
"No need to explain! Just make sure she is alright, and the baby is okay". This is the first time her voice sounded commanding, and pleading at the same time.

Tears cascaded her eyes as she watched Aara who was looking pale, then to her gown which she just tore.

She so much cherished this gown to the extent that she preferred getting injured than letting this gown tear or stain.

"Okay, My lady". Koi bowed his head before he walked up to Aara.

Gently, he placed his hand on her neck before he read her pulse. Her pulse is weak, and she lost much blood as well.

"My lady, it will take time for her to wake up". Koi, who already walked up to Luciana, bowed as he echoed every word with his body shivering.

"Is she going to wake up? Will she be alright?" A faint smile made it way to her face as she asked curiously.

"Yes she will".

The positive responses made her happy. "What about the baby?" She asked after a brief moment of silent.

"She lost the baby". Koi replied sadly.

Without wasting a second in the medicine house, she immediately stormed out.

'Dasya, you killed her innocent child! What am I going to do?' She asked herself as the incident replayed in her head.

She felt like running away from him, and never step her legs into the castle, but can she? Will she prefer staying in the dark, and creeping room? Will her father accept her back?


"Dasya, why did you do it? Why didn't you control your anger?" Zale, who saw him walk angrily into his chamber, inquired about what happened.

After he heard what happened, he felt disappointed, and anxious at the same time.

"I don't know what is wrong with me". Dasya uttered with his hands on his head as he rough his hair.

Slowly, Zale took a few steps closer to Dasya before he placed his hand on Dasya shoulder. "Dasya, what is happening to you? Did you lose it again?"

"I lost it. My claws were almost out, my body temperature became hurt, and I suddenly wished to sip her blood." Dasya muttered, confused as he recalled how he began to lose control, and how his inner beast stopped without having what it wanted.

"How can that happen when it isn't full red moon?" In awe, Zale asked.

"I'm utterly confused, just as you are. I don't know what is happening to me". He paused. "That demon will never stop midway until it takes whatever it wants, I don't know how it stops, and what was the reason it stopped".

"Brother, it alright. I will make sure I do everything to help you out of this mess". Zale hugged Dasya warmly.

"Zale, please don't do anything. Just focus on getting married, and living happily with your wife". His words made Zale to angrily push him.

"I hate everything about you! You hate receiving help, and that is the reason you kept getting hurt! That is the reason you are facing this cruel fate! Can't you just oppose all this? Is all those years of sufferings not enough?" Zale asked as he remembered how adamant Dasya had always been.

Even at a young age, he will endure all the pains, and stay quiet without asking for anyone's help.

He hated his brother for that, and always wished he would one day say something, and fight for himself.

"Am I suffering? How can a monster like me not suffer? Who wants to help the devil without being afraid he might burn them?" Dasya asked as he let those tears he managed to hold back to stream down his face.

"Dasya, we shouldn't be talking about this! We should be talking about what we are going to do!" His soft voice sounded more like a yell, as he persuaded Dasya with a frown, and sad look.

"What am I going to do other than just face the consequences of murdering someone". Dasya echoed with a bright smile on the corner of his lips.

"Dasya, this is Dryan, and Aro plan to pull you down, and make you accept the fact that you killed our father". Zale said sadly, as he badly wanted him to ruin their plan, and reveal the truth.

"What else can I do? Who will believe me if I say I stopped her from protecting Luciana? Who will believe my claws come out during the daylight? Do you think Aro will make anyone listen to me without a witness?" His gaze glued on Zale, who was staring blankly at him, he echoed slowly.

"Dasya, what we need is a witness". Zale paused, and swallowed the lump in his throat before he continued. "Luciana was there, she saw what transpired between both you, and Aara".

"I will never drag Luciana into this!" "I think conversation is over!" With that, he opened the door only to see Luciana standing with her hand folded on her chest, and her gown tore.

"Luciana, what happened to you? Are you hurt?" He asked, about to touch her, but she took his hands off her body.

She eyed him before she walked into the room.

"Zale, I will stand as the witness".


"Mother, it's going as planned". Dryan muttered as he served his mother's favorite tea into her toddler cup.

Gently, Aro raised the cup to her mouth, and inhaled the fragrance from it before she sipped it in. "You did an impressive job, but…"

"But what?" Dryan asked hastily with curiosity in his voice.

Aro chuckled as he took his gaze from the tea then to Dryan, "My son, you said I started it. I stop what I started, and leave you to face how hard it was for me."

"Mother, what did you mean? What are you talking about?" His plain questions increased her cruel laughter which filled the room.

"How did you feel, loosing a son to keep the throne? How did you feel, hurting your wife to have the throne? How did you feel, backstabbing your father to have the throne? How did you feel, deceiving your sister to do your bidding? Do you finally feel what I felt?.."