars and play like a baby under the moonlight". He can't imagine himself saying that loudly. He really missed those lonely days; the days he will play all by himself under the moonlight, who wanted to play with him? No one wants their child to get hurt.

"Okay. Let go". Her melodious voice echoed before she took his hand.

They walked out of the hall, and headed to a beautiful place. It was decorated with flowers, a small river made the place more beautiful under the blue shining moonlight, and the sparkling stars.

"This is where I used to play when I was little". His words made her smile.

''Life is so sweet, and nice to him. I envy him". Luciana bit her lower lips at her thought.

"I wish I was like you. Too bad I have no chance to have a glimpse of this wonderful view. Living my life in a dark room is so hard for me". She uttered as she cleaned the tears from her eyes. She really wished she wouldn't remember what happened to her or talk about it.

"You are new. You are no more the confined princess anymore. You are the wife of Dasya". His words brighten her face. This was the first time someone will give her a hope to be alive, and she wished the hope wouldn't fade away.

"If someone is new, won't they be given a new name?" She asked with a soft chuckle. She really wants a name from him. She wants him to always call her, and stay by her side. "What about Anthia?" Just by mentioning the name made her heart flutter, she loved the name.

"Why did you name me that?" She asked with a smile and curiosity in her eyes. She wants to know the reason he gave her that name.

"Because you are my beautiful flower. A flower that can never wither. A flower that blooms on land, mountains, desert, fire, and my heart's. You are the flower that rises from my hell". She really loved his reasons. His eyes state how sincere he is about the name. 'He loves me'. She giggled before hugging him.

"Why not blow me a flute as an appreciation for your new name?" He asked Luciana, who was overwhelmed about her new name. How won't she? She now sees herself as a new person with a new life!

"I did not have one, and I lost my pin". She muttered happily. The smile on her face says it all— today is the happiest day in her life.

"What about using this?" He stretched over a beautiful flute to her.

She smiled before collecting the flute. She arranged her gown before sitting down on a rock-like seat.

"..." The sound from her flute made his heart calm, it made him feel like he had full control over his body. It made him feel like he was human. Her voice made him secure that he wished never to move one meter away from her.

She added more sounds to her flute with her teary eyes closed.

The wind, which blew her hair, made Dasya yawn to touch her.

The movement of her dark brown hair in the air is worth staring at. 'She is really an angel. All thanks to the false prophecy, I am able to have her as mine'. He might sound greedy, but he has been thrilled ever since he met her. She is indeed his healer!

"I think we should stop now. My throat is sour, and I might die from the pain". She uttered as the flute in her hand fell down. Her face immediately went pale, and her neck region began to swallow as it made 'breathing' hard for her. "Luciana, please hang in".

He immediately lifted dying Luciana on his arm as he rushed out. The thought of losing her now is what bothers him. Isn't it too mysterious to lose everything that is his?

"Dasya, if I did not make it, please always remember me. I, Anthia will always be with you even in death". Those were her last words before passing out.


"What are we going to do now?" Dryan asked his mother, who sat gently with her hand cuddling the toddler-like cup on her table.

"Mother, will you not say anything?" Dryan's voice echoed again. This time, it was loud, and fierce.

"I won't! Aren't you a man? Why should I keep allowing you to rest on my shoulder?" Taking a sip from her red lemon tea, she asked.

"But you started it all! If you did not start it, I would have lived like every other happy man of my age. But no! You pushed me into it and I have gone too far to turn back". With desperation in his voice, his eyes piercing through that of his mother, he said.

"I regret ever having a son like you. You aren't smart, you are just good for nothing! Why can't you just be like him? Why?!" She paused as she saw her son's reaction towards her words. "We will have to kill the king to make you the king".

Her words made his legs tremble. Did his mother not know the grief of what she was about to do? "Mother?"

"Did you want to lose the throne to him? Do you not know how hard we have worked to come this way? Don't you know how much we have loosed to come this far? Will you just let it get into the mud, all because of something unreasonable?" Aro asked her son, whose confidence is already lost.

The fear of getting banished with his leg crippled, stoned to death, death by hanging and the mock he will receive from people— is what he can't stand, but does he have a choice in a situation like this?