"How did you feel, loosing a son to keep the throne? How did you feel, hurting your wife to have the throne? How did you feel, backstabbing your father to have the throne? How did you feel, deceiving your sister to do your bidding? Do you finally feel what I felt?.." As Aro glared at him, she asked with a dangerous, yet calm facial expression on her face.

"Mother! Did you intentionally do this to get back at me? Uh?" Finding it hard to believe, he raised his brow as he asked with sadness in his tone.

Dryan, who was amused at his mother's words, could do nothing rather than just stare at her in awe, and agony. He did not expect his mother to do this to him, rather did he expect her to smile when she just lost her grandchild.

It's not the first time losing his child, but this isn't like the others. It's the son he spent years yawning for!

"I guess you finally how it felt to see your child die by your hands. Your children suffer because of your greed, I guess you are feeling that too?" Every word she uttered felt sword that wield Dryan hearts.

After some seconds of questioning Dryan, she walked out of her son's chamber.

"Argh!" He gritted his teeth, his hand roughing his hair as he lamented.


"Zale, I will stand as the witness". Her sweet voice echoed.

Her words made both Zale, and Dasya to stare at each other in amazement.

"Did you mean it?" Zale immediately took his gaze off Dasya, whose mouth went agape, before he asked her.

Luciana smiled brightly as she nodded her head deliberately like a child. She did not know why, she felt miserable, and happy at the same time.

She felt happy for rendering help to Dasya even though she knew it will put her in trouble, and Miserable for being the cause of what happened.

If only she didn't annoy Aara, there wouldn't have been this trouble, neither will Aara son die.

"Why did you want to help me?" Dasya asked bluntly, even though he knew she would ignore him.

"That should be my problem, and not yours! Besides, I'm not helping you, I'm just a witness". Her response made him burst into loud laughter.

"Why are you laughing? What is funny?" She asked shyly as she felt a bit embarrassed at his reaction towards what she said.

"I'm laughing at how stupid you are! You think I will come running after you with my knee on the ground apologizing, right?" His question made her heart skipped.

"Das… Das..." She stuttered as she watched him stormed out of his chamber.

'Is he mad at me? What did I do wrong? Why isn't he allowing me to clean the mess I caused? Why! Why is everyone avoiding me!' Tears streamed down her eyes as she couldn't think of anything asides crying over how hard, and frustrated it was for her.

"He was right! I, Luciana, is stupid! I'm stupid for marrying a man like him! I'm stupid for allowing my cruel father to use me!" She uttered loudly before she ran out of his chamber.


"Amira, how is it going?" Dryan, who was moody since his mother walked out of his chamber.

He had never seen his mother, or consider her to be a person, who will hurt him.

"Aara is fine, your son is dead, but she will lost her memory as we planned". Amira words made his face brighten with a smile.

"She won't be able to remember anything that happened that day, and Dasya will have no witness to stand for him". He muttered after he took away the tea cup from his mouth level.

Slowly, he turned to face Amira, who was looking beautiful in her royal robes and jewelries.

"I think we already won. I can't wait for that old man to die" He chuckled in excitement as the thought of giving Dasya a disgraceful death made him happy.

"You are not supposed to be happy when you aren't certain if those old foggy will support us after what happened". Glaring at him, she paused.

"What should I do? Who won't believe us when we have everything to make him the murderer". He asked bluntly.

He knew Amira will come up with something worth their time.

"What about bribing them? Do you think they will dare to backstab us after what they did the previous time?"

Dryan let out a deep sigh before he could utter. "Amira, I will never give them my gift! I will never make a mistake twice!"

His responses made her chuckled at how naive he was.

"Dryan, if we did not act fast, did you think they wouldn't side Dasya? Oh, I forgot. What about Luciana? What are you going to do about her? Did you think the council won't believe her?" She asked with her eyes staring sternly at Dryan, who was lost in his thoughts.

"What are you going to do about her, and the elders?" Her loud question made him jerked off his thought.

Pretentiously, he raised his head to glare at her with confusion on his facial expression. "What did you suggest? What should we do about Luciana? Should we kill her?"

"Why should we kill her when she is of many uses? Have you forgotten that she is the weapon we can use to bring Dasya down?" She paused. Amira hesitated before she continued. "Ten Marvel stones is enough to feed them for one Full Luna! What about we gave them ten each?"

"Ten?" His eyes blinked at the number he just heard her say.

He had worked for about ten years for the Marvel, and now he's giving them to those old fools!

"Anything about that? Anyway, you would gain a triple of it when you become a king". Amira said softly, about to go, but his grip made her halt.

"Why did you stop me?" She asked after waiting for him to say something, but didn't hear him utter a word.

"How will you make her side us? Did you think it will work?!" He asked curiously, as the thought of how hard it might be to make Luciana backstab Dasya when she is the reason he did that.

"Don't ask too many questions, it's exhausting! Just watch me lure her!"