She hissed as she removed the hair that flew to her face before she ran after Luciana, who was already running.

In no time, she caught up with Luciana, who was already tired, and weak.

"I get you". She raised the knife about to stab Luciana, but got held by a masculine hand.

In fright, she gently let go of the knife as she raised her head, only to grace Dasya holding her hand tightly with a frown on his face.

"…" Luciana, whose heart was beating fast as if it were going to burst out, blinked her eyes as she glared at Dasya.

Dasya's eyes were already turning dark red, his claws almost coming out as he lost control over his body, his flame almost dominating his eyes.

"Dasya, please don't hurt her. Please". Without caring if he would hurt her, she gently stood up before she held his hand tightly.

"Please don't hurt her". She kept muttering those words as tears rolled down from her eyes.

She glared at Dasya, who was struggling to get back to his senses, and at Aara, who was shivering with her face already wet from tears.

Fortunately, Dasya felt his claws going back as the temperature began to cool with his mind coming back to normal.

'How did this happen?' He asked himself as he felt his body cold, and his sense back to normal.

This was the first time he felt this way. It's either he kills to get back to his senses or satisfies his inner urge, he would never get back to normal, no matter the amount of crying, and pleading.

"You are back to your senses!" In excitement, she hugged him tightly.

Dasya pulled Luciana away from his body before he walked up to Aara, who stood up about to go.

He chuckled softly before he punched her on the stomach, making her groan as she placed her hand on her stomach.

"Dasya what have you done?" Luciana asked loudly before she rushed up to Aara, who was crying with her hands holding her stomach.

"What!?" She exclaimed, staring at Aara who was bleeding, she bent over to her. "Are you okay?" She asked her.

"Get your cruel hands off me! I can't believe your husband killed my son! My baby!" Tears cascaded Aara's face as she uttered those words, her heart shattered.

"Look at what you have caused!" She yelled as she pointed over to Aara, who was crying loudly.

Dasya did not feel remorse nor did he feel pity for her. To him, she deserved every bit of what she was facing. How dare she try to hurt his wife? Even his inner beast will never stand Luciana getting hurt.

"I can't watch you get hurt! Can't you see she was about to kill you? Don't you think she deserves what she is facing right now?" He asked sadly as he felt stupid for saving the ungrateful lady standing before him.

Luciana chuckled at Dasya questions before she gave him a response. "Why did you call me Anthia if I can't survive in a hot, cold, fire, mountains, anywhere?"

"Why did you think hurting others for my sake will make me feel better? If you were there when I felt hurt, how many people would you burn? How many people will you kill?" She continued to taunt him with her questions as she let those tears that clustered her eyes to pour down freely.

Luciana isn't the lady who loves the idea of revenge or hurting others to prevent herself from getting hurt, instead, she believes in repentance.

Repentance is the only reason that made her keep waiting for her father. That was the only reason that made her here.

"That was the reason I don't want you to get hurt anymore! I hate seeing you get hurt! It hurt me!" With that, he stormed out of the garden.

'He is mad at me when I'm the one who is supposed to. He did not even feel sorry for hurting her, and her unborn child'. She muttered to herself before she walked up to Aara who was already lying unconsciously.

"Aara! Aara!" She called out her name loudly, but got no response.

"Can't you see she is unconscious?" Amira, who had been watching, and laughing at the couple, said after she walked up to her.

Luciana immediately faced Amira. In amusement, she asked. "She is alive, right?"

"Instead of making noise, carry her to the medicine house, or you won't only kill a child, but his mother". Amira's words made her feel pathetic, and angry at herself.

If only she didn't dress up, she wouldn't have any reason to be here in the first place, talk more of making Dasya kill a child, and hurting Aara.

"Please assist me in carrying her". She pleaded.

"I can't. The blood will stain me". Amira bluntly refuses with a faint smile on her innocent face.

"Will this do?" Luciana tore the middle part of the gown which she so much cherished, and could sacrifice all her gowns to save it.

Amira nodded her head before she took the torn part of the dress to cover Aara before she lifted her to her back afterward.

"You are so strong". Luciana complimented as they arrived at the medicine house in no time.

They patiently waited for Minister Koi who was away for a while.

"Luciana, I will leave you here because it is dusty here, and I might pass out due to the excess dust". Amira, who stood up about to go, echoed slowly.

Luciana immediately took her hand off Aara before she walked up to Amira, who was a few steps away from her.

"Thank you".

"You don't need to thank me when this is just the start". Amira's words left her confused, and stunned as she watched her walk away.

'What did she mean? What is the beginning?' She asked herself before she walked back to Aara.

"My lady, you sent for me". Minister Koi, who was panting hard, echoed softly.

"Where have you been, and why are you panting?" She asked.
