"My Lord, I'm uncertain if Lady Luciana will be able to wake up". Physician Koi echoed after he took the reading of her pulse.

According to the result, her health isn't improving, her heart is getting worse, and her energy isn't flowing.

On-hearing Koi words, he asked hastily. "What did you mean?" He glared at Luciana who was looking, then at Koi who placed a wet leaf on her forehead.

"Her flow of energy is blocked, her heart isn't improving". Koi replied before he took his leave.

Dasya has no choice, rather than to stare at her with the thought of 'losing hope'. 'Luciana, if you do not wake up, who will give me the freedom that I seek? Who will erase my pain? Will my year's wish just end?'

The sound of Luciana sneezing made him turn to face.

"Luciana". As if his undying prayer were answered, he took her hands as he immediately called out her name.

Gently, she stood up. "What is wrong with me? Why am I looking odd?" She asked loudly as she stared at her skin then at Dasya who called her name overwhelmingly.

"Don't stress yourself by making noise. Just go take your bath, and let's see the moonlight together". His sweet voice made her stand up from the mattress with his assistant.

Luciana, who was happy about going to see the bright moon, and tell Dasya a series of stories under the moonlight, which was her favorite, ignored the pain she was feeling as she immediately walked into Dasya bathroom.

In no time, she was done with bathing.

"You are done bathing?" Dasya, who was amused at how hasty she was, asked.

"Take your eyes off me! Don't you dare stare at me like that!" She yelled at Dasya whose gaze was glued on her wet body.

"I will, my lady". His response made her giggle as she watched him close his eyes after he lay on the mattress.

"He is so lovely". She echoed inwardly before she turned her gaze to her maid, who was making her hair. "Just braid my hair".

Her request made the maid pause. How can a princess want her hair braid? Is she not aware that only the maid is allowed to braid their hair? "My lady, you can't have your hair in a braid".

The words made her chuckle, "who are you to tell me what I want, and what I don't want?" She asked with her fist balled.

Luciana isn't the type to get angry easily, but she easily goes crazy over what she wants, and what she doesn't want.

"My lady, only maids are identified with braids, and you will be seen as one of us if your hair is braided". The maid, who was already trembling, bowed her head as she echoed.

"My Lord, your attention is needed in the elder of council". The voice of a masculine man dressed in a soldier robe, woke Dasya who was fast asleep, and also distracted Luciana.

Dasya who already knew there was trouble, but what is it? Why the sudden need for his presence?

He knew the elder of council would only send for him if he needed to be punished. They aren't concerned with what he has to say or proving his innocence— that is how it had been since he was young.

"Okay". His single word held so much power in it, as his eyes immediately brightened with curiosity.

"My Lord, what is wrong with you?" Luciana, who had been staring at him, asked.

She has never seen him look this silent, and pale.

"What is wrong?" After waiting for a while without getting a response, she asked loudly.

"Luciana, this isn't time for questions, the council requires my presence, and I'm also curious". Dasya, who immediately put on his royal robes, echoed after he took her little hand.

'Will it be like her first day in the palace?' She just couldn't think as the only thought that flooded in her mind was her first day in the palace!

"Dasya, please come back without getting any injury. Make sure they don't hurt you, and don't hurt them too. Can you promise me that?" Her lip parted as she asked with tears clustered in her ocean blue eyes.

"I give you my words". He let go of her hand before he headed out.

"I don't understand why I have bad feelings. I hate this family for not liking him. He isn't a bad person". She said inwardly before she walked back to her maid who was making her hair.

She took her seat, and cleaned her eyes before she instructed the maid to remake her hair. "I will love my hair touching my bare shoulder".

The only person she wants to see how beautiful she looks in braids is not here, and there isn't a need for that.

To Luciana, she is a servant to him. A servant who won his heart because she has never, for once, considered herself to be a princess.

"You look beautiful. I wish my hair were half as long as yours". The maid complemented after she combed Luciana's soft wavy hair.

"Thank you. I am envious of your pretty eyes and short hair". Her words made her maid chuckle.

After a short while of laughter, Luciana walked up to her dress box. She picked out a golden colored dress with a touch of gray design, which she put on.

"I am going to watch the moonlight and sing alone for the first time in my life". The smile on her light face stated how happy she was.

"I wish to follow you, my lady". Maid Tani said with her gaze on the ground.

"No need for that. Nothing will eat me up." She chuckled before she walked out.


All gazes were fixed on Dasya, who walked slowly with his knuckle crackled. "Why did you send for me?" Dasya loud voice echoed with curiosity filled in his eyes.

"What else will you be sent here for?" Dryan asked irritatingly.

Dryan knew this was the best opportunity to get rid of his half brother, and won't miss the opportunity.

"Elders, why did you send for me?" Ignoring Dryan, he asked again with his voice a bit low.

He knows everyone wants him to get punished for what he is innocent of, but will he go against his words? What will Luciana think of a man who can't fulfil his promise?

"Why did you poison King Zayley, The king of Bel-Hir?!"